How Do Potential Differences Distribute Across Series Capacitors?

In summary, after disconnecting a 2600-nF capacitor from a 15-V battery, it was used to charge three uncharged capacitors in series. The potential difference across each of the four capacitors was calculated to be:V[SUB]3 = (7.32e-6 C)/200 nF = 3.65 VV[SUB]4 = (7.32e-6 C)/300 nF = 2.43 V.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 2600-nF capacitor is disconnected from the 15-V battery and used to charge three uncharged capacitors, a 100-nF capacitor, a 200-nF capacitor, and a 300-nF capacitor, connected in series.

After charging, what is the potential difference across each of the four capacitors?

Homework Equations

Qo = CV = 3.9e-5 C

Qo = Q234C1[(1/100)+(1/200)+(1/300)] + Q234

The Attempt at a Solution

Qo = 5.33Q234

Qo = 3.9e-5 C

Q234 = 7.32e-6 C

Q1/C1 = (Qo-Q234)/C1 = [(3.9e-5 C) - (7.32e-6 C)]/2600 nF = 12.2 V

V2 = (7.32e-6 C)/100 nF = 7.32 V

V3 = (7.32e-6 C)/200 nF = 3.65 V

V4 = (7.32e-6 C)/300 nF = 2.43 V

This is incorrect, and I haven't been able to figure out what's wrong.
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  • #2
In charging the others, the big capacitor loses a charge Q and drops its voltage from 15V to V.
  • #3
I express that in this equation,

Qo = Q234C1[(1/100)+(1/200)+(1/300)] + Q234

which is derived thusly:

(Qo-Q234)/C1 = V1

Q234[(1/100)+(1/200)+(1/300)] = V234

V1 = V234

(Qo-Q234)/C1 = Q234[(1/100)+(1/200)+(1/300)]

Qo = Q234C1[(1/100)+(1/200)+(1/300)] + Q234
  • #4
So, you can finish this now?
  • #5
No, I cannot.

Correct answers are:
V1 = 14.7 V
V2 = 8.01 V
V3 = 4.01 V
V4 = 2.67 V

These differ from my answers in the op.
  • #6
Your method looks right. When I finish it I get 14.692V, 8.0137V, etc.

So it looks like you may be making an arithmetic error.
  • #7
Yes, I figured out what I was doing wrong. instead of adding [(1/100) + (1/200) + (1/300)]
I was doing 1/600. lol. Gotta be careful. Thanks for your help.
  • #8
NascentOxygen said:
In charging the others, the big capacitor loses a charge Q and drops its voltage from 15V to V.

So is it like this:
the previous charge of the energized capacitor is used to charge other capacitors. The previous energized charge is distributed to new charge of C1 and the equal charge of the series capacitors.
[tex]Q_{\mbox{energized C1}}=Q_{\mbox{new charge of C1}}+Q_{234}[/tex]
Hence the new charge is
[tex]Q_{\mbox{energized C1}}-Q_{234}=Q_{\mbox{new charge of C1}}=V_{1}C_{1}[/tex]
is my analogy correct?
forgive me for hijacking but this also came up in the exam but the difference is a capacitor is charging two parallel capacitors.

I already also solved the problem in the op
Q_234 is 8.01x10^-7Coloumb btw
  • #9
Equilibrium said:
So is it like this:
That looks right.
  • #10
Renaldo said:
Yes, I figured out what I was doing wrong. instead of adding [(1/100) + (1/200) + (1/300)]
I was doing 1/600. lol. Gotta be careful. Thanks for your help.
As a check, you could consider charging one capacitor of 600/11 nF, since that's the equivalent capacitance of those 3 capacitors in series.

FAQ: How Do Potential Differences Distribute Across Series Capacitors?

1. How do you calculate the equivalent capacitance of capacitors in series?

The equivalent capacitance of capacitors in series can be calculated by adding the reciprocals of each individual capacitance and then taking the reciprocal of the sum. In other words, the equivalent capacitance (Ceq) is equal to 1 divided by the sum of 1 divided by each individual capacitance (C1, C2, etc.):

Ceq = 1 / (1/C1 + 1/C2 + ...)

2. What happens to the voltage when charging capacitors in series?

When charging capacitors in series, the voltage across each capacitor will be different. However, the total voltage across all the capacitors will be equal to the sum of the individual voltages. This means that the voltage across the first capacitor will be equal to the total voltage, while the voltage across the last capacitor will be zero.

3. What is the effect of adding more capacitors in series?

Adding more capacitors in series will increase the total equivalent capacitance. However, the overall voltage will also increase, as each capacitor will add to the total voltage. This can be useful in certain applications where a specific voltage is needed, as it allows for a higher capacitance without exceeding the desired voltage.

4. Can capacitors in series be charged at different rates?

Yes, capacitors in series can be charged at different rates. The voltage across each capacitor will depend on the individual capacitance and the charge across it. As long as the total voltage stays the same, the capacitors can be charged at different rates without affecting the total charge.

5. How is energy stored in capacitors in series?

The energy stored in capacitors in series is equal to the sum of the energy stored in each individual capacitor. The energy stored in a capacitor (E) can be calculated using the equation:

E = 1/2 * C * V2

Where C is the capacitance and V is the voltage across the capacitor. So, the total energy stored in capacitors in series would be:

Etotal = 1/2 * (C1 + C2 + ...) * (Vtotal)2

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