How Do You Calculate Maximum Velocity and Height for a Rocket Launch?

In summary, the rocket is launched from the origin with an acceleration of 20m/s^2 at an angle of 30.0 degrees above the horizontal. The launch acceleration lasts for 2.00 seconds at which time the fuel is exhausted and the rocket then falls with an acceleration of 9.80m/s^2 downward, ignoring air resistance. The maximum velocity in the upward direction is either 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0 or 40.0m/s. The maximum height reached is either 22.3, 27.5, 30.5, 36.7 or 40.4m. The time it takes to reach this maximum
  • #1
Jimmy Rose
Ok I've been trying to do a problem and I can't seem to get it.
A rocket is launched from the origin with an acceleration of 20m/s^2 at an angle of 30.0 degrees above the horizontal. The launch acceleration lasts for 2.00 seconds at which time the fuel is exhausted. The rocket then falls with an acceleration of 9.80m/s^2 downward.
-Ignoring air resistance.

What is the maximum velocity in the upward direction?
I used: final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time
Which putting in the values I got: Vf = 0 + (20(sin30))(2) = 20m/s
I also have another way
Vf = 20(sin30) + (9.8)(2) = 29.6m/s
I don't know which one is right if either
Here are the answers selections: (a) 20.0 (b) 25.0 (c) 30.0 (d) 35.0 (e) 40.0
He might or might have not rounded them.

The next question I can't even begin
What is the maximum height?
I use the equation y = Vi + 1/2at^2 and I don't get the correct answer
Here are the answers selections: (a) 22.3 (b) 27.5 (c) 30.5 (d) 36.7 (e) 40.4

I’m so frustrated I want to bit my head off especially since its multiple choices.
Please in need of Help.
Physics news on
  • #2
I believe that at least one of your two answers for part one is right.

For part two, first calculate the height reached from the start of its motion until the time its fuel is used up (ie. the time it attains the velocity you calculated in part one). Let this height be H1.

The rocket does not start falling the moment its fuel is used up. From that moment, it will have a constant downward acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, but it continues to go up because it has an upward velocity at that point. It will slow down, because of the downward acceleration, and after some additional time will its vertical velocity be 0 m/s. Only then will it start to move downward.

So first you need to find the additional time it takes for its vertical velocity to reach 0 m/s, then plug that time into the formula y = Vi + 1/2at^2. Let this be height be H2.

Finally, add H1 and H2.
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  • #3
The equation you used is correct. But the values you subsituted are incorrect. We can use the equation v= u+ at where v-final velocity,u-initial velocity,a-acceleration. Here final velocity is zero because after reaching the maximum height the velocity becomes zero and then started to fall downwards.
So 0= u + 20*2
i.e., u = 40m/s
the maximum height h=u*u*sin30*sin30/2*g
i.e., h=40*40*sin30*sin30/2*9.8 = 20.4m
  • #4
Okay I got 20 meters from H1 using y = 1/2 (Vf + Vi)t
y = 1/2 (20m/s + 0) 2 = 20m/s
But how would you suggest in getting the second Height.
Would this be right: Vi = 20m/s, Vf = 0, a = 9.8, y=?.
First need time before I could use y = Vit + 1/2 at^2
Vf = Vi +at
0 = 20 + 9.8t
This is where I'm stuck because how do get time from here.
It would have to be around -1.03. That doesn't really make sense to me.
  • #5
Sreeja Mobin:
Thanks but how did you get 40m/s.
And for the second equation are all the selected answers incorrect because if that's true I really didn't stand a chance lol.
  • #6
Jimmy Rose said:
But how would you suggest in getting the second Height.
Would this be right: Vi = 20m/s, Vf = 0, a = 9.8, y=?.
First need time before I could use y = Vit + 1/2 at^2
Vf = Vi +at
0 = 20 + 9.8t
This is where I'm stuck because how do get time from here.

