How do max/min problems relate to other mathematical concepts?

  • Thread starter Physics197
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In summary, the conversation is about preparing for a final exam and seeking help with solving max/min problems. The person is looking for guidance on what to look for in the question and general steps to solve a problem. They also inquire about the connection between max/min problems and other topics such as limits, logarithmic differentiation, implicit differentiation, and related rates. The response mentions that max/min problems can be solved using the Simplex algorithm and discusses the relationship between local extrema and derivatives and limits. However, the speaker believes this connection may be a bit far-fetched.
  • #1
Just in preperation of my final exam, I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following:

1. What to look for in the question to solve a max/min problem.
2. Some general steps to outline my process of solving one problem.

Also: How do max/min problems relate to the following.
Logarithmic diff.,
Implicit diff.,
Related rates.
(Some may not connect but on my review it said to "know how to relate the following topics", I'm just having trouble with relating stuff to Max/Min problems.

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  • #2
Physics197 said:
Just in preperation of my final exam, I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following:

1. What to look for in the question to solve a max/min problem.
Linear programming, operations research.
2. Some general steps to outline my process of solving one problem.
This depends on the nature of the problem. Easy ones, i.e. linear and convex, are solved by the Simplex algorithm.
Also: How do max/min problems relate to the following.
This is a bit too vague. I mean, a local extrema of a real, smooth function is obtained when its first derivative vanishes and derivatives are limits. But this is a bit far fetched in my opinion to call it related.
Logarithmic diff.,
Implicit diff.,
Related rates.
(Some may not connect but on my review it said to "know how to relate the following topics", I'm just having trouble with relating stuff to Max/Min problems.


Related to How do max/min problems relate to other mathematical concepts?

What are "Calculus Max/Min Problems"?

"Calculus Max/Min Problems" involve finding the maximum or minimum value of a function. This is done by taking the derivative of the function, setting it equal to zero, and solving for the critical points. These critical points are then used to determine the maximum or minimum value of the function.

Why are "Calculus Max/Min Problems" important?

"Calculus Max/Min Problems" are important because they allow us to optimize real-world situations. For example, finding the maximum volume of a box given a fixed amount of material, or determining the minimum cost for producing a certain number of products. These types of problems are commonly seen in economics, physics, and engineering.

What is a critical point?

A critical point is a point on the graph of a function where the derivative is equal to zero or does not exist. In the context of "Calculus Max/Min Problems", critical points are used to determine the maximum or minimum value of a function.

How do I determine whether a critical point is a maximum or minimum?

To determine whether a critical point is a maximum or minimum, we use the second derivative test. If the second derivative is positive at the critical point, then it is a minimum. If the second derivative is negative, then it is a maximum. If the second derivative is zero, the test is inconclusive and other methods must be used.

Can "Calculus Max/Min Problems" be solved without calculus?

Yes, some "Calculus Max/Min Problems" can be solved without using calculus. However, calculus provides a systematic and efficient method for finding the maximum or minimum value of a function. In many real-world situations, using calculus is necessary to solve complex optimization problems.
