How Do Quantum Strings Vibrate and Stay Confined in Dimensions?

  • Thread starter Pjpic
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In summary, The strings in string theory are fundamental components of matter and do not have smaller pieces. They vibrate without compressing or expanding and have a fixed length. However, they can combine, break into pieces, and expand when energy is added. They can also be confined but this leads to quantum jitters and increased energy.
  • #1
1) When a guitar string vibrates, the molecular structure in the strings compresses and expands. Is there something in quantum strings that compresses/expands to allow vibration?

2) What keeps a string from moving into a different dimension?
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  • #2
Pjpic said:
1) When a guitar string vibrates, the molecular structure in the strings compresses and expands. Is there something in quantum strings that compresses/expands to allow vibration?

The strings in string theory are fundamental components of matter, and so they are not made of smaller pieces. Furthermore they don't compress or expand while they vibrate, they have a fixed length that does not change.

What keeps a string from moving into a different dimension?

I'm not sure exactly what your asking. Imagine 4-d spacetime embedded in a higher dimensional space, so for the purpose of illustration 4d spacetime looks like a flat sheet. Now imagine strings with open endpoints, i.e. not a closed loop, and require the endpoints to always stay in contact with the 4d sheet. This is one way to model matter. Gravitons are always closed strings, so they cannot be confined to the 4d sheet, they are free to move through the higher dimensions which is part of why gravity is so weak for us.
  • #3
Civilized said:
The strings in string theory are fundamental components of matter, and so they are not made of smaller pieces. Furthermore they don't compress or expand while they vibrate, they have a fixed length that does not change.

It seems a segement at a peak of occilation would be longer than that same segment durning the neutral phase. If a string is not made of smaller pieces what change allows vibration?
  • #4
It seems a segement at a peak of occilation would be longer than that same segment durning the neutral phase. If a string is not made of smaller pieces what change allows vibration?[/QUOTE]

Maybe I should've said: what's the difference between a convex portion of a string and a concave protion?
  • #5
Talk of strings is just a guiding mental image, not a direct claim about physical reality.

It is the mathematical properties of a "string-like entity" that are being illustrated. Many kinds of physical realities could perhaps fit the mathematics.

For example, I find it more understandable to think of strings as trapped resonances rather like solitons or standing waves. You have vibrations focused at locations. Self-organised harmonics.

Of course, this intuitive picture then leads me to dislike certain mathematical extensions to string theory - like the idea of little thready strings attached to branes at one end, free at the other.

But I think my soliton picture does help explain the issues that worry you. There would be a medium in which strings are free to wiggle, yet remain confined to locations. Strings would be just emergent harmonics produced at a location by a top-down weight of context.
  • #6
1) When a guitar string vibrates, the molecular structure in the strings compresses and expands. Is there something in quantum strings that compresses/expands to allow vibration?

The strings in string theory are fundamental components of matter, and so they are not made of smaller pieces. Furthermore they don't compress or expand while they vibrate, they have a fixed length that does not change.

Not so! Strings DO combine and break into pieces. And of course they expand and compress when they vibrate, as in when energy is added. Their are NOT in gneral of a fixed length. The likelyhood of them rearranging is called the string coupling constant; otherwise the strings may pass through each other.

Take a string on the horizon of a black hole, for example. From time to time a loop of string will extended from the horizon due to quantum jitters...sometimes the loop will break off..a small loop will break free...(a piece of a string) ...a distant observer will see that as an emitted particle of radiation...this is the string theory explanation of Hawking radiation!

Finally, think of strings as elongated streams of's hypothesized some of these may be so big as the span the universe, although to date no such gargantuam strings have been experimentally observed.

The above reflects explanations from Leonard Susskind, THE BLACK HOLE WAR, 2008

what's the difference between a convex portion of a string and a concave protion?

quantum jitters...a fundamental instability even a "zero" energy levels.
  • #7
What keeps a string from moving into a different dimension?

I suspect strings don't like such confinement: remember that when things are confined in very small spaces they get very energetic...wavelengths must get small to fit the space and via E=hf that means energy increases...quantum jitters go crazy!

FAQ: How Do Quantum Strings Vibrate and Stay Confined in Dimensions?

1. What is a constituent of a string?

A constituent of a string is an individual unit or element that makes up a string. In the context of linguistics, it refers to the smallest meaningful unit of language, such as a letter, syllable, or word. In physics, a constituent of a string refers to the fundamental particles that make up a string in string theory.

2. How are constituents of a string determined?

The determination of constituents of a string depends on the field of study. In linguistics, constituents are identified through syntactic and semantic analysis. In physics, the identification of fundamental particles as constituents of a string is based on their properties and interactions.

3. What is the significance of constituents in string theory?

In string theory, the constituents of a string are crucial as they are believed to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe. These particles vibrate at different frequencies, which give rise to the different properties of matter and energy in the universe.

4. Can constituents of a string be broken down further?

In linguistics, constituents of a string can be broken down further into smaller units, such as phonemes, morphemes, and letters. In physics, the current understanding is that fundamental particles cannot be broken down further, but there is ongoing research and debate about this topic.

5. How does the concept of constituents apply in other areas of science?

The concept of constituents is not limited to linguistics and physics. It also applies in other areas of science, such as chemistry, where molecules are made up of atoms as their constituents. In biology, cells are composed of various organelles, which can be considered their constituents. The concept of constituents is also relevant in fields such as music, where notes and chords are the constituents of a melody.

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