How Do I Calculate the Natural Frequency and Time Elapsed for a Gas Compressor?

This helps other students find what they are looking for. Good luck with your coursework! In summary, a student is struggling with a Mechanical Principles module in their Computer and Electronic System Engineering program. They seek confirmation for their answers to a question about a diaphragm type gas compressor supported by 4 parallel springs and guidance on creating an amplitude-time graph. The student is advised on the correct mathematical equations and reminded to consider the type of motion and context when creating the graph. It is suggested for the student to make separate threads for each new question.
  • #1
I hope I am posting in the right place. I am a 1st year University student. Although I am undertaking a BSc in Computer and Electronic System Engineering I have a Mechanical Principles module which I am finding a little bit of a struggle.

Mechanical Principles - Dynamics:

a) A diaphragm type gas compressor of mass 235 kg is supported by 4 springs which are arranged in parallel. The springs each have stiffnesses of 40 kN/m, 40 kN/m, 45 kN/m and 45 kN/m respectively. Determine:

i) the total stiffness of the spring system in N/m;

ii) the natural frequency of free vibration of the machine in Hz;

iii) the time elapsed after 5 cycles of free vibration, and show this on an amplitude-time graph.Answer
i) KT = 2K1+2K2
KT=170x103 N/m
i.e KT=170 kN/m
(It askes for the answer in N/m so should I still take it to kN/m or stop at N/m?)

ii) fn=1/2πK/m=ωn/2π
=4.2 Hz

iii) T=1/fn=1/4.2=0.24s for 1 cycle 1.2 for 5 cycles

I am looking for confirmation that I am on the right track with my answers and any guidance offered on making an amplitude-time graph. It really is much appreciated.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
Renni202 said:
i) KT = 2K1+2K2
KT=170x103 N/m
i.e KT=170 kN/m
(It askes for the answer in N/m so should I still take it to kN/m or stop at N/m?)
It won't make any difference so long as you have the answer they wanted.
The question expected you to add up the kN values and they were making sure you knew what that meant.

ii) fn=1/2πK/m=ωn/2π
=4.2 Hz
It looks like you applied an equation without understanding it.
That is not best practice. However, this will get you the marks.
You should include a note in words to make your math clear - like commenting code.

iii) T=1/fn=1/4.2=0.24s for 1 cycle 1.2 for 5 cycles

I am looking for confirmation that I am on the right track with my answers and any guidance offered on making an amplitude-time graph. It really is much appreciated.

If you understood the relations you probably wouldn't need the confirmation, or you'd be able to do your own.

What sort of motion is this going to be?
From your knowledge of this sort of motion, how does the amplitude of the oscillations vary with time?

Note: do they want amplitude vs time, or the displacement of the machine (from equilibrium) vs time?
  • #3
Thank you Simon,

So thumbs up for part (i) YAY!

ii) ωn/2π = 26.8/2π=4.2 Hz I think I did miss out a step because my first answer was 42. I checked with a rad/s to Hz converter which gave me 4.2653524797 (I should actually round up to 4.3 I guess) To match the answer I used 26.8/6.283185 and assumed there was something going on with my calculator.

iii) The graph is going to be an up and down wave like form (I think). Each cycle should have a wave. Although I was unsure how high or low it should go. It confused me slightly because it was written... Amplitude - time graph not amplitude vs time or displacement. Am I being silly and not reading it correctly?

I have just realized the time here in the UK so I might need to pick this up tomorrow. Thank you again. Your reply has already given me a boost in confidence.
  • #4
I don't look at arithmetic so if you bunged in the wrong numbers...

$$f=\frac{\omega}{2\pi} = \frac{1}{2\pi} \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} = \frac{1}{T}$$ 42 is, of course, the Ultimate Answer ... the 4.2 coming out suggests you misplaced a factor of 100.

Also see:

The natural frequency is what it would oscillate at without any damping or driving.
i.e. Simple Harmonic Motion.

In Simple Harmonic Motion, the amplitude is a constant over time.
If the vertical displacement from equilibrium is at time t is y(t), then

##y(t)=A\cos(\omega t+\delta)##

the amplitude is ##A##.

See how an A vs t graph would just be flat? So the distinction is important.

There are two ways this can be not what they mean:
1. they actually mean you to sketch a y vs t graph (likely).
2. the context is not simple harmonic motion -
...i.e. there may be damping so the amplitude decays exponentially with time.

You should be able to sketch a sine wave.
In one period, you get one peak and one trough.
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  • #5
I had the image of a sine wave in my head but was not sure exactly what I was looking for. Your a star thank you. I have a couple of other questions I plan on working through tomorrow. Will it be ok to add them to this post? (Same subject. Same coursework sheet.)
  • #6
No worries.
It is best to make a separate thread for each new question.

FAQ: How Do I Calculate the Natural Frequency and Time Elapsed for a Gas Compressor?

1. What is the difference between kinetics and dynamics?

Kinetics is the study of motion and the forces that cause it, while dynamics is the study of the causes of motion, including the forces and torques that cause changes in motion.

2. How do Newton's laws of motion apply to mechanical principles?

Newton's laws of motion form the basis of mechanical principles in dynamics. The first law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. The second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. The third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. These laws are essential in understanding the motion of objects in mechanical systems.

3. What is the role of friction in mechanical systems?

Friction is a force that resists the motion of objects in contact. In mechanical systems, friction can be both beneficial and detrimental. For example, friction between a car's tires and the road allows for better traction and control, but friction in the moving parts of a machine can cause wear and reduce efficiency. Understanding how friction affects a system is crucial in designing and optimizing mechanical systems.

4. Can you explain the concept of inertia in dynamics?

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. This property is described by Newton's first law of motion. In mechanical systems, inertia can be seen in the resistance of objects to changes in their velocity or direction. For example, a heavy object will require more force to move or change its direction than a lighter object due to its greater inertia.

5. How do forces and torques affect the equilibrium of a system?

Forces and torques can either be balanced or unbalanced in a system. When they are balanced, the system is in equilibrium, meaning there is no net force or torque acting on it. However, when forces and torques are unbalanced, the system will experience a change in its motion. Understanding the relationship between forces, torques, and equilibrium is crucial in analyzing and designing stable mechanical systems.
