How Do Quark Spin States Influence Particle Symmetry and Identification?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between spin and color wave-functions for quarks and how they affect the symmetry of the overall wavefunction. It is noted that the color wavefunction is always antisymmetric, and for fermions, the remaining factors (spin, space, and flavor) must be symmetric. The conversation also touches on the role of isospin in determining the symmetry of the flavor wavefunction and how different particles can be distinguished based on their spin and flavor states.
  • #1
If two quarks are in a S=1 state, are they in either

##|\uparrow \uparrow \rangle ## or ## |\downarrow \downarrow \rangle ## ?
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  • #3
yes I forgot and the other, symm. ## \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( | \uparrow \downarrow \rangle + | \downarrow \uparrow \rangle \right) ## ...

I don't really know how to ask this question very well, but, it is how spin and color wave-functions are related to whether or not it is symmetric or not and where isospin comes into this.

If we have ## \Psi_{\text{spin}} \Psi_{\text{flavor}} ## then it seems to me that to get a symmetric wave-function here we must have either both symmetric or both anti symmetric.

I have read something that suggest that the latter is not true and that in this case we actually have a mixture of symmetric and antisymmetric states.

Given two identical quarks ## | q q u \rangle##, do you have as the symmetric color-spin wavefunction

## \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} \left( |q^\uparrow q^\uparrow u^\uparrow \rangle+|q^\uparrow u^\uparrow q^\uparrow \rangle+|u^\uparrow q^\uparrow q^\uparrow \rangle \right) ## ?

Does the qq pair have to always have to be in the symmetric state ( s=1), why?The above is just ## \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} \left( |q q u \rangle+ |q u q \rangle+ |u q q \rangle\right) \otimes | \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \rangle ## isn't it?

and this refers to the S=3/2 state since all the spins are parallel, is there an analogous one for the all spin down?So it seems that all there is left to do is the case of spin 1/2 where the up quark is opposing the pair, can we have

## | q^\uparrow q^\downarrow u^\downarrow \rangle ## states? would they appear due to the symmetric ## \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( | \uparrow \downarrow \rangle + | \downarrow \uparrow \rangle \right) ##
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  • #4
Don't forget there is also ψcolor, and since the total color must be zero, ψcolor is always totally antisymmetric.

Since quarks are fermions, the remaining factors ψspinψspaceψflavor must together be symmetric.
  • #5
Bill_K said:
Don't forget there is also ψcolor, and since the total color must be zero, ψcolor is always totally antisymmetric.

Since quarks are fermions, the remaining factors ψspinψspaceψflavor must together be symmetric.

Yes that was what I was attempting to get at, the color wavefunction is antisymmetric, assuming we are in l=0 we have the space wavefunction symmetric and now I am looking at the product of the spin and flavor which I require to be together symmetric and to see how many particles there are, but I think I have confused myself as to how to do this.

If it was obvious to me why the quark pair qq needed to be in the symmetric state I could model the states on the proton also,

## \chi_\text{p}(S=\frac{1}{2}, S_z=\frac{1}{2}) = \sqrt{\frac{2}{3}} \chi_{\text{uu}}(1,1) \chi_{\text{d}}( \frac{1}{2}, -\frac{1}{2} ) - \sqrt{\frac{1}{3}} \chi_{\text{uu}}(1,0) \chi_{\text{d}}( \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2} ) ##


##\chi_{\text{uu}}(1,0) ## is the ## \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( | \uparrow \downarrow \rangle + | \downarrow \uparrow \rangle \right) ## state, where I have got the above ## \chi_{\text{p}} ## from using ladder operator on the ## \chi (S=3/2, S_z=3/2) ## (and Clebsch Gordon) ?

I think that if I could write out all of these wavefunctions in an exhaustive way then I would understand why this is all important a lot better!
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  • #6
I think my questions should be:

How does isospin, I, affect the symmetry of the ## \Psi_{\text{flavor}} ## wavefunction?

Spins of like quarks have to be in the S=1 state by symmetry, and for J=3/2 the spins have to be parallel. Doesn't a mix of anti-symmetric states in the spin and flavor states allow us to not use the symmetric S=1 state for the pair, qq?

How are different particles distinguished? The qq S=1 states are a triplet so for S=3/2, say, with an up quark's spin +1/2, there would be 3 different wave functions for qqu, when do different wavefunctions refer to different particles?
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FAQ: How Do Quark Spin States Influence Particle Symmetry and Identification?

1. What is the S=1 spin state of 2 quarks?

The S=1 spin state of 2 quarks refers to the spin configuration of two quarks that have a total spin of 1. This means that the two quarks are in a state of angular momentum where their spins are aligned in the same direction.

2. How is the S=1 spin state of 2 quarks different from other spin states?

The S=1 spin state of 2 quarks is different from other spin states, such as S=0 or S=1/2, because it has a higher total spin value. This means that the two quarks have a stronger interaction with each other and can form more complex particles.

3. What implications does the S=1 spin state of 2 quarks have in particle physics?

The S=1 spin state of 2 quarks plays a crucial role in particle physics as it allows for the formation of different types of particles with a variety of properties. For example, two quarks in the S=1 spin state can combine with an anti-quark to form a meson, which is a type of subatomic particle.

4. How is the S=1 spin state of 2 quarks observed in experiments?

The S=1 spin state of 2 quarks is observed in experiments through the measurement of the particles' spin and angular momentum. Scientists use advanced detectors and accelerators to study the interactions between particles and determine their spin states.

5. Can the S=1 spin state of 2 quarks change over time?

Yes, the S=1 spin state of 2 quarks can change over time through processes such as particle decay or interaction with other particles. This is an important aspect of particle physics as it allows for the study of the fundamental forces and interactions between particles.

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