How do QG people evolve particles into the theory?

In summary, QG people evolve particles into the theory by putting matter into the picture by hand, and by 2006 several things had happened that changed the situation. Alain Connes, Laurent Freidel, and Lee Smolin all discovered ways to put particles into the theory by using geometry, and in 2005 Bilson-Thompson showed that B-T's version of the Standard Model could be realized in terms of twists and tangles in LQG SPIN NETWORKS.
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How do QG people evolve particles into the theory?
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wolram said:
How do QG people evolve particles into the theory?

initially they didn't worry about particles
they just focused on the simpler problem of getting a quantum theory of spacetime geometry

and they put matter into the picture by hand, when they wanted to include that. usually just some simple generic stuff (not worrying about what kind of particles)

around 2005 several things happened that changed this simple situation

1. Alain Connes has an elegant geometrical way of generating the Standard Model and two Danes (Aastrup and Grimstrup) got the idea of taking the LQG configuration space as a basis and building a Connes-style geometry on it----so they started working on combining the Standard Model of particle physics with LQG. It's a major undertaking. They have made some progress on this is the past two years.

2. Also around 2005, Laurent Freidel discovered a form of LQG-spinfoam that seems to have the Feynman diagrams of usual Quantum Field Theory latent in it. According to him, if you gradually turn off gravity by gradually making Newton constant G go to zero, then what appears is particle physics in flat space. This takes more work to make precise and this is one of the things Freidel and others have been pursuing in the past couple of years. One difficulty has been recovering in full 4D some things that work in 3D.

3. Also in 2005 Lee Smolin took note of some work by Bilson-Thompson (a young Australian particle physicist). He realized that B-T's version of the Standard Model particles could be realized in terms of twists and tangles in LQG SPIN NETWORKS.
So B-T was invited to Perimeter Institute and a number of people there have been working on that idea of matter for a couple of years as well.
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  • #3
Thankyou Marcus, as far as i can make out then particles are just geometry?

FAQ: How do QG people evolve particles into the theory?

1. How do scientists study the evolution of particles in quantum gravity theory?

Scientists study the evolution of particles in quantum gravity theory through mathematical models and experiments. These models use principles from quantum mechanics and general relativity to understand how particles behave in the fabric of spacetime.

2. What is the role of particles in quantum gravity theory?

Particles play a crucial role in quantum gravity theory as they are the building blocks of matter and energy. They also interact with the fabric of spacetime, giving rise to the effects of gravity.

3. How do particles evolve in quantum gravity theory?

Particles evolve in quantum gravity theory through a process called quantum tunneling, where they can spontaneously change their properties in response to the fluctuations of spacetime. This allows for the creation of new particles and the evolution of existing ones.

4. Can particles in quantum gravity theory interact with each other?

Yes, particles in quantum gravity theory can interact with each other through the exchange of particles known as gauge bosons. These interactions are described by mathematical equations and can be observed through experiments.

5. Is there evidence for the evolution of particles in quantum gravity theory?

While there is strong theoretical support for the evolution of particles in quantum gravity theory, there is currently no direct evidence due to the difficulty of conducting experiments at the quantum gravity level. However, indirect evidence from observations of the universe support the principles of quantum gravity theory.
