How Do You Calculate Final Velocity in a Two-Car Collision Scenario?

In summary, the speaker dropped out of school due to financial problems but returned after 4 years and had to relearn basic physics in Chinese, a language they are not fluent in. They struggled with a problem involving two cars colliding and were unsure why trigonometry functions were used and why mass had to be multiplied with sin 53.1. The responder suggests using the mnemonic "toa cah soh" to remember which function to use and advises establishing which sides are adjacent, opposite, and hypotenuse before applying the formula.
  • #1
I dropped outta school due to financial problems, after 4 years I finally returned back to school and sadly I had to start over some basics of physics(the worst thing about it is they're not in English and in Chinese instead, I'm an asian of course but I grew up speaking english), which I have completely forgotten. I came across this problem with two cars colliding with each other.

Unfortunately the question's in Chinese. And I'd try my best to translate it.

A car 1500kg traveling east at a speed of 25m/s collide with another car(2500kg) traveling north at a speed of 20m/s. Find V final.

So basically, they'd end up moving north east. And that'd be the V final in a y/x graph.


The answer is:

Px initial = 1500 x 25 = 37500kg.m/s
Px final = (4000).Vfinal.Cos(theta)

Px intial = Px final

(1) Hence, 37500 = (4000kg).V final . Cos(theta)

Py inital = 2500 x 20 = 4000kg.m/s
py final = (4000kg).vf.sin(theta)

(2) Hence, 4000kg.m/s = (4000kg).vf.sin(theta)

Then make (2) = (1)

Then u get, tan(theta) = 50000/37500

theta = 53.1 degrees

To find Vf:

Vfinal = 50000/(4000).sin53.1degrees = 15.6m/s


My problems are:

- I sucked at trigonometry functions, I do not get why you'd use sin or cos when finding Px final and Py final. Though I know, Sin = Opp/hyp and Cos = Adj/hyp. So basically if I get similar questions in my previous exams I just tend to use both sin on car A and cos on car B, without knowing the theory behind it.

- So far the first problem didn't made me lose my marks in exam though, my main mistake is, near the end in the solution I've given, I don't get why, mass has to multiply with sin 53.1.

I know for fact V final = momentum/mass


I hope I addressed my problem clear enough for y'all to assist me. Thanks in advance..
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  • #2
Fortunately you're asian- we're taught in my country to remember sine/cosine functions with the phrase "toa cah soh" (big foot woman). Here's how we've been trained to remember which function to use:

TOA: Tangent X = Opposite / Adjacent
CAH: Cosine X = Adjacent / Hypotenus
SOH: Sine X = Opposite / Hypotenus

So if I may draw your attention to a typical inclined plane problem, where mass m slides down a slope of inclination angle X, and you're asked to find the mass's accleration:

We take g to be the hypotenus, the normal force should be the adjacent side to the angle, and the resultant acceleration of the mass should be the opposite side.

Thus, using SOH, acceleration = g sin X

Hope that was helpful to you.

EDIT: I think perhaps you should firmly establish which are the adjacents, opposites and hypotenuses first. Then apply sin/cos formulae.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Final Velocity in a Two-Car Collision Scenario?

1. What is momentum in physics?

Momentum is a measure of an object's motion, determined by its mass and velocity. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

2. How is momentum calculated in a two-car collision?

The momentum of an object is calculated by multiplying its mass by its velocity. In a two-car collision, the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision.

3. What happens to momentum in a two-car collision?

In a two-car collision, the total momentum remains constant. This means that the combined momentum of the two cars before the collision is equal to the combined momentum of the two cars after the collision.

4. How does the mass and velocity of each car affect the momentum in a collision?

The momentum of an object is directly proportional to its mass and velocity. This means that a car with a greater mass or higher velocity will have a larger momentum than a car with a lower mass or velocity.

5. What is the principle of conservation of momentum?

The principle of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant, unless acted upon by an external force. This means that in a two-car collision, the total momentum of the system will remain the same before and after the collision.
