How Do You Calculate Distance and Velocity Using Echo Times?

In summary, the car moves 340 meters in 9.74 seconds. The average velocity is 34.17 meters per second.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A motion detector transmits a click which is reflected off of a moving car. The echo is received by the motion detector after .0026 seconds. the motion detector sends out a second click .1 seconds after the first click. The echo for the seconds click is received after .0031 seconds.

1) How far has the car moved?
2) What is the average velocity?

Homework Equations

v = Vo + at
S = 1/2 (Vo+V)t
U = s/t
S = vt

The Attempt at a Solution

.0026 - .1 = .0974 seconds
.0974 + .0031 = .1005 seconds
340 (Spd of sound m/s) * .1005 = 34.17 meters ??
Velocity ??
Physics news on
  • #2
Are you sure that Doppler Effect does not take place Here??
  • #3
My son and I have posted this question because we have spent all day trying to solve it. The question comes from a basic lab project that deals with displacement and velocity. doppler has not been introduced. I have typed in all the info from the question. The only additional piece to add is that the speed of sound is 340 m/s.
  • #4
Your question can be easily solved by assuming coordinate system(I hope that coordinate axis have been introduced). Assume motion detector lying along X-axis and signal transmitter lying at origin(0,0). Assume car traveling along line y=1(see attachment). Take 2 positions along this line as in your question.Let 1 st position(posn in attachment) be of coordinates (x,1) & second position be (y,1). Calculate distance between 1 and origin using distance formula.Let this be m.
Now (2m/t1)=v
Where t1 is time for first echo(given) and v=velocity of sound.
Similarly calculate distance between second point and origin and let this be n.
Now (2n/t2)=v
Where t2 is time for second echo(given) and v=velocity of sound.

Using 2 equations above calculate x and y individually and again apply distance formula between points (x,1) and (y,1) where we have now found out x & y.

PS:I am no great hands at Drawing and i accept this diagram is filthy.But i hope you understand.


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  • #5

Based on the information given, it is not possible to determine the distance the car has moved or its average velocity. We would need additional information, such as the speed of the car or the time interval between the first and second click, to calculate these values accurately.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Distance and Velocity Using Echo Times?

What is position vs. time?

Position vs. time is a graphical representation of an object's position or location over a period of time. It shows how an object's position changes with respect to time.

How is position vs. time graph created?

A position vs. time graph is created by plotting the position of an object on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The resulting line on the graph represents the object's position over time.

What does a straight line on a position vs. time graph indicate?

A straight line on a position vs. time graph indicates that the object is moving at a constant speed. The slope of the line represents the object's velocity.

What is the difference between position vs. time and velocity vs. time?

Position vs. time shows an object's position over time, while velocity vs. time shows an object's velocity over time. Velocity is the rate of change of position, so the two graphs are related but show different information.

How can position vs. time graphs be used to analyze an object's motion?

Position vs. time graphs can be used to calculate an object's velocity and acceleration at different points in time, as well as its distance traveled and displacement. They can also be used to identify patterns and changes in an object's motion.
