How do I reverse the order of integration for this double integral?

In summary: Referring to the original integral, we have the limits of x being greater than y^2 and less than 1, so wouldn't that make the region above the parabola, since it has to be greater than the parabola?NO! "x> y2" (x positive) means "\sqrt{x}> y" or y< \sqrt{x}.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Evaluate an iterated integral by reversing the order of integration
[tex]\int^1_0\int^1_{y^2} ysin(x^2)dxdy[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I've got that the limits for x is between y^2 and 1, while the limits for y is between 0 and 1. Then I graphed it:

Looking at it from bottom to top, I see that it enters the region at y^2 and leaves at 1. While from left to right, the lowest limit x can be is -1, while the highest is 1. So now I have an integral of [tex]\int^1_{-1}\int^1_{\sqrt{x}}ysin(x^2)dydx[/tex].
Integrating the first part of the equation for y, I get:
[tex]\int^1_{-1} \frac{sin(x^2)}{2}-\frac{xsin(x^2)}{2}dx[/tex]
And it's at this point that I get stuck. I know that I can break up the problem and integrate each part separately, which makes solving the second part easy, since I can just use substitution, but I'm just not sure how to integrate the [tex]\frac{sin(x^2)}{2}[/tex] part. I'm wondering whether this means that I got the limits wrong, or I'm just forgetting trig integrals.
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  • #2
What curves is the region in your question bounded by? I don't believe you included that and it makes it difficult to check what your limits of integration should be.

As I'm not sure what region you want the limits of integration for, It seems to me from your graph that you chose the correct ones. Have you tried Taylor expanding the first time to the desired degree of accuracy?
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  • #3
Your picture is wrong. The area over which you are integrating is NOT the are you have shown in yellow. With x going from y2 to 1, you want to integrate over the region outside the parabola to the line x= 1 on the right.
  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
Your picture is wrong. The area over which you are integrating is NOT the are you have shown in yellow. With x going from y2 to 1, you want to integrate over the region outside the parabola to the line x= 1 on the right.

Thanks, that solves the problem! Although, I can understand where I went wrong with taking the limits for x, but I still don't quite get why the region is the area outside the parabola, instead of inside.
  • #5
The second integral has lower limit x= y2 and upper limit x= 1. That order is verified by the fact that for y from 0 to 1 y2<= 1 so that is from x= y2 UP to x= 1.
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
The second integral has lower limit x= y2 and upper limit x= 1. That order is verified by the fact that for y from 0 to 1 y2<= 1 so that is from x= y2 UP to x= 1.

I don't know, I still don't get it. I mean yeah I understand the x-limits, it's just the y-limits I'm having problems with. Referring to the original integral, we have the limits of x being greater than y^2 and less than 1, so wouldn't that make the region above the parabola, since it has to be greater than the parabola?
  • #7
NO! "x> y2" (x positive) means "[itex]\sqrt{x}> y[/itex]" or [itex]y< \sqrt{x}[/itex].

x greater than a function of y means y is less than that inverse function of x.

FAQ: How do I reverse the order of integration for this double integral?

1. What is a double integral?

A double integral is a type of mathematical operation used to calculate the area under a surface in a 3-dimensional space. It involves integrating a function over a region in a 2-dimensional plane.

2. How do you reverse a double integral?

To reverse a double integral, you must first determine the limits of integration for the inner and outer integrals. Then, you can switch the order of integration and change the limits accordingly. Finally, you can solve the new integral to obtain the reverse value.

3. What are the applications of reversing a double integral?

Reversing a double integral can be useful in solving problems related to finding the volume of 3-dimensional objects, calculating moments of inertia, and determining the center of mass of an object.

4. Are there any special cases for reversing a double integral?

Yes, there are special cases for reversing a double integral, such as when the region of integration is non-rectangular or when the integrand involves trigonometric functions. In these cases, you may need to use substitution or other techniques to simplify the integration process.

5. What are some tips for successfully reversing a double integral?

Some tips for reversing a double integral include carefully identifying the limits of integration, using symmetry to simplify the integrand, and practicing with different types of problems to gain familiarity with the process. It is also helpful to check your solution by using a graphing calculator or other computational tool.

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