How Do You Calculate Instantaneous Velocity in Vector Animation?

In summary, the conversation discusses a web page designer creating an animation with a dot on a computer screen with a given position equation. The questions ask for the magnitude and direction of the dot's average and instantaneous velocities at different times. The solution involves taking the derivative of the position equation and using the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude and the tangent function to find the direction.
  • #1
Question: A web page designer creates an animation in which a dot on a computer screen has a position of r=[4.0 cm + (2.5 cm/s2)t2)i + [(5.0 cm/s)t]j.

a. Find the magnitude and direction of the dot's average velocity between t=0 and t=2.0s.
b. Find the magnitude and direction of the instantaneous velocity at t=0, t=1.0s, and t=2.0s.

Homework Equations

r=[4.0 cm + (2.5 cm/s2)t2)i + [(5.0 cm/s)t]j.

The Attempt at a Solution

For part A, I had no problem. I found the position at t=0 and t=2 and used the distance formula to find the resultant. I divided that by the time interval, 2 seconds, and got an average velocity of 7.07 m/s at a 45 degree angle. When I checked this with the back of my book, my answer was correct.

For part B, I figured that I would take the derivative of the given equation, which is what I did.

r=(4.0 + 2.5t2)+5t
r'=5t + 5

I'm already unsure about this step; I'm not quite sure what the I and J indicate in the original equation. I thought they meant X and Y, so I also tried splitting up the formula into an x-component and a y-component, but I still did not get the right answer.
For t=0, the answer was 5.0 cm/s, which I think I got just by sheer luck and coincidence. So really, I don't even know how to approach part B of this problem...the answer for t=1.0s is supposed to be 7.1 cm/
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  • #2
kk727 said:
For part B, I figured that I would take the derivative of the given equation, which is what I did.

r=(4.0 + 2.5t2)+5t
r'=5t + 5
Don't forget your unit vectors! :smile:

[tex] r = \left(4.0 + (2.5t^2) \right) \hat \imath + (5 t) \hat \jmath [/tex]

[tex] \dot r = \left( 5t \right) \hat \imath + \left( 5 \right) \hat \jmath [/tex]
I'm already unsure about this step; I'm not quite sure what the I and J indicate in the original equation. I thought they meant X and Y,
Essentially, yes that's right. [itex] \hat \imath [/itex] is the x-component and [itex] \hat \jmath [/itex] is the y-component.
so I also tried splitting up the formula into an x-component and a y-component, but I still did not get the right answer.
Did you remember to use the Pythagorean theorem? For a right triangle with sides a and b, with hypotenuse c,
[tex] c = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2} [/tex]

[tex] \tan \theta = \left( \frac{\mathrm{opposite}}{\mathrm{adjacent}} \right) [/tex]
  • #3
Oh! Completely makes sense now...hahaha, I feel stupid! Thank you for your help, you saying that just made it all click!

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Instantaneous Velocity in Vector Animation?

What is instantaneous velocity?

Instantaneous velocity is the rate of change of an object's position at a specific moment in time. It is the velocity of the object at a particular instant, rather than an average velocity over a period of time.

How is instantaneous velocity different from average velocity?

Average velocity is calculated by dividing the total displacement of an object by the total time taken, while instantaneous velocity is calculated by taking the derivative of the position-time graph at a specific point.

What is the formula for calculating instantaneous velocity?

The formula for calculating instantaneous velocity is v = lim Δt→0 (Δx/Δt), where v is the instantaneous velocity, Δx is the change in position, and Δt is the change in time.

How is instantaneous velocity measured?

Instantaneous velocity can be measured using tools such as a speedometer or by using mathematical calculations based on position and time data.

Why is instantaneous velocity important in science?

Instantaneous velocity is important in science because it allows us to analyze the motion of objects at a specific moment in time. It is particularly useful in studying objects with changing velocities, such as in motion with varying acceleration or in complex systems.
