How Do Velocities Transform Under Lorentz Transformations?

In summary, relativistic rapidity is a measure of velocity that takes into account the effects of time dilation and length contraction at high speeds. It is different from velocity as it is a hyperbolic function that increases without bound as the speed of an object approaches the speed of light. The formula for calculating relativistic rapidity is η = 0.5 * ln[(1 + v)/(1 - v)], where η is the rapidity and v is the velocity of the object. The units of relativistic rapidity are dimensionless and it is often expressed in terms of natural logarithms for simplicity. In special relativity, it is directly proportional to the ratio of an object's energy to its momentum, meaning that as an
  • #1
The question is as follows:
We can define the rapidity, y, of a particle with respect to the x axis
y≡tanh-1βx. Show that under a Lorentz transformation by rapidity yB

The Attempt at a Solution

I started by working backwards (sorry if the LaTeX does not work
$$ y'=y-y_B=\frac{1}{2}(\ln(\frac{1+\beta_x}{1-\beta_x})-\ln(\frac{1+\beta_B}{1-\beta_B}))=\frac{1}{2} \ln (\frac{1+\beta_x-\beta_B-\beta_x \beta_B}{1+\beta_B-\beta_x-\beta_B \beta_x})\\ $$
But now I am stuck, what is the transform in this case?
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  • #2
How do velocities transform under Lorentz transformations? What does this tell you about the relation between ##\beta_B##, ##\beta_x## and the sought velocity ##\beta'##?

SilasG said:
sorry if the LaTeX does not work

You need to use two $ instead of one in order to get in and out of LaTeX mode. I fixed this in your original post, but it is a good thing to know.

FAQ: How Do Velocities Transform Under Lorentz Transformations?

What is relativistic rapidity?

Relativistic rapidity is a measure of the velocity of an object in special relativity theory. It takes into account the effects of time dilation and length contraction at high speeds.

How is relativistic rapidity different from velocity?

Relativistic rapidity is different from velocity because it is a hyperbolic function that increases without bound as the speed of an object approaches the speed of light. This is in contrast to velocity, which is limited to the speed of light.

What is the formula for calculating relativistic rapidity?

The formula for calculating relativistic rapidity is η = 0.5 * ln[(1 + v)/(1 - v)], where η is the rapidity and v is the velocity of the object.

What are the units of relativistic rapidity?

The units of relativistic rapidity are dimensionless, meaning it is a unitless quantity. It is often expressed in terms of natural logarithms to simplify calculations.

How does relativistic rapidity relate to energy and momentum?

In special relativity, relativistic rapidity is directly proportional to the ratio of an object's energy to its momentum. This means that as an object's rapidity increases, its energy and momentum also increase.

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