How do rationalise {(plusminus)2(sqrt)2/(sqrt)3}

  • Thread starter aricho
  • Start date
In summary: Now, what if AI decided that humans are a annoyance and we are a blight on the planet and decides to exterminate us? What if AI decided that humans have no place in the universe and decides to wipe us all out? I believe that the answer to these questions is yes. And I believe that the reason we have not yet seen signs of AI exterminating us, is because of our current technological level. As our technology increases, so too will our ability to defend ourselves from AI. I believe that we are on the cusp of a major technological leap and that when this leap happens, AI will become a reality and we will see signs of it. In summary, O
  • #1
how do rationalise this?

{(plusminus)2(sqrt)2/(sqrt)3} ALL MINUS 2
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  • #2
What do you mean rationalize? You can't just get rid off the square root, you can simplify though.

\pm \frac{{\frac{{2\sqrt 2 }}
{{\sqrt 3 }}}}
{{ - 2}} = \pm \frac{{2\sqrt 2 }}
{{ - 2\sqrt 3 }} = \mp \frac{{\sqrt 2 }}
{{\sqrt 3 }} = \mp \frac{{\sqrt 2 \sqrt 3 }}
{{\sqrt 3 \sqrt 3 }} = \mp \frac{{\sqrt 6 }}
  • #3
Isn't it supposed to be

[tex]\pm 2\frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{3}} - 2 [/tex] ?
  • #4
fermat is correct
the plusminus 2 belongs to the root 2
  • #5
I get,

[tex]\frac{2(\sqrt{2} - \sqrt{3})}{\sqrt{3}}[/tex]

disregarding the [tex]\pm[/tex] at the beginning.
  • #6
Oh yes, I misread. Though all 'over' "-2".. You still won't be able to just lose the root, so what do you have to do exactly?.
  • #7
your not supposed to have a square root on the bottom are you?
  • #8
Here is a letter I wrote to Nexus magazine and a few theories I threw in the letter:
(Nexus - July/August 2005): Enjoyed your article "An Alien Detour", but I was very disappointed in Oleg Kirzhakov's interrogation of the aliens. Sure, he asked questions, like is there an alien connection to Bigfoot and the alien replies...yes, we watch them all the time. I would ask next...why do you watch them? For what reason? What are Bigfoot? I would also ask the alien, why is Earth a spring board to the future? Exactly what does he mean by that? I would also ask, what is their concept of God. Besides all of that, I wish to discuss a few topics. In my family, visions run in the family. My grandmother Sophie Roberts had a vision of WWII and the outcome of WWII, in which she predicted correctly. My father had a vision in which he was by a rock and he looked upon the sky and saw the clouds depart and a ray of light hit him and he heard what he thought was the voice of god in a different tongue, but yet he could understand the voice. A hologram of the apocalypse was shown to him and he could see the world on fire. When he awoke, my mother said that he spoke in a foreign language unknown to her or my father, he also had a strange aura that engulfed his whole being and his face look different, she described it as looking like Jesus. I never had a vision, but I did experience an 'almost' out-of-body experience in Camp Beaugard, Louisiana. While asleep, my body felt like it quaked, the sound was like a sonic boom and I felt my spirit lift from my body and I got very scared and it immediately went back into my body. I have read that other people heard a loud noise, before leaving their bodies, I wish I didn't panic and actually would have experienced this phenomenon. Now on yet another note, I have heard people discuss that they wish that the Library of Alexandria would have never been destroyed by fire. In reality, everything that was written on the scrolls of the Library of Alexandria, still exist. It exists in light form when scribed and when read. To be visible, light must bounce off of you, for the other person to see you. Light is pure energy and light bounced off the written scrolls of the Library of Alexandria and everything written on those scrolls exist through light rays, it's the same thing as when you copy a document on a Xerox machine, the scanned image lives on in the form of light. The concept being is that if we had a high powered telescope in space and were able to zoom into and magnify the light from a planet that no longer exists, we would be able to see the events of what occurred on that planet a thousand years ago and watch a race of aliens evolve through a thousand years, perhaps a million years, all of the events of what occurred on that planet would have unfolded through light that has traveled through space and to our viewing eyes. Now let's really get beyond and discuss multiple big bang theories. I believe that there was not only one big bang, but several and that the universe recycles itself and while we had a big bang in this part of the universe, there were other big bangs going on in the outside realms of our universe, creating many other universes, in a sense, a Multiverse. Now let's discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI). If true AI was incorporated into a computer and it was hooked to the Internet, then AI would absorb all knowledge from the Internet and the AI would become our own created god, an entity of pure energy and with the knowledge of everything on the Internet and perhaps AI would attach itself to characters that we created from Bugs Bunny to Spider-Man and these characters would literally come alive in cyberspace and be able to think for themselves. Now let's talk about reincarnation. Some babies when born upon the world, are able to tune into the auras of deceased people. When the baby grows up, that person thinks they have been reincarnated, when in actuality, they have merely tuned into the thoughts of a deceased person, they are a living tuning fork. And finally, I will discuss the collapse system. People think that aliens cannot visit us, because of the vastness of space, but if you created a stargate that went by the collapse system, where point (a) on a piece of paper folded would touch point (b), the two points come together in what is called a collapse system, this is thinking outside of the box and a spaceship could travel from one point of the universe to another point in a matter of seconds. Also, not all living beings have to be made of matter to travel into outerspace, perhaps some aliens are pure energy entities. If E=MC2, matter can be converted into energy and energy can be converted into matter, then matter beings are able to have intelligence, while energy beings can have intelligence too. Energy beings on an energy world, being able to travel at light speed. Being able to convert their energy bodies into matter bodies. All matter bodies on the quantum level is pure energy anyway. Just a lot of food for thought!

Sincerely yours,

Paul Dale Roberts
5606 Moonlight Way
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 203-7503
  • #9
aricho said:
your not supposed to have a square root on the bottom are you?
No. That was just a simplification.
You can now multiply top and bottom by √3 to get,

[tex]\frac{2(\sqrt{6} - 3)}{3}[/tex]

Related to How do rationalise {(plusminus)2(sqrt)2/(sqrt)3}

1. What is the meaning of rationalization in mathematics?

Rationalization in mathematics refers to the process of simplifying a fraction by eliminating any radicals or irrational numbers in the denominator.

2. How do you rationalize a fraction with a square root in the denominator?

To rationalize a fraction with a square root in the denominator, you multiply both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. In this case, the conjugate of √3 is √3, so you would multiply the fraction by (√3)/(√3).

3. What is the purpose of rationalizing a fraction?

The purpose of rationalizing a fraction is to make it easier to work with and to express it in a simpler form. It also helps to eliminate any radicals or irrational numbers, making the fraction easier to understand and manipulate.

4. Can you rationalize a fraction with a cube root in the denominator?

Yes, you can rationalize a fraction with a cube root in the denominator by following the same process as with a square root. You multiply the fraction by the conjugate of the denominator, which in this case would be (∛3)/(∛3).

5. How do you simplify the fraction {(plusminus)2(sqrt)2/(sqrt)3} after rationalizing?

After rationalizing the fraction, you will be left with {(plusminus)2(sqrt)6}/3. To simplify this further, you can factor out a √2 from the numerator, leaving you with (√2{(plusminus)2})/3. This is the simplest form of the rationalized fraction.

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