How do I find helpful resources for understanding linear algebra concepts?

In summary, the conversation discusses the struggles of understanding abstract concepts such as nullity, bases, and spans in the context of linear algebra. The participants recommend using web resources and books to gain a better understanding of these concepts, and explain that linear algebra involves operations with vectors and matrices. They also mention the importance of finding a basis, which is a set of independent vectors that span a given space, in order to determine the dimension of a space. Additionally, they mention the relationship between the null space and the solution set of an equation AX=B, and how the dimensions of these spaces can affect the solvability of the equation.
  • #1
Hello everyone,
I am currently taking an introductory course in linear algebra. I am beginning to struggle with concepts like nullity, bases, spans, etc, and my college book is not helping. These are concepts that are very abstract to me. Could you guys point out web resources or books that could be helpful?
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  • #2
if you google free linear algebra books you will find a lot of them.. there is even one or two or thre on my web page.

Basically linear algebra is about objects "vectors" that can be added and scaled by numbers, and operations that take sums to sums and scale vectors to vectors scaled by the same number.

All su8ch linear operations (in finite dimensiopnal spaces) can be represented as a` type of multiplication, which is a sequence of dot products, so that the operation acts like

X goes to AX, for some "matrix" A of numbers,

then we want to know when the equation AX = B can be solved for X, and if so how many solutioins there are.the basic result is that this depends on counting dimensions.

I.e. the fundamental theorems says that if the "null space" is the solutions of AX=0,

then the space of B's that can be solved for has dimension = the dimension of the X's minus the dimension of the nullspace.

So if we are looking at an operation X goes to AX, where the X's have dimension 9 and the B's have dimension 5, and the null space has dimension 4, then in fact every B can be solved for in the equation AX=B.
A sequence of vectors v1,...,vr in the null space say, "spans that null space, if every vector in the nullspace can be written in terms of these guys using just addition and scaling.If also no one of the vj can be written in terms of the other vi's, then the sequence v1,...,vr is "independent" and the dimension of the null space it spans is equal to the number of these guys, i.e. to r.So to fimd dimensions of spaces you find an independent spanning set, called a "basis" and then count the number of vectors in it.To obtain such a basis you try to find a spanning set and then eliminate dependent vectors from it. This can be done with numerical vector by a mechanical process called gauss elimination.If the space of B's has dimension 8 say, and the spoace of X's has dimension 10 say, then the null space of those X's with AX=0 must have dimension at least 2. If it has dimension exactly 2 then the equaiton AX=B has a solution for every B, and the solution set is always also of dimension 2 (equal to the size of the null space).

If the null space is bigger, say dimension 5, then the space of B's that can be solved for in AX=B is only of dimension 10-5 = 5, so most B's cannot be solved for. But if a particular B can be solved for as AX=B for some, then the space of X's that solve it always has the same dimension as the null space, namely 5 in this case.

FAQ: How do I find helpful resources for understanding linear algebra concepts?

1. What is linear algebra?

Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with linear equations and their representations in vector spaces. It involves the study of linear transformations, matrices, and vectors and their properties.

2. Why is linear algebra important?

Linear algebra is a fundamental tool in many areas of science and engineering, including physics, computer graphics, machine learning, and statistics. It provides a powerful framework for solving complex problems and understanding relationships between different variables.

3. What are some good resources for learning linear algebra?

There are many resources available for learning linear algebra, including textbooks, online courses, and video lectures. Some popular options include "Linear Algebra Done Right" by Sheldon Axler, Khan Academy's linear algebra course, and MIT's OpenCourseWare lectures on linear algebra.

4. How can I apply linear algebra in my research?

Linear algebra can be applied in a variety of research fields, such as data analysis, image processing, and optimization. It can help in data modeling and understanding relationships between variables, as well as in solving systems of equations and analyzing data sets.

5. Are there any free linear algebra resources available?

Yes, there are many free resources available for learning linear algebra, such as online courses, video lectures, and textbooks. Some universities also offer open access to their linear algebra course materials through their OpenCourseWare programs.

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