How Do You Calculate Final Pressure in an Expanding Gas Scenario?

  • Thread starter cuddlylover
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In summary, to find the final pressure of an ideal gas with an initial volume of 500 cm3, initial temperature of 20C, and initial pressure of 2 atm when allowed to expand to 1000 cm3 and increase in temperature to 60C, you can use the combined gas law equation and manipulate it by moving the T and V to the other side to isolate P. Remember to convert all units to base units for easier problem solving.
  • #1
PV=nRT Need help asap :)

An ideal gas has an initial volume of 500 cm3, an initial temperature of 20C, and an initial
pressure of 2 atm. What is its nal pressure if the volume is allowed to expand to 1000 cm3
while the temperature increases to 60C?

Im trying to work this out i have got it to 2atm.500cm3/293k = p2.1000cm3/333k but can't work out how to get p2.

If someone could point me the right way would be a big help.
Physics news on
  • #2

Hello cuddlylover

First off, I'd strongly recommened that getting into the habbit converting all figures into base units. This makes things easier for much tougher problem solving questions so:

Convert 2atm would = 2(101325)pa


Lets look the forumla:

I think the forumla you're using is incorrect, in the title, you are using the ideal gas equation. whereas, I think you need the combined gas law which is:
[itex]\frac{PV}{T}[/itex] = k

If you wanted to find P on the right hand side, take T then V to the other side ;)
  • #3

Thanks for that. You where right i was using the combined gas law.

Are you able to give me a little more info on
"If you wanted to find P on the right hand side, take T then V to the other side ;)"

Sorry I am a comp sci major being made to do this :)
  • #4

No worries, we all have our strengths are weaknesses :P

... finish this sentence...

because the T on the right hand side is divided by, on the left and side it will be...

and this one

because the V is being multiplied by on the right hand side, on the left it will be...

Now take the T and the V to the left hand side of the equation
  • #5

cuddlylover said:
Thanks for that. You where right i was using the combined gas law.

Are you able to give me a little more info on
"If you wanted to find P on the right hand side, take T then V to the other side ;)"

Sorry I am a comp sci major being made to do this :)

Since when does a computer science major claim he is unable to do high school chemistry due to his major?
n and r are constants. We see then that
[tex]\frac{pv}{t} = nr[/tex]
This means
[tex]\frac{p_1v_1}{t_1} = \frac{p_2v_2}{t_2}[/tex]
miniradman said:
No worries, we all have our strengths are weaknesses :P

... finish this sentence...

because the T on the right hand side is divided by, on the left and side it will be...

and this one

because the V is being multiplied by on the right hand side, on the left it will be...

Now take the T and the V to the left hand side of the equation

I am pretty sure he is not having problems doing algebra...

miniradman said:
Hello cuddlylover

First off, I'd strongly recommened that getting into the habbit converting all figures into base units. This makes things easier for much tougher problem solving questions so:

Convert 2atm would = 2(101325)pa


Lets look the forumla:

I think the forumla you're using is incorrect, in the title, you are using the ideal gas equation. whereas, I think you need the combined gas law which is:
[itex]\frac{PV}{T}[/itex] = k

If you wanted to find P on the right hand side, take T then V to the other side ;)

The formula is not incorrect. Calling upon an arbitrary manipulation of gas law and renaming it "combined gas law" is just plain confusing. You should just show him the common sense manipulation of gas law.
  • #6

Still not getting it so if i have p1.v1/t1 = p2.v2/t2 i can just more them over to make p1.v2/t2 and that will give me p1?
  • #7

cuddlylover said:
Still not getting it so if i have p1.v1/t1 = p2.v2/t2 i can just more them over to make p1.v2/t2 and that will give me p1?

I'm not sure the answer can be any clearer. Just remember to watch your units.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Final Pressure in an Expanding Gas Scenario?

1. What is the meaning of PV=nRT?

PV=nRT is known as the ideal gas law, where P refers to pressure, V refers to volume, n refers to the number of moles of gas, R is the universal gas constant, and T refers to temperature.

2. How is PV=nRT used in science?

PV=nRT is used to calculate the pressure, volume, temperature, or number of moles of a gas in a closed system. It is commonly used in thermodynamics, chemistry, and other scientific fields.

3. Can you give an example of how PV=nRT is used?

For example, if we have a container with a volume of 2 liters, containing 3 moles of gas at a temperature of 300 Kelvin, we can use the ideal gas law to find the pressure. Using the formula PV=nRT, we can rearrange it to solve for P, which would give us a pressure of 7.2 atmospheres.

4. What are the units for each variable in PV=nRT?

The units for pressure are typically given in atmospheres (atm), volume in liters (L), number of moles in moles (mol), and temperature in Kelvin (K). The universal gas constant (R) has a value of 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K.

5. What are the limitations of PV=nRT?

The ideal gas law assumes that the gas particles have no volume and do not interact with each other. This is not always the case, and at high pressures or low temperatures, the ideal gas law may not accurately predict the behavior of gases. Additionally, it is only applicable to ideal gases and may not work for real gases.

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