In part 1, you used "final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time" to compute the final velocity given an initial velocity, an acceleration and a time. So you can use that same formula to compute a time given a new initial velocity (ie. the final velocity you computed in part one), the downward acceleration 9.8 m/s2, and the final velocity 0 at the top of its trajectory.
  • #7
atyy said:
In part 1, you used "final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time" to compute the final velocity given an initial velocity, an acceleration and a time. So you can use that same formula to compute a time given a new initial velocity (ie. the final velocity you computed in part one), the downward acceleration 9.8 m/s2, and the final velocity 0 at the top of its trajectory.

I'm sorry but terribly confused.
What is time though because to use "final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time" to find initial velocity you need time.
Because I tried to find time but it came out weird like -1.03 when I used
Vf = Vi +at
0 = 20 + 9.8t
  • #8
Jimmy Rose said:
I'm sorry but terribly confused.
What is time though because to use "final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time" to find initial velocity you need time.
Because I tried to find time but it came out weird like -1.03 when I used
Vf = Vi +at
0 = 20 + 9.8t

What would you get if you considered the acceleration to be in the opposite direction as your new initial velocity?
  • #9
atyy said:
What would you get if you considered the acceleration to be in the opposite direction as your new initial velocity?

Time would be 1

Vf = Vi +at
0 = -9.8 + 9.8t
Is that what you meant?
Because I would get a negative in Max height if Vi was downward acceleration.
  • #10
Jimmy Rose said:
Vf = Vi +at
0 = 20 + 9.8t

I was thinking that 20 is upwards, but gravity is downwards.

  • #11
Vf = Vi + at
0 = 20 + -9.8t
t = 2.04s

y2 = Vit + 1/2at^2
y2 = 20(2.04) + 1/2(-9.8)(2.04)^2
y2 = 20.4m

y1(20) + y2(20.4) = yfinal (40.4m)
and the third question is time it took to get there?
Which the initial 2 plus the additional 2.04 = 4.04sec which is on the answer selection.
Thanks just one more thing if not too much trouble.
What is the X distance (range) when the rocket hits the ground?
(a) 153m (b) 166m (c) 187m (d) 205m (e) 230m
All I could come up with is Vi = 0, ax=0m/s^2
  • #12
Jimmy Rose said:

Well, glad you're happy. :smile: BTW, hope it makes sense to you, since it certainly doesn't to me - I'm a biologist and haven't done these problems in years. :devil:

Jimmy Rose said:
Thanks just one more thing if not too much trouble.
What is the X distance (range) when the rocket hits the ground?
(a) 153m (b) 166m (c) 187m (d) 205m (e) 230m
All I could come up with is Vi = 0, ax=0m/s^2

In your solution to part one, you got the vertical component of the acceleration. You could also consider the horizontal component of the acceleration. Again, remember that there are two parts to the trajectory, each with a different acceleration.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Maximum Velocity and Height for a Rocket Launch?

1. What is the formula for calculating maximum velocity and height?

The formula for calculating maximum velocity and height is: v = v0 + at and h = h0 + v0t + ½at2, where v is the final velocity, v0 is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, h is the final height, h0 is the initial height, and t is the time.

2. How does mass affect maximum velocity and height?

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that a larger mass will require a greater force to achieve the same acceleration as a smaller mass. Therefore, a larger mass will result in a lower maximum velocity and height compared to a smaller mass.

3. What is the role of air resistance in calculating maximum velocity and height?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that opposes the motion of an object through air. This means that as an object moves faster, the air resistance acting upon it increases. As a result, air resistance can limit the maximum velocity and height that an object can reach by counteracting the force of gravity.

4. How does the angle of launch affect maximum velocity and height?

The angle of launch, also known as the angle of elevation, can significantly affect the maximum velocity and height of an object. The optimal angle for maximum height is 45 degrees, as this angle produces the most efficient balance between the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity. However, the optimal angle for maximum velocity may vary depending on the specific circumstances and goals of the launch.

5. How can we improve maximum velocity and height?

There are several ways to improve maximum velocity and height, such as reducing air resistance by streamlining the object, increasing the initial velocity, and decreasing the mass of the object. Additionally, launch angle, launch surface, and launch environment can also be optimized to achieve the desired maximum velocity and height. Conducting experiments and analyzing data can help determine the most effective methods for improving maximum velocity and height.
