How do waves interfere in Bragg's Law?

In summary, the waves are in two different places and don't interfere, but when they are combined they result in a wave with the same frequency, polarization and direction as the individual waves.
  • #1
I am aware that when an X ray is 'reflected' from the sheets of a crystal lattice, some radiation passes through whilst remaining radiation penetrates different layers or is scattered.

And that if the path difference of the wave traveled is an integral value of wavelengths, constructive interference occurs

However, my problem is, that in all the diagrams, I don't see how interference could occur, because the waves are in two distinct locations, therefore, not interfering at all.

E.g in the attachment, the wave that is reflected of the second layer cannot interfere with the wave reflected off the first layer.

Is this just an oversimplification of the diagram, or a flaw in my understanding?



  • BraggDeriv.gif
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  • #2
The wave is not a straight line, those lines in the picture are normals of the extended wave-fronts. Parallel lines mean the same wave.
Imagine light waves as waves on a lake or river when a ship passes, or see waves coming to the shore.

Part of the incoming wave is reflected from the surface plane of the crystal, other part reflects from the next plane. Those reflected waves unite to a single wave with common wave-fronts when leaving the crystal. The intensity of the resultant wave depends on the path difference between the component waves.



  • bragg1.JPG
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  • #3
Ok, so the red and blue lines are wave fronts, but i still can't see how those two lines represent the same wave.

I see that it makes sense that they are the same wave, i just can't visualise how they could be the same wave, if drawn in two different spots.
  • #4
(maybe another explanation/example will help)
  • #5
For simplicity, imagine a wave traveling in the x direction:

E1(x,y,z)=A sin(wt-kx). The wavefronts are the planes where the phase wt-kx=constant. They are parallel with the y,z plane, and extend infinitely. Their normal is parallel with the x axis, and you can draw a normal anywhere. The wave is represented by the wavefronts, not with the normals.
Let be two such waves with the same frequency, polarization and direction of propagation, only the second wave has traveled a longer distance, so it has a phase shift with respect to the first wave:
E2(x,y,z)=B sin(wt-kx+φ). The longer distance can be because of reflection. The waves interfere, their E vectors is the sum of the individual E vectors. It is easy to show that the resultant is a wave with the same frequency, polarization and direction as the individual waves, but the amplitude depends on the phase shift, and the phase constant is different form those of both original waves. So you got a single wave from both original ones.

In your problem, there is one wave inside the crystal, but two reflected waves outside. They have the same frequency, polarization and direction of propagation. They interfere and make a single wave.


FAQ: How do waves interfere in Bragg's Law?

1. What is Bragg's Law and how does it relate to crystal structures?

Bragg's Law is a fundamental concept in crystallography that describes the relationship between the angle of incidence and the spacing of atomic planes in a crystal lattice. It states that when x-rays or other electromagnetic waves are scattered off of a crystal, the angle at which they are scattered is dependent on the spacing between the crystal planes. This allows scientists to determine the atomic structure of a crystal by analyzing the diffraction pattern of x-rays.

2. How is Bragg's Law used in X-ray crystallography?

Bragg's Law is used in X-ray crystallography to determine the atomic structure of a crystal. X-rays are directed at a crystal and the resulting diffraction pattern is analyzed to determine the angle at which the x-rays were scattered. By applying Bragg's Law, scientists can then calculate the spacing between the crystal planes and ultimately determine the arrangement of atoms within the crystal.

3. What is the formula for Bragg's Law?

The formula for Bragg's Law is nλ = 2dsinθ, where n is the order of diffraction, λ is the wavelength of the incident radiation, d is the spacing between crystal planes, and θ is the angle of incidence. This formula can also be written as nλ = 2dsinθ = 2nλsinθ, where n is an integer value representing the number of diffraction peaks.

4. What factors can affect the accuracy of Bragg's Law calculations?

Several factors can affect the accuracy of Bragg's Law calculations, including the wavelength of the incident radiation, the precision of the diffraction angle measurement, the orientation of the crystal, and the quality of the crystal sample. Additionally, any impurities or defects in the crystal structure can also affect the accuracy of the diffraction pattern and subsequent calculations.

5. What are some real-world applications of Bragg's Law?

Bragg's Law has numerous real-world applications, including X-ray crystallography in drug discovery and materials science, analysis of mineral structures for geological studies, and non-destructive testing of materials for quality control. It is also used in studies of protein structures, DNA sequencing, and determining the composition of various materials in forensic science.
