How Do We Calculate Outgoing Energy from Our Body Using Stefan-Boltzmann's Law?

In summary, using Stefan-Boltzmann's Law, we can determine the quantity of outgoing energy per unit time from our body in the form of Watts (W). However, it is important to consider that our body not only radiates energy, but also absorbs it. The human body may not be a perfect blackbody, but it still has a high emissivity in the long wavelength infrared range. To calculate the energy lost by the body, we can use the formula P = A \sigma_{SB} (T_{skin}^4 - T_{environment}^4), where A is the effective surface area and \sigma_{SB} is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. This takes into account the energy radiated to
  • #1
Using Stefan-Boltzmann's Law, Determine the quantity of

outgoing energy per unit time from Our Body.

The answer should be of form Watt(W).

You must consider that our body not only radiate but also absorp


Can anyone answer this question, please?

I don't need the exact answer but idea. thanx. :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #2
What have you done so far? You have to show some of your prior work.
  • #3
This is raw problem.
  • #4
Then show some raw work! :)
  • #5
Tide said:
Then show some raw work! :)

cfkorea, is the human body a blackbody?
  • #6
Often, most of the energy lost by the body is not in the form of "black body radiation", but instead through conduction to the air and heat going to evaporate our sweat (latent heat).

Think about it, when it is above 37C outside, we should be heating from the environment, both through radiation and conduction, but instead we still lose the 100-200W we generate.

Incidentally, we're almost all black in the IR (the emissivity is about 0.98 to long wavelength infrared).

Oh, and if you want an answer, simply plug in the numbers to:

[itex]P = A \sigma_{SB} (T_{skin}^4 - T_{environment}^4)[/itex]

where A is the effective surface area (about 1 square meter). It is not the nominal 2 because some of the skin faces other parts of the skin and cannot efficiently radiate). [itex]\sigma_{SB}[/itex] is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The first term is the energy radiated to the environment while the second is the energy radiated by the environment back to the skin. This assumes a black body. (otherwise, the whole thing would have been multiplied by the emissivity).

(" )
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FAQ: How Do We Calculate Outgoing Energy from Our Body Using Stefan-Boltzmann's Law?

What is radiation and how does it affect our body?

Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles. Our body is constantly exposed to various forms of radiation, both natural and man-made. Some forms of radiation, such as UV rays from the sun, can be beneficial in small doses for vitamin D production. However, high levels of radiation exposure can be harmful and potentially lead to health issues such as cancer.

How does our body protect itself from radiation?

Our body has natural defense mechanisms to protect itself from radiation. Our skin and tissues act as barriers, absorbing and reflecting some forms of radiation. Additionally, our body has DNA repair mechanisms to fix any damage caused by low levels of radiation. In cases of high levels of radiation exposure, our body can also trigger a process called apoptosis, which is cell death to prevent damaged cells from replicating.

Are there different types of radiation that can affect our body?

Yes, there are several types of radiation that can affect our body. These include ionizing radiation, which has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms, and non-ionizing radiation, which has lower energy and does not have enough to remove electrons. Examples of ionizing radiation include X-rays and gamma rays, while non-ionizing radiation includes UV rays and radio waves.

How can we minimize our exposure to radiation?

There are several steps we can take to minimize our exposure to radiation. Limiting our time spent in the sun, using protective clothing and sunscreen, and avoiding unnecessary medical procedures that involve radiation are all ways to reduce exposure. Additionally, being aware of sources of man-made radiation, such as nuclear power plants and X-ray machines, and following safety precautions can also help minimize exposure.

Can radiation be beneficial for our body?

In small doses, some forms of radiation can be beneficial for our body. As mentioned earlier, UV rays from the sun can help our body produce vitamin D, which is essential for bone health. Low levels of radiation exposure have also been used in medical treatments, such as radiation therapy for cancer. However, it is important to limit exposure and follow safety guidelines to prevent any potential harm to our body.

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