How do the concepts of 'constant c' and 'locality' work in GR?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the speed of light (c) in the theory of relativity. It is noted that in general relativity (GR), c is considered a 'local global constant' meaning that each observer will measure c to be the same value locally, but it can vary at different locations. However, this does not mean that c is variable, as it has a defined value in the SI units. It is also mentioned that GR should be applied locally, and not used to predict what a distant observer might see. The conversation concludes with a request for book recommendations on the subject.
  • #1
Drawing on a number of threads in this forum, and my very limited understanding of relativity, I am intrigued by the following thoughts:

If I have understood correctly, in GR, c is supposed to be only a 'local global constant', and not exactly a Universal constant.

Meaning that, two distant observer will each measure c 'locally' to be a given constant value (299,792,458 m/s as per most sources), and this is valid everywhere in the Universe 'locally'. In addition, both observers can conclude that the c at the other observers location is different from his local c (e.g. c is comparatively lower in the vicinity of a large mass, than farther away).

My questions are:
- How is 'local' or 'locality' defined (i.e. where is the boundary between local and non-local)?
- If c can be observed to have different values at various distances from an observer as per GR, does SR have any validity in the real 'gravitational' Universe?
- How can c then be considered an 'ultimate speed limit of the Universe', since it can vary at different locations even for a single observer?
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  • #2
The main point to understand is that GR doesn't have any meaningful way to describe the velocity of an object that is distant from the observer.

You seem to have gotten the impression that c is variable. It isn't. In the SI, it has a defined value. In the units normally used be relativists, it equals 1. 1 doesn't have a varying value.

arindamsinha said:
In addition, both observers can conclude that the c at the other observers location is different from his local c (e.g. c is comparatively lower in the vicinity of a large mass, than farther away).
No, each observer can conclude that the other observer is measuring the ordinary, local value of c for phenomena close to him.

arindamsinha said:
- How is 'local' or 'locality' defined (i.e. where is the boundary between local and non-local)?
There is no sharp boundary. You can, for example, quantify curvature effects by saying that they scale like a certain power of the distance.

arindamsinha said:
- If c can be observed to have different values at various distances from an observer as per GR, does SR have any validity in the real 'gravitational' Universe?
SR is valid locally, as an approximation. The error in the approximation scales like a certain power of the distance.

arindamsinha said:
- How can c then be considered an 'ultimate speed limit of the Universe', since it can vary at different locations even for a single observer?
It's a local speed limit.
  • #3

Thank for the response.

I have seen in some references that light travels slower in the vicinity of a large mass that farther away. Doesn't that mean that the c differs at different locations?

Or am I missing the whole concept?
  • #4
arindamsinha said:
I have seen in some references that light travels slower in the vicinity of a large mass that farther away. Doesn't that mean that the c differs at different locations?
That's exactly what Ben means with
bcrowell said:
The main point to understand is that GR doesn't have any meaningful way to describe the velocity of an object that is distant from the observer.
The so-called Shapiro delay can be cast in a form where it seems as if c - as seen by a distant observer - is slower, i.e. c < 1, near a large mass. But at each point a local observer would not see any variation of c.
  • #5
tom.stoer said:
The so-called Shapiro delay can be cast in a form where it seems as if c - as seen by a distant observer - is slower, i.e. c < 1, near a large mass. But at each point a local observer would not see any variation of c.

Yeah, vast amounts of harm are done by these popularizations that uncritically describe observers as perceiving things at a distance. One big example is descriptions of matter falling into a black hole, as "seen" by an observer at infinity. Another is when people talk about cosmological expansion and assume uncritically that it makes sense to describe the rate of increase of proper length as a velocity "seen" by a particular observer (which leads, for example, to the incorrect belief that this velocity can't be >c for observable galaxies).
  • #6
Ben and Tom,

If I understand what you are saying, GR should only be applied locally, and the local c to everybody is the known constant. GR should not be used to explain or predict what a distant observer might see. Is this understanding correct?
  • #7
arindamsinha said:
If I understand what you are saying, GR should only be applied locally, and the local c to everybody is the known constant. GR should not be used to explain or predict what a distant observer might see. Is this understanding correct?

No, that would be much too broad. When I look at a cosmologically distant galaxy, I see something. What I see is red-shifted, for example. GR predicts correctly what I see.

If you tell us something about your background in math and physics, we might be able to point you to a book to read that would help you get going more on understanding the subject deeply. But you can't just interpret everything in terms of sound-bites.
  • #8
bcrowell said:
If you tell us something about your background in math and physics, we might be able to point you to a book to read that would help you get going more on understanding the subject deeply. But you can't just interpret everything in terms of sound-bites.

I did my bachelor's degree in engineering where I had some advanced level courses in physics and mathematics, though my major was in computer science. This of course was 20+ years ago. Since then physics has been more of a hobby than anything else.

So I suppose I can handle reasonably advanced calculus, but not tensor calculus etc.

If there are some really good books you can suggest, that will be helpful. Thanks in advance.

PS: I have gone through some of the papers and books by Einstein, though cannot claim to have studied them in great depth, or understood everything they say.
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  • #9
I am asking some similar questions in my thread,

I too find the this subject very confusing, I know this is just because my lack of understanding on the subject, but many threads seem to contradict each other in how frames are dealt with in GR.
  • #10
arindamsinha said:
I did my bachelor's degree in engineering where I had some advanced level courses in physics and mathematics, though my major was in computer science. This of course was 20+ years ago. Since then physics has been more of a hobby than anything else.

So I suppose I can handle reasonably advanced calculus, but not tensor calculus etc.

If there are some really good books you can suggest, that will be helpful. Thanks in advance.

PS: I have gone through some of the papers and books by Einstein, though cannot claim to have studied them in great depth, or understood everything they say.

I'd recommend Reflections on Relativity by Kevin Brown. It might be perfect for you. Rigorous but not a boring textbook.
  • #11
ImaLooser said:
I'd recommend Reflections on Relativity by Kevin Brown. It might be perfect for you. Rigorous but not a boring textbook.

Thanks a lot

Related to How do the concepts of 'constant c' and 'locality' work in GR?

What is the significance of 'constant c' in general relativity?

'Constant c' refers to the speed of light in a vacuum, which is a fundamental constant in physics. In general relativity, the value of 'c' is used to define the curvature of space and time, and is an essential component in the equations that describe the theory.

How does the concept of 'locality' apply in general relativity?

'Locality' in general relativity refers to the idea that the effects of gravity only act on objects in their immediate vicinity. This means that the gravitational force experienced by an object is determined by the distribution of matter and energy in its local region, rather than by distant objects.

Does general relativity violate the principle of locality?

No, general relativity does not violate the principle of locality. While the theory does allow for the existence of curved space and time, and the effects of gravity on objects in those regions, these effects are still confined to the local region and do not extend infinitely.

How does the concept of 'constant c' affect the theory of relativity?

The constant 'c' is a fundamental part of the theory of relativity, as it defines the maximum speed at which information can travel in the universe. This speed is constant for all observers, regardless of their relative motion, and plays a crucial role in the equations of both special and general relativity.

What is the role of 'constant c' in the theory of gravity?

In the theory of general relativity, 'c' is used to define the curvature of spacetime, which is affected by the presence of matter and energy. The strength of the gravitational force is determined by this curvature, and the value of 'c' helps to determine the precise nature of this force.

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