How do two photons affect Rabi oscillations in a 2-level atomic system?

In summary: The power dependence of the Rabi oscillation transition probability is given by a Bessel function with a power-law dependence on the photon number n."
  • #1
Hello! Assuming we have a 2 level system (e.g. an atom with 2 energy levels) and the lifetime of the upper level can be neglected, if we make the atom interact with a laser at a fixed frequency, we would get Rabi oscillations (assume the laser is on resonance). Would we still get Rabi oscillations if the transition is driven by 2 photons, instead of one? To give a concrete example, assume we have an atom passing through an optical cavity (formed of 2 mirrors in which we have power build-up), and the frequency of the light is half the transition frequency, so the atom would need to interact with 2 photons for the excitation to take place (this is used for example in Doppler free spectroscopy). If we can adjust the time that the atom spends inside the cavity, would we still get Rabi oscillations in this case? And if so, would the treatment of the problem be the same as in the 1 photon case? Thank you!
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  • #2
Two or multi photon microscopy tells us multi photon process is rare but we can make use of it by advanced technology like lasers. Though I am layman for quantum computing I observe no reason to restrict transition or entanglement by 2 photons instead of higher energy 1 photon.
  • #3
Yes, you can use 2-photon excitation to get Rabi oscillations (via a "virtual" intermediate level).
The problem is that you need a lot power which means that you can easily get a number of other effects (e.g. accidentally excite the system into higher levels) so the oscillations are rarely "ideal".
This is typically described using Floquet theory.
  • #4
f95toli said:
Yes, you can use 2-photon excitation to get Rabi oscillations (via a "virtual" intermediate level).
The problem is that you need a lot power which means that you can easily get a number of other effects (e.g. accidentally excite the system into higher levels) so the oscillations are rarely "ideal".
This is typically described using Floquet theory.
Thank you so much for this! I will look into Floquet theory. Probably a detailed answer to this will be found there, but I am still a bit confused conceptually. In the case of one photon excitation (or at least normal Rabi formalism found in classic textbooks), on resonance the transition probability is given by ##sin^2(\frac{\Omega t}{2})##, so at certain times, we can have the system fully in the upper state (for a ##\pi## pulse). Ignoring other effects that might appear in practice (i.e. assume we have only a 2 level system) if the Rabi oscillations would be there for 2 photon oscillations, would we still get full population inversion for a ##\pi## pulse too? That seems a bit counterintuitive as, if the formalism would be the same, we would get probability of 1 after the right amount of time even for n-photon oscillations, without any power dependence in the formula describing the oscillations.
  • #5
I am by no means an expert when it comes to the theory here (I do know that it works in practice since it is something we sometimes do in our experiments). My understanding is that how much "extra" power you need for a two-photon transition depends on the details of the system you are working with so I am not sure there is a simple answer. If I remember correctly the power dependence takes the form of a Bessel function in the simplest case.
I do know that in strongly non-linear systems you can sometimes see transitions corresponding to not just two but several photons (this is something I did as part of my PhD many years ago) although I am not sure if if also in -in practice- possible to get oscillations in this case.

Edit: some quick Googling results in lots of hits see e.g

Gatzke, M., et al. "Microwave multiphoton Rabi oscillations." Physical Review A 48.6 (1993): 4742.
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FAQ: How do two photons affect Rabi oscillations in a 2-level atomic system?

1. What is a Two Photon Rabi Oscillation?

A Two Photon Rabi Oscillation is a phenomenon that occurs in quantum systems where two photons interact with a two-level quantum system. This interaction causes the quantum system to oscillate between its two energy levels at a frequency known as the Rabi frequency.

2. How does a Two Photon Rabi Oscillation work?

A Two Photon Rabi Oscillation works by using two photons to excite a two-level quantum system. The photons have to be in resonance with the energy difference between the two levels of the quantum system, and their interaction causes the quantum system to oscillate between its two energy levels.

3. What is the significance of Two Photon Rabi Oscillations?

Two Photon Rabi Oscillations have significant applications in quantum computing and quantum information processing. They can be used to manipulate the state of a quantum system, which is essential for performing operations in quantum computing.

4. How are Two Photon Rabi Oscillations observed?

Two Photon Rabi Oscillations can be observed by measuring the state of the quantum system at different points in time. The oscillations can be seen as the quantum system transitions between its two energy levels, and the frequency of the oscillations can be measured to determine the Rabi frequency.

5. What factors affect the strength of Two Photon Rabi Oscillations?

The strength of Two Photon Rabi Oscillations can be affected by several factors, including the intensity and frequency of the photons, the energy difference between the two levels of the quantum system, and the coherence time of the quantum system. These factors can be adjusted to control and optimize the strength of the oscillations.

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