How do the lava flows on Venus reach such incredible lengths?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the conversation discusses a fantastic picture of Venus showing lava flows and the technology used to capture it. It also delves into the remarkable length and formation of the lava flows on Venus, as well as the planet's surface temperature and atmosphere. The conversation ends with a question about the reason behind the intense volcanic activity on Venus.
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{incorrect link deleted by Phobos - - see Andre's link}

fantastic picture of venus, showing lava flows.
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Radar photos - gawd, I love technology.
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Lavaflows on Venus are several thousend miles long and fill big lakes. This is even more remarkable if we take into consideration that the Planet's surface is much shallower than Earth forming immense plains with little elevation differences. Consequently, to form lava flows that long, the lava must have been liquid for dozens if not hundreds of years.

Of course, as the surface temperature of Venus is up (~740 K) you can expect that lava flows on Venus are less viscuous and cool much slower than on Earth. However with typical lava temperatures of 1300K the difference is big enough for the lava to cool rather quickly (days to months). A case can be made for the dense atmosphere (90-92 bar) acting as an insulation blanket. However counteracting this is that the increased pressure also increases the solidifying temperature.

All in all, with all those vulcanoes and all that lava, it would not be far fetched to assume that the whole of Venus was a very big stove, producing an incredible amount of heat from the inside out, that has been much hotter in the past, at the time when these vulcanoes were active.

But why? I have attempted to explain that in this
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FAQ: How do the lava flows on Venus reach such incredible lengths?

What is a "Fantastic picture of venu"?

A "Fantastic picture of venu" refers to a high-quality, visually stunning image of the planet Venus. It may capture unique features, such as its thick atmosphere or surface details, and can be taken from various angles and distances.

Why is a "Fantastic picture of venu" important?

A "Fantastic picture of venu" allows us to study and understand the planet in more detail. It can provide valuable information about its atmosphere, weather patterns, and geological features. These images also help to inspire and engage the public's interest in space exploration.

How are "Fantastic pictures of venu" taken?

"Fantastic pictures of venu" are typically taken by spacecraft or telescopes. Spacecraft may use specialized cameras and instruments to capture images in different wavelengths of light. Telescopes on Earth may also be used, but atmospheric conditions can affect the quality of the image.

What are some interesting features of Venus captured in "Fantastic pictures of venu"?

Some interesting features of Venus captured in "Fantastic pictures of venu" include its thick, toxic atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, its constantly changing cloud patterns, and its dense, rocky surface with numerous volcanoes and impact craters.

What can "Fantastic pictures of venu" tell us about the planet's history?

"Fantastic pictures of venu" can provide valuable clues about Venus' past. By studying the planet's surface features and geological processes, scientists can infer what the planet may have looked like in the past and how it has changed over time. These images can also help in identifying potential areas for future exploration and research.

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