How Do You Calculate Final Temperature in a Mixed Material Calorimetry Problem?

In summary, the problem involves finding the final equilibrium temperature when a 10.0 g copper block at 100 degrees Celsius is added to 50.0 g of water at 10.0 degrees Celsius in a calorimeter. Using the equation Qlost = Qgained, the final temperature is found to be 27.5 degrees Celsius.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 0.10 kg piece of copper at an initial temperature of 95(degrees)C is dropped into 0.20 kg of
water contained in a 0.28 kg aluminum calorimeter. The water and calorimeter are initially at 15(degrees)C. What is the final temperature of the system when it reaches equilibrium? (Cp of Copper= 387j/kg X (degrees)C, Cp of Aluminum= 899j/kg X (degrees)C, Cp of water= 4186j/kg X (degrees)C)

Homework Equations

I am homeschooled and unfortunately, when I have problems figuring the physics questions out, such as this one, I have a very hard time understanding what exactly is being done (its not like I can ask the teacher for a better explanation). I try to use common sense but some times it doesn't work out. I have tried looking for examples on the internet and come here only as a last resort. Any help here would be appreciated.

The Attempt at a Solution

Mass of Copper= 0.10 kg Initial Temp.= 95(degrees)C Cp= 387j/kg X 95= 36,765
Mass of Water= 0.20 kg Initial Temp.= 15(degrees)C Cp= 4186j/kg X 15= 62,790
Mass of AL.= 0.28 kg Initial Temp.= 15(degrees)C Cp= 899j/kg X 15= 13,485

Formula I used: [Cp,w X Mw(Tf-Tw)= Cp,c X Mc(Tf-Tc)= Cp,al - Mal(Tf-Tw)]

The first 1/3 works out like this:
62,790 X .2(Tf-15)
62790 X .2Tf -3
(62,787 X .2Tf)=

Second part:
36,765 X .1(Tf-95)
36,765 X .1Tf -9.5
(36,755.5 X .1Tf)=

Final Part:
13,485 X .28(Tf -15)
13,485 X .28Tf -4.2
(13,480.8 X .28Tf)=

62,787 X .2Tf= 36,755.5 X .1Tf= 13,480.8 X .28Tf

From there it was simply a matter of division, subtraction and isolating the Final Temp. or Tf.
I worked it out to:
(39,512.3= 14Tf)

This didn't make sense so I figured that since the answer was in Tf I should then divide it by the original temp., so I added all 3 (95 + 15 + 15) and divided (2822/125).

The answer I came up with is 22.6(degrees)C

Am I even close?
Physics news on
  • #2
Call the final temperature T
0.1kg Cu at 95degC cools to T so energy lost is 0.1kg * 387J/kg/K * (95-T) K
0.20 kg H20 at 15degC warms to T so energy gained = 0.2kg * 4186J/kg/K * (T-15) K
and 0.28kg of Al also warms to T = 0.28kg * 899J/kg/K * (T-15) K

Note the way the temperature terms are different because one is rising to T the temperature difference is positive, the one cooling the temperature difference is negative.

As you said the energy lost by the Cu must equal the energy gained by the Al+H2O
0.1 * 387 * (95-T) = 0.2 * 4186 * (T-15) + 0.28 * 899 * (T-15)
3676.5-38.7T = 837.2T - 12558 + 251.7 T - 3775.8
3676.5 + 12558 + 3775.8 = 837.2T + 251.7 T + 38.7T
20 010 = 1127.6 T, so T = 17.7 deg C
  • #3
Close, but I got a different answer.
For simplicity I worked in degrees Kelvin. I just added 273° to each Centigrade value.
So 95°C becomes 368°K, and 15°C becomes 288°K.
Then I summed all the heat energy before putting in the copper.
(0.1*368*387)+(0.2*288*4186)+(0.28*288*899)=327850,56 joules
I know that at equilibrium this will equal
((0.1*387)+(0.2*4186)+(0.28*899))*FinalTemp°K = 1127,62*FinalTemp°K
And when I've equated these two expressions and solved for FinalTemp I find it is 290,74°K or 17,74°C.
Since you are clearly on your in this I would feel very bad if I've made an error or mislead you so I hope someone else will have a look at this and check both out workings.
  • #4
This is exactly the same method.
There is no need to use Kelvin since we are only concerned with changes in temperature the 1kelvin = 1deg C.
17.74 is a rather optimistic number of decimal places given that you are only told the mass to 2sig figures ( i shoudl have really put 18 but I didn't want to confuse the OP if some answer software didn't accept it)
  • #5
mgb phy
My answer was directed to seanmcgowan. You and I both posted about the same moment. I was not commenting on your post!
I would say my method is simpler and makes just as much physical sense.
You are right about the optimistic number of decimal places.
  • #6
Fair enough, I do think your explanation of the total energy is simpler to follow.
The OP had managed to do the maths - just made a little slip in the signs.
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  • #7
Thanks. so everything was right, i just made a simple mistake in the conversion from the question to writing down the formula?
  • #8
You got the direction of the temperature changes wrong, it has to be different between the thing heating up and the thing cooling down.
So it's either a typo in the equation or a fundamental misunderstanding - depending if you understood this.
  • #9
I misunderstood the textbook. It is hard for me to just read and understand material without somone to explain things further. thank you.
  • #10
I hope everything is clear now.
mgb_phys solved the problem on the basis of
My solution was on the basis of

