How do I connect a variable capacitor to an inductor in a crystal radio circuit?

In summary, connecting a variable capacitor to an inductor in a crystal radio circuit involves wiring the two components in parallel, with one end of the capacitor connected to one end of the inductor and the other end of the capacitor connected to the other end of the inductor. This allows for the tuning of the radio frequency by adjusting the capacitance of the capacitor, which affects the resonance frequency of the circuit. It is important to use a variable capacitor with a high enough capacitance range to cover the desired frequency range for the crystal radio.
  • #1
Typical VC:

I have that guy there or one very similar. My question is how does one hook this up to the inductor? Forget, for now, the rest of the circuit. How do these two piece fit together?

The bottom feet (there are two on each side) I assume take the positive terminal of the inductor and the ground gets soldered to the chassis of the variable capacitor? Then would I connect any power source the same way? Positive to a free foot and negative to the chassis? Or would I hook up the positive to one side of the inductor and negative to the other side? And then to get output from the circuit what would I do?

I've watched a ton of videos and they all neglect how to wire these two guys together.


Crystal radio diagram:
Engineering news on
  • #2
There are a number of connection points on each side of the capacitor.

To make a parallel tuned circuit, the inductor has to go across the capacitor. The actual point of connection is mostly related to convenience.

You could have one side of the inductor and one side of the capacitor grounded because then the two would be joined together.

You would not normally put a power source directly across a variable capacitor.
  • #3
I'm not sure if this world is intentionally obtuse or what.

Very clearly the inductor goes across the VC. This is clear. What I don't know is how. You say it's a matter of convenience. So I can connect any old way?

I can connect the inductor across the feet, neglecting the VC chassis completely.

I can connect the inductor solely to the chassis of the VC, ignoring the feet connections.

I can connect the inductor from the feet to the chassis.

Now that I've gone out of my way to enumerate the possibilities which is correct? Likely that they're all not correct. And again, once this part is correct what does the output look like? Where is it connected?
  • #4
None of those is correct.

The capacitor has two sets of plates. One set is stationary and the other set is movable,

The movable set is connected to the body of the the capacitor and also to the feet. So, one end of the inductor can connect to any of these.

The other end of the inductor has to connect to the stationary plates of the capacitor which are the top ones in the picture in the first post.
  • #5
Your first link is begin flagged as a known malicious website by my Norton antivirus.
Can you attach the image directly?
  • #6

The stationary plates appear connected to the feet via soldering. The wood serves to isolate the stationary metal from the chassis which appears to connect to the moving piece via the bronze looking rod. So we're clear.
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  • #8
Looks good. So for future reference it looks like any of the feet will do for your positive terminal and the chassis will do as your negative (ground) terminal.

FAQ: How do I connect a variable capacitor to an inductor in a crystal radio circuit?

1. What is a variable capacitor circuit?

A variable capacitor circuit is a type of electronic circuit that uses a variable capacitor component to change the amount of capacitance in the circuit. This allows for the adjustment of the circuit's frequency, voltage, or signal strength.

2. How does a variable capacitor work?

A variable capacitor works by changing the distance between two conductive plates, which alters the capacitance. When the plates are closer together, the capacitance increases, and when they are farther apart, it decreases. This change in capacitance affects the flow of current in the circuit.

3. What are the applications of variable capacitor circuitry?

Variable capacitor circuitry is commonly used in radio frequency (RF) circuits, such as in radios, televisions, and communication devices. It is also used in electronic tuning circuits, filters, and oscillators.

4. How do you select the right variable capacitor for a circuit?

The right variable capacitor for a circuit depends on the specific requirements of the circuit, such as the desired frequency range, voltage, and capacitance range. It is important to consider the type of variable capacitor (e.g. air, ceramic, or electrolytic), its size, and its maximum capacitance and voltage ratings.

5. What are the advantages of using variable capacitor circuitry?

Variable capacitor circuitry offers several advantages, including the ability to fine-tune circuit parameters for optimal performance, increased flexibility in circuit design, and cost-effectiveness. It also allows for easy adjustment of the circuit without the need for additional components.
