How do weight, surface area, and speed affect the force of friction?

In summary, to investigate the factors affecting friction, you will need to measure the magnitude of the force of friction by substituting the distance stretched for the force using an elastic band apparatus. You will need objects with identical masses and easily alterable surface area, such as a tissue box. It is important to keep the velocity constant for accurate results. A minimum of four measurements for each investigation is recommended, but the results will determine the exact number. For each investigation, one variable (weight, surface area, or speed) should be changed while keeping the other two constant. The surfaces rubbing against each other should also remain the same to avoid changes in the coefficient of friction.
  • #1
Investigation: Factors Affecting Friction

Design and complete an investigation to determine how the following factors affect the force of friction:


- Surface Area


You will need to measure the magnitude of the force of friction. Since the magnitude of the force that is provided by an elastic band is directly related to the distance the elastic band is stretched, it is apropriate to substitude the distance strecthed for the force. You will need objects with identical masses, whose surface area can be easily altered (such as a tissue box). Remember that regardless of what velocity you choose, you must try to keep it as constant as possible.

WAT! lol please explain to me what all this means and give me a detailed plan of what i need to do to accomplish this task THANKS
Physics news on
  • #2
I have no idea what it means, and that is why it is your job to tell us your initial thoughts on the problem. Nobody here is going to have a clue what the elastic band apparatus is supposed to be without you going into some detail about how it works, and how your experiment could work around it.
  • #3
If you pull the object at a constant speed the force you are applying (a horizontal force should be applied on a level surface) will be equal to the frictional force. You can determine the magnitude of this force by using the extension of the elastic (which you should calibrate by hanging masses from it and measuring its extension).
  • #4
oik ill see what i can do with basically calibrate an elastic band pull objects with it the objects should differen in wieght and surface area and they should be pulled at different speeds as well how many objects should i use?
  • #5
I should think that a minimum of four measurements for each investigation is needed, but your results (graph f on y and the independent variable [weight, size of surface area or speed] on the x) will dictate how many.

For each type of invstigation you need to keep the other two constant. That is if you decide to investigate the "friction force - weight" relation then you need to keep the surface area and speed the same for all the measurements while changing the weight for each measurement.

It goes without saying that since the coefficient changes when the two involved surfaces are changed you should do these investigations without changing the surfaces that rubs against each other.
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FAQ: How do weight, surface area, and speed affect the force of friction?

1. What is friction investigation?

Friction investigation is the study of the force that resists the relative motion between two surfaces in contact.

2. Why is friction investigation important?

Friction is a ubiquitous force that affects everyday life and plays a crucial role in various scientific fields such as engineering, physics, and materials science. Understanding and controlling friction can lead to improved designs, efficiency, and performance of machines and devices.

3. What are the types of friction that can be investigated?

The three types of friction commonly studied in investigations are static friction, kinetic friction, and rolling friction. Static friction occurs when two surfaces are at rest relative to each other, kinetic friction occurs when the surfaces are in motion, and rolling friction occurs when a rolling object encounters resistance from the surface it is rolling on.

4. How is friction investigated in a laboratory setting?

Friction is commonly investigated in a laboratory setting using experiments that involve measuring the force required to overcome friction, such as sliding or rolling objects on different surfaces. Other methods include using instruments like a tribometer to measure frictional forces and studying the effects of different parameters such as surface roughness and lubrication on friction.

5. What are some real-life applications of friction investigation?

Friction investigation has many practical applications, including the development of efficient vehicle tires, the design of brake systems, and the exploration of ways to reduce energy consumption and wear and tear in machines. It also plays a crucial role in the study of geological phenomena such as earthquakes and landslides.
