How Do You Calculate Magnetic Energy Density at an Atom's Center?

In summary: You need to do the work yourself.In summary, the conversation discussed finding the magnetic energy density at the center of an atom due to the motion of one electron orbiting a proton nucleus at a given radius. The conversation includes a suggested approach involving finding the speed of the electron, using Biot-Savart to determine the magnetic field at the nucleus, and using a formula for energy density. The use of Ampere's law is deemed not applicable in this scenario and the individual is encouraged to do the work themselves.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In an atom: suppose one electron orbits the n proton nucleus at radius r . Find the magnetic energy density, in J/m3, at the center of the atom due to the motion of this electron.

NOTE: You can ignore the effect of other electrons in this atom.

Homework Equations

= (N*u_o*I)^2 /2u_o
or=N*(u_o*I)^2 /2u_o

The Attempt at a Solution

Is the number of protons can be treat as the number of turns of the magnetic field, should I plug N inside the parentheses

Since qvB=IBL and I get I=qv/L, and then I use mv^2/r = kqq/r^2 to get the expression of v and plug it in qv/L and finally plug the expression of I in the (N*u_o*I)^2 /2u_o.
Am I on the right track or it is completely wrong?
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  • #2
I am not sure what you were trying to do. Looks like you are trying to use Ampere's law but this is not applicable here.
I suggest:
1. find B at the center of the atom. This involves finding the speed of the rotating electron as it circles around the N-proton nucleus. You now have a curren loop of known parameters (i and r) centered on the nucleus.
2. Use Biot-Savart (or your textbook, probably) to determine B at the nucleus.
3. Use your formula for energy density.
  • #3
rude man said:
I am not sure what you were trying to do. Looks like you are trying to use Ampere's law but this is not applicable here.
I suggest:
1. find B at the center of the atom. This involves finding the speed of the rotating electron as it circles around the N-proton nucleus. You now have a curren loop of known parameters (i and r) centered on the nucleus.
2. Use Biot-Savart (or your textbook, probably) to determine B at the nucleus.
3. Use your formula for energy density.

Thank you for the reply. And Yes, I was trying to use Ampere's law. But why it is not applicable here? I though electron is moving in a circular path, so it supposes to be symmetrical? And when you said "You now have a current loop of known parameters (i and r) centered on the nucleus", how do I know the current?
  • #4
While Ampere's law is valid for any closed path pierced by the loop, the B field around it is not at all constant, so you cannot say that ∫B dl = B 2πr even though ∫B dl = μi is correct. So you can't evaluate B at any point around your path. Also, why did you include N in the Ampere formula?

Figure out what the speed of the orbiting electron is around the loop. Then i = dq/dt at any point on the electron's orbit.
  • #5
can someone show work for this problem please
  • #6
rude man said:
While Ampere's law is valid for any closed path pierced by the loop, the B field around it is not at all constant, so you cannot say that ∫B dl = B 2πr even though ∫B dl = μi is correct. So you can't evaluate B at any point around your path. Also, why did you include N in the Ampere formula?

Figure out what the speed of the orbiting electron is around the loop. Then i = dq/dt at any point on the electron's orbit.
can u please show work ?
  • #7
kerlos said:
can u please show work ?
No, as The Prisoner (old TV show) was told, "That would be telling".
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FAQ: How Do You Calculate Magnetic Energy Density at an Atom's Center?

What is magnetic energy density?

Magnetic energy density is a measure of the amount of magnetic energy per unit volume of a magnetic field. It is a property of a magnetic field that describes the amount of energy that is stored within a given volume of space.

How is magnetic energy density calculated?

Magnetic energy density can be calculated using the equation U = ½μH^2, where U is the magnetic energy density, μ is the permeability of the material, and H is the magnetic field strength. This equation shows that the magnetic energy density is directly proportional to the square of the magnetic field strength.

What factors affect magnetic energy density?

The magnetic energy density of a magnetic field is affected by the strength of the magnetic field, the size of the magnetic field, and the material it is passing through. It is also affected by the orientation of the magnetic field and the distance from the source of the magnetic field.

Why is magnetic energy density important?

Magnetic energy density is important because it is a fundamental property of magnetic fields and is used in various applications, such as in the design of motors, transformers, and generators. It also plays a role in understanding and predicting the behavior of magnetic materials.

How is magnetic energy density related to other forms of energy?

Magnetic energy density is closely related to other forms of energy, such as electric energy and kinetic energy. It can be converted into these forms of energy and vice versa through various processes, such as electromagnetic induction and the movement of charged particles in a magnetic field.
