How do I tell if the field is a possible electrostatic field?

In summary: Bob,In summary, if you have a picture of the field lines of a field, you can tell if the field is a possible electrostatic field by looking for differential relations that are satisfied by an electric field, and by looking for loops that integrate to 0. Additionally, magnetic fields can give rise to electric ones, and electric fields have to have zero curl in order to be considered an electric field.
  • #1
If I have a picture of the field lines of a field, how do I tell if the field is a possible electrostatic field? What are some things to look for that would imply it either is or is not a possible electric field?
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  • #2
There are various criteria that comes to mind that would serve to disqualify a vector field as being an electrostatic one.

The idea is that the differential relations satisfied by an electrostatic field are local and as a result difficult to work with. But integrating them leads to more managable statements about the field.

For instance, starting from the differential relation that the field can be written as the gradient of a potential function ([itex]\mathbf{E}=-\nabla V[/itex]) and integrating along any closed loop, the fundamental theorem of line integral yields the integral relation

[tex]\int_{\gamma}\mathbf{E}\cdot d\mathbf{r}=0[/tex]

So you can start looking for loops for which this integral relation obviously fails.

What are other differential relations satisfied by an electrostatic field that beg to be integrated? The Maxwell equations of course! Derive analogous integral statements for those to obtain 2 more disqualifying criteria.
  • #3
So if I have a field that looks something like

I can tell it could be an e-field because, if I start at any point on a loop and make a trip all the way back to the starting point, i will pass through as many arrows head on as i will tail on, so it nets to 0?
  • #4
theneedtoknow said:
So if I have a field that looks something like

I can tell it could be an e-field because, if I start at any point on a loop and make a trip all the way back to the starting point, i will pass through as many arrows head on as i will tail on, so it nets to 0?

Are you sure this is a field?
  • #5
Ok but say you draw field lines of a dipole, won't the E-field due to the dipole also have curl? (I know an E-field needs to have zero curl because E=-delV, only possible with zero curl, but just looking at the field lines of a dipole it looks...curly lol)
  • #6
An electric field has one more thing not yet mentioned and not shown in your sketch.

At least one source and /or sink.
  • #7
Studiot said:
An electric field has one more thing not yet mentioned and not shown in your sketch.

At least one source and /or sink.
How do you explain completely closed electric field loops in vacuum without a physical source, such as Faraday's Law:

∫E·dl = -(d/dt)∫B·n dA

Like around a 60-Hz transformer magnetic core with an enclosed dB/dt?

Bob S
  • #8
As I understand it the OP offered a loop where the integral

[tex]\oint {E.dl} [/tex] is zero.

This happens with electric fields generated by the presence of charges.
  • #9
The OP did say it is a static field. So zero curl is required, or equivalently the integral given by studiot is zero.
Also, the divergence of E = ___? (Answer depends on whether charge is present.)
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  • #10
Firstly, sorry about my presentation, I'm still struggling with Tex / Mathtype.

I should have added that the environment in which fields can turn right angles needs further amplification.

Also that magnetic fields can give rise to electric ones, as Bob noted, if we allow the integral to be non zero.
  • #11
Redbelly98 said:
The OP did say it is a static field. So zero curl is required, or equivalently the integral given by studiot is zero.
Wouldn't Curl E = constant qualify as a static electric field? So as long as dB/dt is a constant, the induced electric field is constant.

Bob S

FAQ: How do I tell if the field is a possible electrostatic field?

1. How do I determine if a field is electrostatic?

In order for a field to be considered electrostatic, the electric charges within the field must be at rest and not experiencing any acceleration. This means that the field must be static and not changing over time.

2. What are the characteristics of an electrostatic field?

An electrostatic field is characterized by having electric charges that are stationary and not moving. These charges create a force that is proportional to the distance between them, according to Coulomb's Law. The field lines of an electrostatic field are also always perpendicular to the surface of a conductor.

3. Can an electrostatic field exist in a vacuum?

Yes, an electrostatic field can exist in a vacuum. In fact, a vacuum is an ideal medium for an electrostatic field because there are no other particles or materials to interfere with the field. This is why electrostatic experiments are often conducted in a vacuum.

4. How can I measure the strength of an electrostatic field?

The strength of an electrostatic field can be measured using a device called an electrometer. This device can measure the amount of charge present in a specific area and can also measure the potential difference between two points in the field. The unit of measurement for an electrostatic field is volts per meter (V/m).

5. What are some real-world applications of electrostatic fields?

Electrostatic fields have many practical applications in our daily lives. Some examples include photocopiers, laser printers, and air purifiers which use electrostatic forces to attract and remove dust particles. Electrostatic fields are also used in spray painting, air filters, and even in the production of certain foods and beverages.

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