How do I determine the appropriate drag force equation for my problem?

In summary, for an object thrown up in the air with drag present, the force balance equation can be integrated by multiplying both sides by dv/dt. The drag force is a function of velocity, with a drag coefficient that can be measured or calculated for laminar flow. For this problem, it is best to model drag as kv2 rather than bv, as the latter only works for small velocities.
  • #1
i have an object thrown up in the air with drag present.

i want to know how much time it takes to reach the peak ie when v=0


basically, i don't know which one to use for drag, I've seen bv being used before in problems, and I've also seen kv2 being used before in problems. which one do i use for this problem and when/how do i know when to use which one?

for this problem, if it's bv i can definitely do the problem. but if it's kv2, i don't know how to pursue the problem. for the above equation i gave, if it's kv2, then i can put acceleration in terms of t like dv/dt. but then when i move the RHS over to the right by dividing, i cannot do the integral because i do not have an extra v term in the numerator.
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  • #2
In reality, drag is proportional to the square of velocity (##D = C_D \frac{1}{2}\rho v^2 S##), but is sometimes modeled as being proportional to the velocity so that you get a linear ODE instead of a nonlinear ODE.

If you choose to model drag as ##D \propto v^2##, the easiest way is probably to consider a numerical approach.
  • #3
so in other words, it sounds like i can use bv OR kv^2 depending on whatever form helps me to solve the problem right? since b and k are just stuffed up constants?
  • #4
Well, no. The correct model is ##kv^2##; modeling the drag as ##bv## is a simplification that only works for small velocities. It's also generally used in introductory mechanics problems.

It sounds like you have some freedom with your model. What are you trying to accomplish?
  • #5
iScience said:
i have an object thrown up in the air with drag present.

i want to know how much time it takes to reach the peak ie when v=0


basically, i don't know which one to use for drag, I've seen bv being used before in problems, and I've also seen kv2 being used before in problems. which one do i use for this problem and when/how do i know when to use which one?

for this problem, if it's bv i can definitely do the problem. but if it's kv2, i don't know how to pursue the problem. for the above equation i gave, if it's kv2, then i can put acceleration in terms of t like dv/dt. but then when i move the RHS over to the right by dividing, i cannot do the integral because i do not have an extra v term in the numerator.

You get an integral of the form

$$ \int_0^v \frac{dw}{1 - \kappa^2 w^2}, $$

which can be done by partial fractions:

$$ \frac{1}{1-\kappa^2 w^2} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{1}{1+\kappa w} + \frac{1}{1-\kappa w} \right).$$

These partial fractions integrate as certain logs.
  • #6
jhae2.718 said:
Well, no. The correct model is ##kv^2##; modeling the drag as ##bv## is a simplification that only works for small velocities. It's also generally used in introductory mechanics problems.

It sounds like you have some freedom with your model. What are you trying to accomplish?

small velocities? actually i thought it was only proportional to v when the object itself had a small cross sectional area.
  • #7
iScience said:
i have an object thrown up in the air with drag present.

i want to know how much time it takes to reach the peak ie when v=0


basically, i don't know which one to use for drag, I've seen bv being used before in problems, and I've also seen kv2 being used before in problems. which one do i use for this problem and when/how do i know when to use which one?

for this problem, if it's bv i can definitely do the problem. but if it's kv2, i don't know how to pursue the problem. for the above equation i gave, if it's kv2, then i can put acceleration in terms of t like dv/dt. but then when i move the RHS over to the right by dividing, i cannot do the integral because i do not have an extra v term in the numerator.
There is a trick to integrating the force balance equation. Multiply both sides of the equation by dv/dt. You will end up with all three terms which are exact derivatives that can be integrated immediately.

Regarding the drag force on an object, in practice it is not proportional to either v or v2. The drag coefficient is a function of the velocity that needs to be measured. However, as implied by jhae2.718, in the limit of very low velocities, the drag coefficient is inversely proportional to the velocity. In this limit (laminar flow), the constant of proportionality can be measured or calculated using fluid mechanics.

FAQ: How do I determine the appropriate drag force equation for my problem?

1. What is drag force?

Drag force is a force that acts opposite to the direction of an object's motion through a fluid, such as air or water. It is caused by the friction between the fluid and the surface of the object.

2. What is the equation for drag force?

The equation for drag force is Fd = bv or Fd = kv2, where b is the drag coefficient, v is the velocity of the object, and k is a constant.

3. How does the drag coefficient affect the drag force?

The drag coefficient, represented by b in the equation, is a measure of how streamlined an object is. A higher drag coefficient means that the object experiences more drag force. Therefore, the drag force is directly proportional to the drag coefficient.

4. What is the difference between bv and kv^2 in the drag force equation?

The terms bv and kv2 represent two different types of drag force. Bv is known as linear drag, which increases linearly with the velocity of the object. Kv2, on the other hand, is known as quadratic drag, which increases exponentially with the velocity of the object. The type of drag force depends on the shape and size of the object, as well as the properties of the fluid it is moving through.

5. How can drag force be reduced?

There are several ways to reduce drag force on an object, such as streamlining the shape of the object, reducing the surface area, and using materials with lower drag coefficients. Additionally, reducing the speed or velocity of the object can also decrease the amount of drag force experienced.
