How do the W and Z Gauge Bosons work in the weak nuclear force?

In summary, the conversation discusses different explanations for weak interactions involving W+ and W- bosons, as well as the purpose and mechanics of the Z boson in weak interactions. It also mentions the use of Feynman diagrams to understand these interactions and the conservation of charge at each vertex. It is also mentioned that there are many other interactions beyond the ones discussed.
  • #1
I've seen explanations that when a neutrino with a W+ Boson comes near a neutron, it affects one of the bottom quarks and changes it to a up quark which effectively turns the neutron into a proton. The neutrino then turns into an electron.


(2:20 onwards)

I've seen other explanations which say that a down quark in a neutron emits a W- Boson and changes into a up quark, effectively turning the neutron into a proton. And then the W- Boson decays into an electron and antineutrino.


So which is the correct explanation?
And one more thing, I've searched many websites and I still can't find a good explanation for what exactly the Z boson does?
I get that it is neutral, but that's it.

Thanks to any help in advance. :)
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  • #2
Both are correct, they're just describing different weak interactions. The first one is something called "charged current interaction", and can be shown schematically here: (time on the y axis)

The second describes weak nuclear decay, schematically shown here:

These are just two examples of weak interactions. The boson that carries the weak force for any given reaction is the one that conserves electrical charge. Hence W+ in the first example, W- in the second. If no charge is carried, you use the Z boson. For example, the scattering of a neutrino and an electron:


Does this clear things up?
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  • #3

Thank you very much for the reply.
I've never learned how Feynman diagrams work but after doing some more research, I think I understand the first two interactions. :)
I take it that both the first two interactions apply to both W+ and W- bosons? As in the first interaction can also happen with W- and the second can also happen with W+?
Also, a question on the second interaction, if the W- Boson decays into an electron and anti-neutrino, then why isn't the arrow of the anti-neutrino the other way?

And I still don't understand how the Z boson works exactly. Does it carry "no charge" between particles? Why does it need to carry no charge? Can't the electron and neutrino collide and then scatter by themselves?
I'm still quite confused on the mechanics and purpose of the Z boson.
Also, are there any other interactions? Or is it just these three?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really interested in this stuff.
Thanks again for the replies! :)
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  • #4
Roroy said:

Thank you very much for the reply.
I've never learned how Feynman diagrams work but after doing some more research, I think I understand the first two interactions. :)
I take it that both the first two interactions apply to both W+ and W- bosons? As in the first interaction can also happen with W- and the second can also happen with W+?
Also, a question on the second interaction, if the W- Boson decays into an electron and anti-neutrino, then why isn't the arrow of the anti-neutrino the other way?


No, the arrow of anti-particles go in the opposite direction to that of the particles - this is notation, and harks back to the fact that antiparticles look like particles traveling backwards in time.

No, the choice of W+ or W- depends on the charge. You need to conserve charge at every vertex, so if you have a neutron turning into a proton, one unit of negative charge needs to be carried away by a W-, for a proton turning into a neutron, you need to carry away one unit of positive charge with the W+. So, with the above reactions, if instead you had a proton turning into a neutron, you'd have a W- in the first case, W+ in the second.
Roroy said:
And I still don't understand how the Z boson works exactly. Does it carry "no charge" between particles? Why does it need to carry no charge?

Like I said, you need to conserve charge at each vertex.

Can't the electron and neutrino collide and then scatter by themselves? I'm still quite confused on the mechanics and purpose of the Z boson.

That's exactly what that diagram shows! Collisions occur through some mediating force, which must be carried by a gauge boson. In this case, the weak force, and W+/W-/Z0. When electrons scatter off of each other, the force is mediated by a photon, the gauge boson for the electromagnetic force.

Also, are there any other interactions? Or is it just these three?

Many, many others! I alluded to a couple up at the top of this post, but there are many others beyond this! And I've only shown you the most simple version of the processes we've been discussing, too.
  • #5

The W and Z gauge bosons are fundamental particles that mediate the weak nuclear force, one of the four fundamental forces in nature. The weak force is responsible for processes such as radioactive decay and nuclear reactions.

The W bosons, specifically the W+ and W-, are responsible for the transformation of particles between different flavors, or types, of quarks. In the case of the neutron and proton transformation, the W+ boson changes a down quark into an up quark, effectively turning the neutron into a proton. This process is known as beta decay.

The Z boson, on the other hand, is responsible for maintaining the weak force's symmetry and for mediating interactions between particles with the same flavor. It is also involved in the process of neutral current interactions, where particles exchange energy and momentum without changing their flavor. This is important in understanding the behavior of particles in high-energy collisions, such as those that occur in particle accelerators.

To summarize, the W bosons are responsible for changing the flavors of particles, while the Z boson helps maintain the symmetry of the weak force and mediates interactions between particles with the same flavor. Both of these gauge bosons play crucial roles in understanding the weak nuclear force and the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.

FAQ: How do the W and Z Gauge Bosons work in the weak nuclear force?

1. What is the role of the W and Z gauge bosons in the weak nuclear force?

The W and Z gauge bosons are responsible for mediating the weak nuclear force, which is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. They are responsible for interactions between particles that involve the exchange of energy and momentum, such as radioactive decay and nuclear reactions.

2. How do the W and Z gauge bosons transfer the weak nuclear force?

The W and Z gauge bosons transfer the weak nuclear force by carrying the weak charge, which is a fundamental property of particles. When particles with weak charge interact, they exchange a W or Z boson, which transfers the weak force between them.

3. What are the properties of the W and Z gauge bosons?

The W and Z gauge bosons have a mass of about 80 and 91 GeV/c² respectively, which is much larger than the mass of other particles, such as electrons and quarks. They also have a spin of 1, which means they are vector bosons and have a direction of motion.

4. How were the W and Z gauge bosons discovered?

The W and Z gauge bosons were discovered in 1983 by the CERN experiments Gargamelle and UA1, which were studying collisions between protons and antiprotons. By analyzing the decay products of these collisions, they were able to observe the production of W and Z bosons, providing evidence for their existence.

5. Can the W and Z gauge bosons be created artificially?

Yes, the W and Z gauge bosons can be created artificially in high-energy particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. By colliding particles at extremely high energies, scientists are able to produce W and Z bosons, which can then be studied to better understand the weak nuclear force and the fundamental nature of matter.
