How Do Radiation Weighting Factors Affect Equivalent Dose Calculations?

  • Thread starter CheesyPeeps
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The answer is correct, but the explanation is wrong.In summary, a worker in a nuclear power station was exposed to 3∙0 mGy of gamma radiation and 0∙50 mGy of fast neutrons. The radiation weighting factor for gamma radiation is 1, and for fast neutrons is 10. The total equivalent dose, in mSv, received by the worker is 30.5 mSv, calculated using the equation H=DWR. However, the answer sheet states that the correct answer is 8.00 mSv, which suggests that the weighting factors may have been crossed over, resulting in the wrong answer.
  • #1
A worker in a nuclear power station is exposed to 3∙0 mGy of gamma radiation and 0∙50 mGy of fast neutrons. The radiation weighting factor for gamma radiation is 1 and for fast neutrons is 10. The total equivalent dose, in mSv, received by the worker is
A 3·50
B 8·00
C 30·5
D 35·0
E 38·5.

The answer I got (using H=DWR) was C, 30.5 mSv, but the answer sheet said that the correct answer was B, 8.00 mSv.
I would be most grateful if you could please suggest where I went wrong?
Thank you for your help!

(This question is from the SQA National 5 Physics Specimen Paper)

Update: I asked a friend about it and realized my mistake. I converted mSv into Sv when I didn't need to, which then affected my answer.
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  • #2
CheesyPeeps said:
I asked a friend about it and realized my mistake. I converted mSv into Sv
That does not explain your wrong answer. It is explained if you crossed over the weighting factors.

FAQ: How Do Radiation Weighting Factors Affect Equivalent Dose Calculations?

1. What is the equivalent dose problem?

The equivalent dose problem refers to the challenge of determining the amount of radiation a person has been exposed to, taking into account the different types of radiation and their varying effects on the body.

2. Why is it important to solve the equivalent dose problem?

Solving the equivalent dose problem is important for accurately assessing and managing the potential health risks associated with radiation exposure. It is also crucial for ensuring the safety of workers in industries that involve radiation, such as nuclear power plants, medical facilities, and research laboratories.

3. How is equivalent dose calculated?

Equivalent dose is calculated by multiplying the absorbed dose of radiation by a quality factor that takes into account the type of radiation and its biological effect on the body. The unit of equivalent dose is sievert (Sv).

4. What are some factors that affect equivalent dose?

Some factors that can affect equivalent dose include the type of radiation (e.g. alpha, beta, gamma), the energy and intensity of the radiation, the duration of exposure, and the distance from the source of radiation.

5. How can the risks associated with equivalent dose be minimized?

The risks associated with equivalent dose can be minimized through proper shielding and protective equipment, implementing safety protocols, and regularly monitoring and controlling radiation levels in work environments. It is also important for individuals to follow safety guidelines and limit their exposure to radiation as much as possible.
