How Do Ranks of Composite Linear Transformations Compare?

In summary, a linear transformation is a mathematical function that maps one vector space to another while preserving the structure of both spaces. It is represented by a matrix, with the columns representing the transformed basis vectors and the rows representing the coefficients of the linear combination of input vectors. The rank of a linear transformation is the number of linearly independent vectors in the output vector space and is related to the transformation's invertibility - a transformation is invertible if and only if its rank is equal to the dimension of the input vector space. The rank also provides important information about the transformation's properties and behavior, including the dimension of the output vector space, the number of linearly independent solutions to a system of linear equations, and its applications in areas such as
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let S(U)=V and T(V)=W be linear maps where U,V, W are vector spaces over the same field K. Prove :

Homework Equations

a) Rank (TS) <= Rank (T)
b) Rank (TS) <= Rank (S)
c) if U=V and S is nonsingular then Rank (TS) = Rank (T)
d) if V=W and T is nonsingular then Rank (TS) = Rank (S)

The Attempt at a Solution

a) TS maps to W, so is T
b) TS maps to W, but S to V, but how do I show the ranks for (a) and (b)?
c) d) So inverse of S and T exists, and err...

U,V,W are vector space over the SAME field, does that mean they have the same number of entries, say R2, R3, etc etc
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  • #2
mathmathmad said:

Homework Statement

Let S(U)=V and T(V)=W be linear maps where U,V, W are vector spaces over the same field K. Prove :

Homework Equations

a) Rank (TS) <= Rank (T)[/math]
The rank of a linear map is the dimension of its image space. Let w be in TS(U). Then there exist u in U such that TS(u)= w. Let v= S(u). Then T(v)= TS(u)= w. That is, if w is in TS(U) then it is in T(V). TS(U) is a subset of T(U) and, since they are both subspaces of W, TS(U) is a subspace of T(U).

b) Rank (TS) <= Rank (S)
Let [itex]\{u_1, u_2,\cdot\cdot\cdot, u_n\}[/itex] be a basis for U. Then [itex]\{S(u_1), S(u_2), \cdot\cdot\cdot, S(u_n)\}[/itex] spans S(U) (but is not neccessarily independent) so the dimension of S(U) is less than or equal to the dimension of U. Further [itex]\{TS(u_1), TS(u_2), \cdot\cdot\cdot, TS(u_n)\}[/itex] spans TS(U) but is not necessarily independent so dimension of TS(U) is less than or equal to the dimension of S(U).

c) if U=V and S is nonsingular then Rank (TS) = Rank (T)
d) if V=W and T is nonsingular then Rank (TS) = Rank (S)

The Attempt at a Solution

a) TS maps to W, so is T
I have no idea what you mean by this. What "is T"? Are you saying TS= T? That's obviously not true.

b) TS maps to W, but S to V, but how do I show the ranks for (a) and (b)?
c) d) So inverse of S and T exists, and err...

U,V,W are vector space over the SAME field, does that mean they have the same number of entries, say R2, R3, etc etc
I have no idea what you mean by "entries". If you mean dimension, no. R2, R3, etc. are all "over the SAME field", the real numbers, but do NOT have the same "number of entries".
  • #3
"TS maps to W, so is T"

sorry, what I meant was T also maps to W

for (c) and (d)
what does the the nonsingularity of the matrix imply?
how does that show that the ranks are both equal?
  • #4
mathmathmad said:
"TS maps to W, so is T"

sorry, what I meant was T also maps to W

for (c) and (d)
what does the the nonsingularity of the matrix imply?
how does that show that the ranks are both equal?

I think the best way to show that the ranks are equal is by considering the surjectivity and injectivity of S and T respectively (since S and T are non-singular). From there, it should be pretty much straightforward.

Related to How Do Ranks of Composite Linear Transformations Compare?

1. What is a linear transformation?

A linear transformation is a mathematical function that maps one vector space to another in a way that preserves the structure of both spaces. In other words, it transforms a set of vectors from one coordinate system to another while maintaining the same relationships between the vectors.

2. How is a linear transformation represented?

A linear transformation can be represented by a matrix. The columns of the matrix represent the transformed basis vectors of the input vector space, and the rows represent the coefficients of the linear combination of the input vectors needed to produce the output vectors.

3. What is the rank of a linear transformation?

The rank of a linear transformation is the number of linearly independent vectors in the output vector space. In other words, it is the number of dimensions in the output vector space that are spanned by the transformed basis vectors.

4. How is the rank of a linear transformation related to its invertibility?

A linear transformation is invertible if and only if its rank is equal to the dimension of the input vector space. This means that the transformation is one-to-one and onto, and there exists an inverse transformation that can map the output vectors back to the input vectors.

5. What is the significance of the rank in linear transformations?

The rank of a linear transformation provides important information about its properties and behavior. It can determine the dimension of the output vector space, whether the transformation is invertible, and the number of linearly independent solutions to a system of linear equations. It also plays a crucial role in applications such as data compression and image processing.

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