How do we decide if a trajectory is 1D, 2D or 3D?

In summary, kinematics is the study of motion and trajectories of moving bodies, which are represented by an equation that contains spatial coordinates. A trajectory can be 2D, 1D, or 3D depending on the number of independent variables required for its parametrization. In kinematics, the dimension of an object is equal to the number of parameters needed to describe it. Parametrization involves expressing the trajectory in terms of either time or space variables, and the conversion between the two can be done through finding the line element and solving a differential equation.
  • #1
Hello Forum,

In kinematics we study motion and the trajectories of moving bodies.

The trajectory is a line (straight or curved) that joins all the positions occupied by the object in the various instants of time. A trajectory has an equation that contains only spatial coordinates (not time t).

For example, a particle moving in a circle in the 3D space: the trajectory equation can be x^2+y^2=16 in Cartesian, r=4 in polar, etc...

Is this trajectory and this motion 2D, 1D or 3D? How do we decide?

There seem to be only one independent variable in x^2+y^2=16 ...

Is a curve always a 1-dimensional object, manifold that lives in a higher dimension space?

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  • #2
All curves are one dimensional, surfaces are two dimensional and solids three dimensional.

the test is : How many parameters are required for a parametrisation?

Your curve as f(x,y,z) can be parameterised as x(t), y(t), z(t)

For a surface you require two parameters say, (t,s)

Does this help?
  • #3
A trajectory is a 1D object intrinsically. A trajectory in a 3D space, however, may be studied in a 2D or 1D subspace if the trajectory is "flat enough". Specifically, each trajectory is characterized by its "curvature" and "torsion". If torsion is zero, then the trajectory is in a plane; if curvature is zero, then it is a straight line.
  • #4
Thanks everyone.

From Dr. Math:
"... Although the sphere is a subset of three-dimensional space, it is a two-dimensional object. A circle can exist in either two-dimensional or three-dimensional space (or even higher-dimensional spaces), but it is a one-dimensional object.

A line segment, which is one-dimensional, can be deformed into a circle. We can think of the line as elastic. A circular disk, which is two-dimensional, can be deformed elastically into a sphere.
If you know about describing curves and surfaces parametrically, then, with certain restrictions, the dimension of the object is equal to the number of parameters required in its description..."

So a trajectory is a one dimensional object. But if the points of the trajectory all belong to a straight line then the motion is commonly called one-dimensional. If the points belong to the same plane it is the 2-dimensional and if they belong to a 3D space the trajectory is 3-dimensional. So the statement "the dimension of the object is equal to the number of parameters required in its description" is what it is often meant in kinematics to define the dimension of the trajectory.

Parametrization? The trajectory is either an equation involving only space variables or it is given by by the point of the vector [x(t), y(t), z(t)]. The 3 vector coordinates are functions of time t. Does that mean parametrization?
The 3 space location variables could be functions of the traveled space s along the trajectory itself, as x(s), y(s), z(s), correct?
How would we move from the time parametrization [x(t), y(t), z(t)] to the space parametrization [x(s), y(s), z(s)]?

  • #5
fisico30 said:
Parametrization? The trajectory is either an equation involving only space variables or it is given by by the point of the vector [x(t), y(t), z(t)]. The 3 vector coordinates are functions of time t. Does that mean parametrization?

Yes. In this case t is a parameter, for each value of which you can produce a point of the trajectory.

The 3 space location variables could be functions of the traveled space s along the trajectory itself, as x(s), y(s), z(s), correct?
How would we move from the time parametrization [x(t), y(t), z(t)] to the space parametrization [x(s), y(s), z(s)]?

You would need to find the "line element" ds; it is expressed via the derivatives of x(t), y(t), z(t). Which is going to be a differential equation with s and t. Which you can solve for s(t) and t(s).

FAQ: How do we decide if a trajectory is 1D, 2D or 3D?

1. How do we determine the dimensionality of a trajectory?

The dimensionality of a trajectory is determined by the number of independent variables required to describe the motion of an object. This can be determined by analyzing the motion of the object in different directions and determining if the motion is confined to a single plane (1D), a single plane with some variations (2D), or multiple planes (3D).

2. Can a trajectory be both 2D and 3D?

No, a trajectory can only be described as either 1D, 2D, or 3D. If an object's motion is confined to a single plane, it can be described as either 1D or 2D, but not both. Similarly, if an object's motion occurs in multiple planes, it can only be described as 3D.

3. How does the number of dimensions affect the trajectory of an object?

The number of dimensions can affect the trajectory of an object in terms of the complexity of its motion. A 1D trajectory would have simpler motion compared to a 2D or 3D trajectory, which may have curves, loops, or changes in direction. The number of dimensions can also affect the speed and distance traveled by an object in its trajectory.

4. What is an example of a 1D, 2D, and 3D trajectory?

A 1D trajectory can be seen in the motion of a pendulum swinging back and forth in a straight line. A 2D trajectory can be seen in the motion of a ball rolling on a flat surface, as it can move in any direction within the plane. A 3D trajectory can be seen in the motion of a flying bird, as it can move in multiple planes and change direction in all three dimensions.

5. Can the dimensionality of a trajectory change?

Yes, the dimensionality of a trajectory can change if the motion of the object changes. For example, a ball rolling on a flat surface may start as a 2D trajectory, but if it rolls off a ramp and into the air, its trajectory would become 3D. Additionally, as an object moves through different environments, its trajectory may change from 1D to 2D or 3D depending on the presence of obstacles or forces acting on it.

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