How Do Significant Figures Affect Calculations in Physics Problems?

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of computing the area of a ring with given inner and outer radius measurements. It compares two methods of calculation and explains how the rule of keeping the same number of significant figures can break down when subtracting quantities close to zero. The conclusion is that the first method should be used to avoid errors.
  • #1
Hi! I'm confused, please I would love some help with this:

Homework Statement

if the inner radius of a ring is 3,56 cm and the outer radius is measured as 3,32 cm, compute the area of the ring

Homework Equations

When multiplying the number of significant figures stays the same, when adding or subtracting we keep same number of decimals.
Area of a circle: \pi r^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm basically subtracting [itex]\pi r_1^{2}-\pi r_2^2[/itex]. When squaring the radii I get three significant figures and when subtrating I keep two decimals. The answer that way has two decimals for a total of three significant figures, my answer would be [itex]\pi 1.65 cm^2[/itex] (pi has infinite significant figures). However, if I rearrange the formula as [itex]\pi (r_1+r_2)(r_1-r_2)[/itex] for [itex]r_1-r_2[/itex] I get 0, 24 cm which only has two significant figures, this crops the total number of significant figures down to two when multiplied with [itex]r_1+r_2[/itex]. What am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
Errors can become quite large, in proportion, when taking differences of similarly sized numbers. Suppose each of the original values has an error of +/- 0.005. The range of possible values for the difference of their squares is 1.58 to 1.72, so it's not even two significant digits.
This affected your calculation when you took the difference of the squares. Squaring produced 4 digits for each value, of which one disappeared when you took the difference. But after squaring each you should, technically, only have kept 3 sig figures in each, so when the difference lost the high order digit you should only have had 2 sig figures left.
  • #3
Welcome to PF, zed101! :smile:

You're not doing anything wrong.
The rule is only a rule of thumb.

In particular, it breaks down when subtracting quantities with a result close to zero.
This is what happens in your case.
  • #4
Hi! thanks for the replies! :) I see, so the rule of thumb is not always true, teachers never said that. I suppose I should go with the first method before I hand in my paper. I'll add that note about the problem hehe.
Thanks! I think I can work safely now :)
  • #5

Hello! It seems like you have encountered a common issue with significant figures. In this case, the ambiguity arises because you are using two different methods to calculate the area of the ring.

In the first method, you are using the formula for the area of a circle, which involves squaring the radius. This means that the number of significant figures in the radius will also be the number of significant figures in the area. In this case, your answer of \pi 1.65 cm^2 is correct because both radii have three significant figures.

However, in the second method, you are using the formula \pi (r_1+r_2)(r_1-r_2) which does not involve squaring the radius. This means that the number of significant figures in the radius does not necessarily match the number of significant figures in the area. In this case, your answer of 0.24 cm has only two significant figures because the difference between the two radii is only given to two decimal places.

So which method is correct? Both methods are actually correct, but they are giving you different levels of precision. The first method gives you a more precise answer because it takes into account the full number of significant figures in the radii. The second method gives you a less precise answer because it only takes into account the number of significant figures in the difference between the radii.

In science, it is important to use the appropriate number of significant figures to reflect the precision of your measurements. In this case, since the radii were measured to two decimal places, it is more appropriate to use the second method to calculate the area of the ring. However, if you had more precise measurements for the radii, then the first method would be more appropriate.

I hope this helps to clarify the ambiguity with significant figures. Keep in mind that significant figures are a way to represent the precision of your measurements, and it is important to use them correctly in scientific calculations.

Related to How Do Significant Figures Affect Calculations in Physics Problems?

What is the concept of significant figures ambiguity?

Significant figures ambiguity refers to the uncertainty or imprecision in a measurement or calculation due to the limitations of the measuring instrument or the method used. It is the possibility that the recorded value contains more digits than can be justified by the precision of the measurement.

How do significant figures affect the accuracy of a measurement?

Significant figures play a crucial role in determining the accuracy of a measurement. The more significant figures a measurement has, the more precise it is. However, if a measurement contains too many significant figures, it may give a false sense of accuracy and lead to incorrect conclusions.

What is the rule for rounding off numbers based on significant figures?

The general rule for rounding off numbers based on significant figures is to round the final answer to the same number of significant figures as the least precise value used in the calculation. If the digit to be dropped is less than 5, the preceding digit remains unchanged. If the digit to be dropped is 5 or greater, the preceding digit is increased by 1.

What are the guidelines for determining the number of significant figures in a measurement?

The following guidelines can be used to determine the number of significant figures in a measurement:- Non-zero digits are always significant.- Zeros between non-zero digits are significant.- Leading zeros are not significant.- Trailing zeros in a number without a decimal point are not significant.- Trailing zeros in a number with a decimal point are significant.

How do we deal with significant figures in mathematical operations?

When performing mathematical operations, the result should be rounded off to the same number of significant figures as the least precise value used in the calculation. Addition and subtraction require the result to have the same number of decimal places as the value with the fewest decimal places. Multiplication and division require the result to have the same number of significant figures as the value with the fewest significant figures.

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