How do transformers work, and how to read dot notation

In summary, the dot notation on schematic diagrams is used to show the relationship between inductively coupled coils, with a current into the dot producing a current out of the dot on the coupled coil. When analyzing circuits with coupled inductors, it is important to pay attention to the dot notation and the direction of current flow.
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Hi all, I have attempted this question but have a few queries on how transformers work, and what the dot notation represents.

(a) The flux would be clockwise around the iron core.

(b) This is the question where it gets a bit iffy. So from my understanding, the dot notation would indicate that terminal 4 is positive. Is this because of the clockwise magnetic flux flowing through the iron core, and due to lenz law the coil will have a voltage induced in such a way to oppose the change. That is, the voltage induced in the secondary coil will produce an anticlockwise flux that opposes the initial flux producing it? That will mean that the positive charges will flow towards terminal 4 and hence make it positive.

(c) If we were to connect terminal 3 and 4 by a wire, then current would flow from 4-->3 (using the right-hand grip rule I deduced that current would flow to the right as indicated on the diagram).

In my head, the secondary coil somewhat acts like a battery since current flows the same direction as the voltage difference between terminal 3 and 4.

I don't really feel confident for all of these answers, so please explain what I am missing if I am wrong! Thanks!


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Hi eft,

Welcome to Physics Forums!

It looks like you've got a handle on transformers. Your thoughts and analyses look fine.

To answer your question in the thread title, dot notation on schematic diagrams allows the designer to convey to anyone who needs to "read" the diagram how two (or more) inductively coupled coils relate to each other in terms of their winding directions. The basic rule is, a current flowing into the dot on one coil will produce a current out of the dot on the coupled coil.

When doing circuit analysis on a circuit with coupled inductors, one has to be careful to make sure that one makes the induced currents flow in the right direction, which depends on ones assumed loop or branch current directions and whether they flow into or out of the dots in their circuit.


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FAQ: How do transformers work, and how to read dot notation

1. How do transformers work?

Transformers work by using two coils of wire, known as the primary and secondary coil, that are wrapped around a laminated iron core. An alternating current (AC) is passed through the primary coil, creating a magnetic field. This magnetic field then induces a current in the secondary coil, which can be either higher or lower than the original current, depending on the number of windings in each coil.

2. What is the purpose of dot notation in transformers?

Dot notation is used in transformers to indicate the relative polarity of the primary and secondary coils. A dot on one terminal of a coil indicates that the current flowing into that terminal will induce a current flowing out of the other terminal. This notation helps to ensure that the correct connections are made when connecting the primary and secondary coils together.

3. How do I read dot notation in transformers?

To read dot notation in transformers, first identify the primary and secondary coils. Then, determine the direction of the current flow in the primary coil. If the dot is on the same side of the coil as the current flow, the secondary current will be in the same direction. If the dot is on the opposite side of the coil, the secondary current will be in the opposite direction.

4. What is the difference between step-up and step-down transformers?

Step-up transformers have a higher number of windings in the secondary coil compared to the primary coil, resulting in a higher secondary current and voltage. These transformers are used to increase voltage for long-distance power transmission. Step-down transformers, on the other hand, have a lower number of windings in the secondary coil, resulting in a lower secondary current and voltage. These transformers are used to decrease voltage for household appliances and electronic devices.

5. Can transformers only work with AC current?

Yes, transformers can only work with AC current. This is because an alternating current is necessary to create a changing magnetic field, which is essential for inducing a current in the secondary coil. If a direct current (DC) is passed through the primary coil, there will be no change in the magnetic field and no current will be induced in the secondary coil.

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