If the copper you added into the calorimeter had been previously cooled in liquid nitrogen to -196°C then that would have introduced another small complexity. Would you be confident about dealing with that?
  • #11
I don't quite understand. are you replacing the water with nitrogen? or just changing the temperature of the copper? if it were just the temperature change, wouldn't i use the same formula? or would the fact that everything would freeze be problematic?
  • #12
The only extra complexity is that some energy is used to boil the nitrogen, the energy needed to convert a mass of liquid into gas is called the latent heat of vaporisation.
  • #13
Ok, so here is another problem that a friend had, that i helped him with using carid's method and i think i got it right (just wan to be sure I am not messing something up here)

the Question: Find the final eqilibrium temperature when 10.0 g of milk at 10.0 C is added to 1.60 x 10^2 g of coffee with a temperature of 90.0 C. Assume the specific heats of coffee and milk are the same for water (Cp,w = 4.19j/ g*C).

The answer should be 85.29 C, or 85.3 C (when i use sig. figures)

om almost positive this is right, just want to make sure i fully understand what ou guys were saying.
  • #14
Since it's all water you can ignore the specific heat - the c cancels.
So using total energy
10g * c * (10+273)K + 160g* c *(90+273)K = 170g * c *(T+273)K
Rearange and solve for T (the final temperature in Celcius)
Note that you have to use absolute temperatures because you are multipying.

Or you can use the temperature differences. Again c cancels but no need to use absolute temperature because you are only taking the difference.
10g *c * (10-T) = 160g * c *(T-90)

Related to How Do You Calculate Final Temperature in a Mixed Material Calorimetry Problem?

1. What is a calorimeter and how does it measure change in temperature?

A calorimeter is a device used to measure the amount of heat energy released or absorbed during a chemical or physical reaction. It works by containing a known mass of a substance, such as water, and measuring the change in temperature of the substance before and after the reaction. This change in temperature is directly related to the amount of heat energy released or absorbed.

2. How accurate are calorimeters in measuring change in temperature?

The accuracy of a calorimeter depends on various factors, such as the design and construction of the device, the precision of the measuring instruments, and the skill of the operator. Generally, modern calorimeters have a high degree of accuracy and can measure temperature changes to within 0.001 degrees Celsius.

3. Can a calorimeter be used to measure changes in temperature for all types of reactions?

No, a calorimeter is most commonly used for measuring changes in temperature for chemical reactions. It may not be suitable for measuring temperature changes in physical reactions, such as phase changes, as these reactions may not involve the release or absorption of heat energy.

4. How can a calorimeter be calibrated for accurate measurements?

To calibrate a calorimeter, a known amount of heat energy is introduced into the device and the resulting change in temperature is recorded. This known amount of heat is usually provided by a chemical reaction with a known enthalpy change. The measured change in temperature can then be compared to the expected change in temperature, allowing for adjustments to be made to the calorimeter's measuring instruments if necessary.

5. Are there any limitations to using a calorimeter for measuring change in temperature?

One limitation of using a calorimeter is that it can only measure the change in temperature of the substance it contains. It cannot measure the actual temperature of the reaction taking place. Additionally, the process of transferring heat energy to or from the calorimeter may result in some heat loss, which can affect the accuracy of the measurements.

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