How Do Scientists Counteract Radiation Pressure on Artificial Satellites?

In summary, Scientists use a variety of methods to counteract the radiation pressure of sunlight on artificial satellites, including attitude control systems for rotations and corrective burns for translations. The frequency of necessary corrections depends on the size and mass of the satellite, as well as the thrust of the thruster used. Other factors that may affect the satellite's orbit or orientation include atmospheric drag, micrometeorite impacts, venting/outgassing, and gravitational or magnetic torques. Overall, the ability to make corrections when necessary is crucial for maintaining the desired orbit and functionality of the satellite.
  • #1
How do scientists counteract the radiation pressure of sunlight falling on artifical satellites for e.g. on solar panels? Do they use rockets or is the orbit self-correcting?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Do you mean the actual sunlight shifting the satellite itself? Because I’m not sure that would make much of a difference. Satellites have another more significant problem to deal with, and that’s the drag of the atmosphere which can extend out to 2000 km or so. (Not sure on those figures) But satellites do need to correct for atmospheric drag.
  • #3
thank you, but i do mean the actual shifting of satellites due to radiation pressure by the sun light.
  • #4
Can anyone help please?
Thank you
  • #5
Radiation pressure is often liable to induce roations in spacecraft as well as translations. The rotations can be compensated for with the spacecraft 's attitude control system (e.g. reaction wheels). If the translations induce a significant deviation from the intended path, these can be compensated for with a corrective burn.
  • #6
thanx. but in case of very big space station is continuous corrective burn necessary? Or can we use the impulses (of corrective burn) after regular periods??
please HELP!
  • #7
In general the pressure of sunlight is insigificant except over long periods, so intermittent burns are all that are required.

However it does depend on the size and mass of the satellite, and the thrust of the thruster used. The large balloon like Echo satellite used in the early 1960's as the first experiment in satellite communications suffered considerable perturbation from its oscullating orbit because of radiation pressure and atmosphere drag, although it was actually quite high up, and was simply allowed to "go with the (sunlight) wind".

The Gravity Probe B satellite on the other hand is quite massive (3.1 tonnes) and relatively compact (~ 9 feet across) yet its orbit has to be kept free from all radiation pressure and atmospheric drag perturbations.

The central part of the experiment consisted of 4 accurate gyroscopes cooled to near Absolute zero by liquid helium in a giant dewar jar. The helium gradually evaporated away and escaped through a porous plug in the neck of the dewar.

This escaping helium vapour was then vented through a series of micro-thrusters that continuously corrected for the radiation and atmospheric forces on the satellite.

I hope this helps.

  • #8
In terms of the OP, I think it's not so much correcting for a particular cause of perturbation/drifting/whatever, but rather the ability to make corrections whenever it is deemed necessary or important to do so.

Sunlight pressure and atmospheric drag are but two of the causes of change to planned/desired/intended orbit or orientation; other causes may be micrometeorite impacts, venting/outgassing (within the satellite itself, whether planned or not), balky gyros/reaction wheels, and gravitational or magnetic torques (maybe other folk can add further possible causes).

From an engineering perspective (Enigma may give us more 'coal-face' experience and feedback), I imagine it's less a particular cause that needs to be planned for than the robustness and likely lifetime of the ability to address any causes (within broad envelopes).

FAQ: How Do Scientists Counteract Radiation Pressure on Artificial Satellites?

1. What is radiation pressure in relation to satellites?

Radiation pressure is the force exerted by electromagnetic radiation on an object. In the context of satellites, it refers to the pressure exerted by sunlight and other forms of radiation from space on the surface of the satellite.

2. How does radiation pressure affect satellites?

Radiation pressure can affect satellites in several ways. It can cause orbital decay, where the satellite's orbit gradually decreases due to the force of radiation pressure. It can also cause attitude changes, where the satellite's orientation changes due to uneven pressure on its surface. Additionally, radiation pressure can cause solar panels to degrade over time.

3. Can radiation pressure be used as a source of propulsion for satellites?

Yes, radiation pressure can be used as a form of propulsion for satellites. This is known as solar sailing, where large reflective sails are used to capture radiation pressure and propel the satellite forward. This method is particularly useful for long-distance missions, as it requires no fuel.

4. How is radiation pressure measured and monitored for satellites?

Radiation pressure is typically measured using sensors on the satellite that can detect the force exerted by radiation. The data from these sensors is then transmitted back to Earth for analysis. Additionally, satellites can be equipped with solar radiation pressure models that predict the effects of radiation pressure on their orbit and attitude.

5. Can radiation pressure cause damage to satellites?

Yes, radiation pressure can cause damage to satellites. The force exerted by radiation can cause wear and tear on the satellite's components, particularly on solar panels. It can also cause changes in the satellite's orbit and attitude, potentially leading to collisions with other objects in space. Therefore, it is important for satellite operators to monitor and account for radiation pressure in their missions.
