How Do I Start Using MAD-X Software for Particle Accelerator Simulations?

  • Thread starter thecage
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation was about using the MAD-X software from CERN and the difficulties the person was having with it. They were looking for a guide on how to use MAD-X, particularly in regards to loading and saving text files and understanding the output. The expert suggests writing the code in a text editor and running it through MAD-X, and provides a short tutorial as a helpful resource. They also provide a simulation of electron beam transport through a quadrupole triplet and show how to plot twiss parameters.
  • #1

I'm trying to work with the MAD-X software from CERN, but am having trouble with the basic steps. There's a lot of texts about how to define the properties of the accelerator elements but I need to know exactly what I need to do to get the codes into MAD-X... how do I load my text files, and in what format do they need to be? Why does it crash when I type "QF:QUADRAPOLE,L=0.5,K1=0.2;" into the command window? How do I save the output files?

In principle, I'm looking for a sort of dummies guide for MAD-X. I am not aware at all of the C/C++ or linux environments.

Best regards
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  • #2
The best way to use MAD-X is to write your code in a text editor and not in the command line.

If you are using windows then you can drag and drop your file onto the MAD-X icon and it will run. If you are working on Linux or Mac the navigate to the directory where mad lives from a terminal window.

Now type ./madx < /your_directory/your_file.txt and hit enter. This will run the script.

Outputs etc. are defined in the script. Below is a simulation of electron beam transport through a quadrupole triplet. A plot and table of twiss parameters are output.

You may also find this short tutorial about MAD useful, which for most purposes differs only in syntax.

IB:= 57.6/1.8;


E_beam = IB*1.8E-3;

BEAM, ENERGY=E_beam, EXN=1E-6, EYN=1E-6, SIGE=0.01;


T0: LINE=(T0d1,T0Q1,T0d2,m1,T0d2,T0Q2,T0d2,m2,T0d2,T0Q3,T0d4,fp);

T0d1: Drift, L:=D2;
T0Q1: Quadrupole, L=0.0255, K1:=266.664;
T0d2: Drift, L:=D1;
T0Q2: Quadrupole, L=0.0545, K1:=-265.155;
T0Q3: Quadrupole, L=0.039, K1:=268.538;
T0d4: Drift, L:=0.186-(4*D1)-D2;
fp: Monitor, L=0;
T0d5: Drift, L=0.114;





SELECT, FLAG=TWISS, column=name,s,betx,alfx,bety,alfy,Dx,DPx;


twiss,BETX=bx,BETY=by,ALFX=ax,ALFY=ay,file=TWISSTABLE_1.txt, save;
plot,haxis=s, vaxis1=BETX,betY, vaxis2=Dx,Dy, Hmin=0, Hmax=0.5,Vmin=0,-1,vmax=50,1,interpolate, colour=100;


FAQ: How Do I Start Using MAD-X Software for Particle Accelerator Simulations?

1. What is MAD-X and what is it used for?

MAD-X is a software tool used for simulating and analyzing particle accelerators. It is commonly used in the field of high-energy physics to design and optimize accelerator systems.

2. How do I install MAD-X?

The installation process for MAD-X varies depending on your operating system. Detailed installation instructions can be found on the official MAD-X website. It is also recommended to join the MAD-X users' mailing list for further assistance.

3. Can I use MAD-X on my personal computer?

Yes, MAD-X can be installed and used on personal computers. However, it is important to note that it is a complex software and may require a high-performance computer to run simulations efficiently.

4. What are the main features of MAD-X?

MAD-X has a wide range of features, including beam optics calculations, simulation of beam dynamics, and optimization of beam parameters. It also has tools for designing accelerator magnets, beamlines, and collimators.

5. Is MAD-X open-source?

No, MAD-X is not open-source. It is a proprietary software developed and maintained by CERN. However, it is available for free for academic and non-commercial use.

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