How Do I Find the Second Linearly Independent Solution of This ODE?

  • Thread starter Benny
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In summary: However, this does not always hold, for example, y^5+y^4 does not equal y^2+y+1. In summary, the DE has two linearly independent solutions, x^6 and x^7.
  • #1
Hi can someone please help me out with the following DE question. I'm reading ahead so as to enable myself to keep up to date so I don't how the part in italics(below) can be used so could someone please explain it to me. I'm also having trouble with the ODE itself.

Q. Given that y = x^7 is a solution of [tex]x^2 y'' - 12xy' + 42y = 0[/tex]...(1), find the general solution of [tex]x^2 y'' - 12xy' + 42y = 280x^2 + 150x - 168[/tex]...(2).

Hence find a second linearly independent solution of (1) and a particular solution of (2).

Here is what I've tried. I think this is one of those DEs with a 'partially known complimentary solution.'

Let y = u(x)v(x) = (x^7)v. Then:

y' = 7x^6 v + x^7 \frac{{dv}}{{dx}}

y'' = 42x^5 v + 7x^6 \frac{{dv}}{{dx}} + 7x^6 \frac{{dv}}{{dx}} + x^7 \frac{{d^2 v}}{{dx^2 }} = 42x^5 v + 14x^6 \frac{{dv}}{{dx}} + x^7 \frac{{d^2 v}}{{dx^2 }}

Substituting into equation (2) and simplifying I get:

x^9 \frac{{d^2 v}}{{dx^2 }} + 2x^8 \frac{{dv}}{{dx}} = 280x^2 + 150x - 168

\frac{{d^2 v}}{{dx^2 }} + \frac{2}{x}\frac{{dv}}{{dx}} = 280x^{ - 7} + 150x^{ - 8} - 168x^{ - 9}

This is a first order linear ODE in dv/dx.

IF = \mu \left( x \right) = \exp \left( {\int {\frac{2}{x}dx} } \right) = x^2

\frac{d}{{dx}}\left( {\mu \left( x \right)\frac{{dv}}{{dx}}} \right) = \mu \left( x \right)\left( {280x^{ - 7} + 150x^{ - 8} - 168x^{ - 9} } \right)

\Rightarrow x^2 \frac{{dv}}{{dx}} = \int {\left( {280x^{ - 5} + 150x^{ - 6} - 168x^{ - 7} } \right)} dx

\Rightarrow \frac{{dv}}{{dx}} = - 70x^{ - 6} - 30x^{ - 7} + 28x^{ - 6} + c_1 x^{ - 2}

Hmm nevermind about this part...I realized that when I did this on paper I wrote (d/dx)(IFv) rather than (d/dx)(IF(dv/dx)). Anyway the general solution I get, and according to answer it is correct, is:

y = 14x^2 + 5x - 4 + c_2 x^6 + c_3 x^7

Can someone tell me how to find a second linearly independent solution of (1) and a particular solution of (2) from the general solution that I have found? Any help would be good thanks.

Edit: A while ago when I did questions where you substitute y = Ae^(rx) as a solution, ie. the ones where you have an auxillary/characteristic equation and you solve for the roots to find the solution to the DE, the particular solution was the 'non-complimentary' of the general solution.

Comparing those sorts of questions with the general solution I found - The arbitrary constants suggest to me that (c_2)(x^6) + (c_3)(x^7) is a solution to the homogeneous equation while 14x^2 + 5x - 4 is a particular solution. Is that how the I am supposed to deduce a particular solution to (2)? Also, how would I deduce a second linearly independent solution of (1)? When I did the easier questions involving characteristic equations I simply multiplied the particular solution, I think it was, by x whenever there was a repeated root, not sure if that is related to this though.
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  • #2
Benny said:
Can someone tell me how to find a second linearly independent solution of (1) and a particular solution of (2) from the general solution that I have found? Any help would be good thanks.

You write, correctly, that [tex]y = 14x^2 + 5x - 4 + c_2 x^6 + c_3 x^7 [/tex].

I don't know what you mean by a "second linearly independent solution". You have two constants, c_2 and c_3. The TWO linearly independent solutions are their coefficients: x^6 and x^7 (the solution set only forms a vector space, and so the term "linearly independent" only applies, for homogenous equations). To find a specific solution, take whatever values you want for c_2 and c_3- c_2= c_3= 0 would be simple.
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  • #3
[tex]y = 14x^2 + 5x - 4 + c_2 x^6 + c_3 x^7 [/tex]
This is simple
for a particular solution chose any c2,c3
the typical choice would be c2=c3=0 giving
14x^2 + 5x - 4
for a linearly independent solution take the difference of two particular solutions and make sure to use different c2 for each
the typical choice would be c2first-1=c2second c3first=c3second giving
this is also clear by inspection
for a particular solution take the stuff without constants
14x^2 + 5x - 4
for an independent homogeneous solution take the suff with a constant that you did not get the first time
Now do this simple one for practice
y=exp(x)/2+c1 cos(x)+c2 sin(x)
find two linearly independent solutions to the homogeneous problem
and a particular solution
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  • #4
For the record, this is a particular case of the Euler-Cauchy Equation:


In general, powers [itex]y=x^m [/itex] decrease by 1 when we differentiate, [itex]y^{'}=mx^{m-1}[/itex],[itex]y^{''}=m(m-1)x^{m-2}[/itex]. Hence they should solve linear differential equations in x, xy', and [itex]x^2y''[/itex].

So, letting:


and substituting into the ODE:


Avoiding the case x=0 and dividing through by [itex]x^m[/tex] yields:


For which the roots are 7 and 6. That is, the general solution for the homogeneous equation is:

  • #5
Thanks for the help guys. I'll need to go over some definitions. At the moment it's probably best if I just stick with solving some DEs until the theory is covered.

FAQ: How Do I Find the Second Linearly Independent Solution of This ODE?

What is an ODE?

An ODE, or Ordinary Differential Equation, is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives. It is commonly used to model physical systems and phenomena in various fields of science and engineering.

What are the common mistakes made when solving ODEs?

Some common mistakes made when solving ODEs include incorrect application of initial conditions, incorrect assumptions about the form of the solution, and algebraic errors. It is important to check your work carefully and double check all steps to avoid these mistakes.

How do I know if I have made a mistake while solving an ODE?

If your solution does not satisfy the original ODE or the given initial conditions, then you have likely made a mistake. Additionally, if your solution looks significantly different from the expected solution or if you encounter any mathematical errors, it is important to review your work and identify where you may have gone wrong.

How can I improve my skills in solving ODEs?

Practice and persistence are key to improving your skills in solving ODEs. It is also helpful to review and understand the fundamental concepts and techniques used in solving ODEs, such as separation of variables, substitution, and series solutions.

Are there any resources available for help with solving ODEs?

Yes, there are many resources available for help with solving ODEs, such as textbooks, online tutorials and forums, and peer tutoring. It is also helpful to seek guidance from a mentor or professor who has experience with ODEs.
