How Do You Calculate Average Frictional Force?

In summary, a 0.5 kg block with an initial velocity of 0.2 m/s slides to rest in a distance of 0.7m. To find the average friction force that retracted its motion, we can use the equation Vf2 =Vi2 +2a*x, where a is the negative acceleration. However, without knowing the deceleration, it is not possible to find the force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 0.5 kg block is sliding across a table top with an inital velocity of 0.2 m/s. It slides to rest in a distance of 0.7m. Find the average friction force that retracted its motion.


Homework Equations

vavg= vf-vi, then d/vavg= t, then a=vavg/t, then fnet=m*a, bleh that's all i can really think to do now :S

The Attempt at a Solution

vavg= 0-0.2= -0.2
t=d/vavg= .7/-.2= -3.5sec
a= -0.2/-3.5=0.057
fnet= 0.5*0.057=0.0287

:S i have no ide ahow to find average frictional force from this :S
Physics news on
  • #2
losthelp said:

Homework Statement

A 0.5 kg block is sliding across a table top with an inital velocity of 0.2 m/s. It slides to rest in a distance of 0.7m. Find the average friction force that retracted its motion.


Homework Equations

vavg= vf-vi, then d/vavg= t, then a=vavg/t, then fnet=m*a, bleh that's all i can really think to do now :S

The Attempt at a Solution

vavg= 0-0.2= -0.2
t=d/vavg= .7/-.2= -3.5sec
a= -0.2/-3.5=0.057
fnet= 0.5*0.057=0.0287

:S i have no ide ahow to find average frictional force from this :S

To figure the force you need to figure the deceleration. But you won't find it by using the Average Velocity.

One relationship you can exploit is the Vf2 =Vi2 +2a*x
  • #3
but what would that help me get :S
  • #4
losthelp said:
but what would that help me get :S

You'd think if you had the negative acceleration you might be able to figure the Force that was retarding the block wouldn't you?
  • #5
LowlyPion said:
You'd think if you had the negative acceleration you might be able to figure the Force that was retarding the block wouldn't you?

i probalay would if i had any idea what i was doing. :(
thanks anyways.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Average Frictional Force?

What is average frictional force?

Average frictional force is the force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact. It is the average of the varying amounts of friction that act on an object as it moves across a surface.

How is average frictional force calculated?

Average frictional force is calculated by dividing the total frictional force by the number of times the object is moved across the surface. It is represented by the equation Ff = μN, where Ff is the frictional force, μ is the coefficient of friction, and N is the normal force.

What factors affect the average frictional force?

The average frictional force depends on the coefficient of friction, the normal force, and the nature of the surfaces in contact. Other factors that can affect it include the surface area of contact, the roughness of the surfaces, and the presence of lubricants or contaminants.

How does average frictional force affect motion?

Average frictional force can either help or hinder motion. It can provide the necessary traction for an object to move, as in the case of tires on a road. However, it can also act as a resistance force, slowing down or stopping an object's motion.

Can average frictional force be reduced?

Yes, average frictional force can be reduced by reducing the coefficient of friction, using lubricants, or changing the nature of the surfaces in contact. However, it cannot be completely eliminated as it is a natural phenomenon that occurs whenever two surfaces are in contact.

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