How Do Strings Transform into Branes in String Theory?

In summary, strings and branes are distinct objects in String theory, with p-branes being objects in spacetime that open strings can attach themselves to. There is a special relationship between 2-branes and fundamental strings in 11-dimensional spacetime when one of the spatial dimensions is made compact. This relationship can also be seen in reverse when coupling strength is increased in a 10-dimensional string theory. This connection between branes and strings is useful in connecting closed and open string theories, where branes can be seen as "classical solutions" with "quantum excitations" described by string states attached to them.
  • #1
I was watching the Elegant Universe on PBS, and the show was talking about the string theory. there was one thing that i didnt really get though. It was the relation between strings and branes. I think i heard that if you were to add energy to a string, it gets bigger, and is stretched into a brane. but I'm not sure. please help me understand this. and if what i heard from the show was right, are there differences between the branes formed by open strings and closed strings? please help, am only in grade 11 and understanding something like this will make me seem extremely smart. :biggrin:
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  • #2
First, let's clear up terminology. p-branes (where p=0,...,10) and "fundamental strings" are distinct objects in what we all "String theory". Fundamental strings are the ones appearing in the original formulation of string theory, but since the mid 90's, it was realized that there are also objects in the spacetime called (D)p-branes on which open strings can attach themselves. D stands for particular boundary conditions that the ends of the string must satisfy to attach the the p-branes.

What you are most likely referring to in your post is the fact that a 2-brane in 11 spacetime dimensions can wrap around a circular dimension (that is, assuming you make one of the 10 *spatial* dimensions compact). As you shrink this circular dimension, it becomes harder to probe it, and the universe looks 10-dimensional. The membrane that is wrapped looks like a fundamental string in this 10-dimensional universe.
From the reverse perspective, if you have a particular 10-dimensional string theory and you increase the coupling strength of the strings, you start being able to probe an 11-th dimension and the string looks like a 2-brane in the full 11-dimensional spacetime. (The reason for this is because the 10-dimensional coupling strength is related to the radius of the circular dimension; the origin of this relationship is not obvious).

Anyway, this relationship between branes and strings is a special circumstance where the branes are wrapped on compact dimensions (like a rubber band around a bottle, the point is they can't be removed from being in the circular direction) and then you take a limit of small or large radius.

More generally, the existence of branes is useful in that it provides a connection between closed and open string theories: you can have closed strings approach a brane, and attach themselves becoming open strings with endpoints on the brane. The reverse can happen as well. A brane can be seen as a "classical solution" to the theory, and its "quantum excitations" are described by string states attached to the brane.
  • #3

Firstly, it's great to see that you're interested in learning about string theory at such a young age! The connection between branes and strings is a fundamental concept in string theory and can be a bit confusing at first. But don't worry, I'll try my best to explain it in a simple way.

In string theory, particles are not considered to be point-like objects, but rather tiny one-dimensional strings. These strings vibrate at different frequencies, giving rise to different particles. Now, a brane (short for membrane) is a higher-dimensional object that can be thought of as a surface in which strings can end or interact.

So, in essence, branes are like "walls" where strings can attach themselves to or interact with. When a string vibrates at a high enough frequency, it can create enough energy to stretch and form a brane. This is where the idea of a string getting bigger and forming a brane comes from.

Now, there are two types of strings - open strings and closed strings. Open strings have two endpoints, while closed strings are like loops with no endpoints. When a closed string vibrates with enough energy, it can form a brane that is closed and connected, similar to the string itself. On the other hand, when an open string vibrates with enough energy, it can form a brane that is open and has two endpoints, similar to the string itself.

In terms of differences between branes formed by open and closed strings, there are some subtle distinctions. For example, open strings can only end on certain types of branes, while closed strings can end on any type of brane. Additionally, the vibrations of open strings are restricted to their endpoints, while closed strings can vibrate along their entire length.

I hope this helps to clarify the concept of branes and strings for you. Keep exploring and learning, and who knows, you may become a future physicist studying string theory!

FAQ: How Do Strings Transform into Branes in String Theory?

1. What is the concept of "Branes and strings connection" in physics?

The concept of "Branes and strings connection" is a fundamental idea in modern physics that attempts to explain the nature of the universe at a microscopic level. It suggests that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles, but rather tiny vibrating strings that interact with each other through higher-dimensional objects called branes.

2. How does the "Branes and strings connection" theory relate to string theory?

The "Branes and strings connection" theory is a subset of string theory, which is a theoretical framework that attempts to unify all the fundamental forces of nature. In this theory, the strings are considered to be one-dimensional objects that vibrate at different frequencies, giving rise to all the particles and forces in the universe. Branes, on the other hand, are higher-dimensional objects that act as boundaries for the strings and can also interact with them.

3. What are the possible dimensions of branes in the "Branes and strings connection" theory?

According to the theory, there can be branes of various dimensions, ranging from zero to ten. The most commonly studied branes are the 3-brane and the 7-brane, which correspond to three and seven spatial dimensions, respectively. These branes can interact with each other and with the strings in the universe, influencing the overall behavior of the universe.

4. How does the "Branes and strings connection" theory explain the concept of extra dimensions?

The "Branes and strings connection" theory suggests that there may be more than the three spatial dimensions that we are familiar with. These extra dimensions are compactified and hidden from our perception, but they play a crucial role in the interactions between branes and strings. This theory provides a possible explanation for why we only experience three dimensions in our everyday lives.

5. What are some potential implications of the "Branes and strings connection" theory?

The "Branes and strings connection" theory has the potential to provide a unified understanding of the fundamental forces of nature, including gravity. It also offers a possible explanation for the existence of extra dimensions and could potentially lead to new insights and advancements in areas such as quantum mechanics and cosmology. However, further research and experimentation are needed to confirm the validity of this theory.

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