How do magnetic fields interact?

In summary, the conversation discusses the interaction of magnetic fields and the potential resulting field when two permanent magnets with different strengths are brought together. It is noted that most permanent magnets do not have uniform magnetic fields and that calculating the resulting field can become more complex at higher field strengths.
  • #1
I was wondering, how exactly do magnetic fields interact? Say if you have 2 permanent magnets, 1 perhaps of 0.3T and another of 0.5T and you let the N and S attract so they clamp together, would the resulting field of the combination have 0.5T on both ends (i.e. would the surplus 0.2T because of the "neutralized" 0.3T enhance the weaker pole? I realize it's an unconventional and perhaps incorrect way of thinking about magnets, but just curious:

S[0.3T]N + S[0.5T]N = S[0.5T]N ?
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  • #2
Most permanent magnets don't have very uniform magnetic fields, "a 0.5 T magnet" is not a well-defined thing. Neglecting the influence of the magnets on each other you can simply add the field values the magnets have at their poles. That works well up to ~1 T for permanent magnets, afterwards things get more complicated.

FAQ: How do magnetic fields interact?

1. How do magnetic fields interact with each other?

When two magnetic fields are near each other, they will either attract or repel each other depending on their orientations. If the fields are aligned in the same direction, they will attract each other. If they are aligned in opposite directions, they will repel each other.

2. Can magnetic fields interact with non-magnetic materials?

Yes, magnetic fields can interact with non-magnetic materials. When a magnetic field passes through a non-magnetic material, it will induce a weak magnetic field in the material. This can cause the material to become slightly magnetic and exhibit some of the properties of a magnet.

3. How do magnetic fields interact with electric currents?

Magnetic fields and electric currents are closely related. When an electric current flows through a wire, it creates a magnetic field around the wire. Similarly, when a wire moves through a magnetic field, it will experience a force due to the interaction of the two fields.

4. Can magnetic fields interact with light?

Yes, magnetic fields can interact with light. Light is made up of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other. When a magnetic field is applied to light, it can affect the polarization (direction of oscillation) of the light, changing its properties.

5. How do magnetic fields interact with living organisms?

There is still ongoing research on the effects of magnetic fields on living organisms. Some studies have shown that certain organisms, such as birds and bees, are able to sense and navigate using the Earth's magnetic field. However, the exact mechanisms of this interaction are still not fully understood.
