How Do You Calculate Angular Speed and Velocity of Clock Hands?

  • Thread starter Kikki:)
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In summary, the problem asks to find the angular speed and angular velocity for the second hand and hour hand of a running clock, given that the circumference is 2*pi times the radius. The angular speed is the magnitude of the angular velocity, with both having units of radians per second. The number of radians in a full circle depends on the radius of the circle. To find the angular velocity, the formula 2*pi/seconds is used, with seconds representing the time it takes for one revolution. The acceleration on a properly working clock is constant, therefore the angular acceleration is 0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For the second handand the hour hand of a running clock, find the angular speed and the angular velocity. (in rad/sec)

Homework Equations

Circumference = 2 x pix radius

360 degrees = 1 revolution.

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that the circumference can be altered to make radians like this C = 2 x pi / rad .

But is the angular speed the same as the angular velcority? Or is it asking for me to find the ang speed and velocity for the second hand anhour hand seperate?

I know that the circumference is 3,600s. So would you end up for the angular speed taking the 3,600s x 2 x pi / rad ? Or would the angular speed and velocity be the exact same for both the second and hour hand?

I'm mainly wanting to learn how to do the problems. :]
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  • #2
The angular speed is the magnitude of the angular velocity. The angular velocity is a vector quantity (well, technically a pseudo-vector quantity, but that's probably a nit-pick at this juncture).

Both angular speed and angular velocity have units of radians per second (rad/sec). How many radians in a full circle (say as a radius vector sweeps around it)? Do the number of radians depend upon the radius or diameter of the circle?
  • #3
Circumference = 2 x pix radius

The circumference isn't relevant here. You're trying to find angular speed. That's how fast the hand rotates, in radians per second; it's not how fast the hand is moving in m/s.

But is the angular speed the same as the angular velcority? Or is it asking for me to find the ang speed and velocity for the second hand anhour hand seperate?

Yes, angular speed is just another name for angular velocity.

I know that the circumference is 3,600s. So would you end up for the angular speed taking the 3,600s x 2 x pi / rad ? Or would the angular speed and velocity be the exact same for both the second and hour hand?

How can the circumference be 3600s, which has units of time?

Angular speed is the angle spanned by one revolution--which is 2*pi--divided by the time it takes to complete that revolution. How long does the second hand take to complete one revolution? The hour hand?
  • #4
ideasrule said:
The circumference isn't relevant here. You're trying to find angular speed. That's how fast the hand rotates, in radians per second; it's not how fast the hand is moving in m/s.

Yes, angular speed is just another name for angular velocity.

How can the circumference be 3600s, which has units of time?

Angular speed is the angle spanned by one revolution--which is 2*pi--divided by the time it takes to complete that revolution. How long does the second hand take to complete one revolution? The hour hand?

Oh so it is asking for them to be seperate. Isn't it that because in 1hr it is 3600s. Or is that using it to convert it to seconds for part of the rad?
  • #5
gneill said:
The angular speed is the magnitude of the angular velocity. The angular velocity is a vector quantity (well, technically a pseudo-vector quantity, but that's probably a nit-pick at this juncture).

Both angular speed and angular velocity have units of radians per second (rad/sec). How many radians in a full circle (say as a radius vector sweeps around it)? Do the number of radians depend upon the radius or diameter of the circle?

So basically a radian is the same as a radius but that the radius halfway and the length of that usually is used to make up ever how many wil go around the circle just like 2 pi r which would be 6.28 radians in a circle with involving the circumference? In a full circle without any numbers but the equation for circumference it would be 6.28 rad.

The number of radians depenmds upon the radius of the circle.
  • #6
ideasrule said:
The circumference isn't relevant here. You're trying to find angular speed. That's how fast the hand rotates, in radians per second; it's not how fast the hand is moving in m/s.

Yes, angular speed is just another name for angular velocity.

How can the circumference be 3600s, which has units of time?

Angular speed is the angle spanned by one revolution--which is 2*pi--divided by the time it takes to complete that revolution. How long does the second hand take to complete one revolution? The hour hand?

Oh! So what your saying is to take 2 x pi divide by 3600 sec which is 22,608 sec. But the problem is asking to put the asnwer into rad/sec. So your saying to find it in revolutions/sec first and then convert it to rads/sec?
  • #7
You've got multiplication and division mixed up. 2*pi / 3600 = 0.0017 rad / s [Notice the units]
  • #8
But so then wouldn't the second hand and the hour hand both be the same since they have to go by 12 intervals? Oh my bad, because its rads over seconds. Much Thanks! :]
  • #9
They are asking you for to find the angular velocity.

The formula you will be using is 2*pi/seconds

a.) the second hand
2*pi/60 seconds
(becaus there are 60 seconds in a minute)
= .1047197551 rad/s

b.) the minute hand
2*pi/3600 seconds
(because i had to multiply 60*60 to see how many seconds were in 60 minutes)
=0.0017453293 rad/s

c.) the hour hand
(becaue there are 12 hours and there are 60 minutes in an hour so i converted to minutes which was 60*60=720; and then i had to multiply 720*60=43200 to give the seconds in 12 hours)
=1.45*10^ -4=0.000145

to find the angular acceleration

d.) the acceleration is constant on a clock that is working properly so the acceleration will be 0 because its not slowing down or speeding up its the sameI hope this will help you out...
  • #10
naimagul said:
They are asking you for to find the angular velocity.

The formula you will be using is 2*pi/seconds

a.) the second hand
2*pi/60 seconds
(becaus there are 60 seconds in a minute)
= .1047197551 rad/s

b.) the minute hand
2*pi/3600 seconds
(because i had to multiply 60*60 to see how many seconds were in 60 minutes)
=0.0017453293 rad/s

c.) the hour hand
(becaue there are 12 hours and there are 60 minutes in an hour so i converted to minutes which was 60*60=720; and then i had to multiply 720*60=43200 to give the seconds in 12 hours)
=1.45*10^ -4=0.000145

to find the angular acceleration

d.) the acceleration is constant on a clock that is working properly so the acceleration will be 0 because its not slowing down or speeding up its the same

I hope this will help you out...

Oh so you would convert 12 then, thankyou very much. This helped me immensley!
  • #11
Kikki:) said:
Oh so you would convert 12 then, thankyou very much. This helped me immensley!

you are always welcome

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Angular Speed and Velocity of Clock Hands?

1. What is the difference between angular speed and angular velocity?

Angular speed refers to the rate at which an object rotates, while angular velocity refers to the speed of rotation and the direction in which the object is rotating.

2. How is angular speed/velocity measured?

Angular speed is typically measured in units of radians per second (rad/s), while angular velocity is measured in units of radians per second with direction (rad/s with direction).

3. What factors affect the angular speed/velocity of an object?

The angular speed/velocity of an object is affected by the size and shape of the object, the force applied to it, and the distance from the axis of rotation.

4. Can angular speed/velocity be negative?

Yes, angular speed/velocity can be negative if the object is rotating in the opposite direction to the chosen reference direction.

5. How does angular speed/velocity relate to linear speed/velocity?

Angular speed/velocity and linear speed/velocity are related through the equation v = rω, where v is linear speed, r is the radius of rotation, and ω is angular speed/velocity.

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