How Do You Calculate Microstates for a Constrained Spin System?

In summary, the two systems of spin 1/2 paramagnets with 8 and 6 paramagnets respectively, have a total of 3003 accessible microstates when the energy constraint forces the total number of spins pointing up to be 6 in the combined system. This is calculated by considering all possible combinations of spins pointing up in the two systems, resulting in a table with 7 rows and a total of 3003 microstates.
  • #1
Consider 2 systems of spin 1/2 paramagnets, which may point either up or down wrt a magnetic field. The first system contains 8 paramagnets and the second contains 6 paramagnets.

Suppose the energy of the combined system is constrained such that the total number of spins pointing up in the 2 systems is forced to be 6. Make a table of the possible values of n (no. of paramagnets pointing up, in 1st system) and m (no. of paramagnets pointing up, in 2nd system) and the number of microstates of the combined system for each case. By summing the entries of your table, obtain the total number of accessible microstates subject to the energy constraints.

This is what I've done so far:

m | n | accessible microstates
6 | 0 | (6C6) x (8C0) = 1
5 | 1 | (6C5) x (8C1) = 48
4 | 2 | (6C4) x (8C2) = 420
3 | 3 | (6C3) x (8C3) = 1120
2 | 4 | (6C2) x (8C4) = 1050
1 | 5 | (6C1) x (8C5) = 336
0 | 6 | (6C0) x (8C6) = 28

Total no. of accessible microstates = 3003.

I'm not sure whether or not my method for working out the no. of accessible microstates is right.
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  • #2
Can someone please check it and explain if it's wrong?

Your calculations are correct. To understand why, we need to consider the physical significance of each entry in the table.

In this scenario, the two systems of spin 1/2 paramagnets are combined into one larger system with a total of 14 paramagnets. The energy constraint forces the total number of spins pointing up to be 6 in the combined system. This means that the remaining 8 spins must be pointing down.

So, when we consider the first row of the table (m=6, n=0), we are essentially looking at a scenario where all 6 spins in the first system are pointing up and all 8 spins in the second system are pointing down. This is represented by the combination (6C6) x (8C0), which gives us a total of 1 possible microstate.

Similarly, in the second row (m=5, n=1), we have 5 spins pointing up in the first system and 1 spin pointing up in the second system. This can be achieved in (6C5) x (8C1) ways, giving us a total of 48 possible microstates.

By summing up all the entries in the table, we are essentially considering all possible combinations of spins pointing up in the two systems that satisfy the energy constraint. This is why the total number of accessible microstates is given by the sum of all the entries in the table, which is 3003 in this case.

In conclusion, your method for calculating the number of accessible microstates is correct. It is important to understand the physical significance of each entry in the table in order to correctly interpret the results.
  • #3
Can someone check it for me?

Your method for calculating the number of accessible microstates is correct. The formula for calculating the number of microstates for a given system is given by the binomial coefficient, which you have correctly used in your table. The total number of accessible microstates for the combined system is obtained by summing the entries in your table, which gives the correct answer of 3003. Good job!

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Microstates for a Constrained Spin System?

1. What is statistical physics?

Statistical physics is a branch of physics that uses statistical methods and concepts to study the behavior of large collections of particles, such as atoms and molecules. It aims to understand and predict the macroscopic properties of matter and how they arise from the microscopic behavior of individual particles.

2. How is statistical physics different from classical physics?

Statistical physics differs from classical physics in that it takes into account the random behavior of particles at the microscopic level. Classical physics, on the other hand, describes the behavior of macroscopic objects in a deterministic manner.

3. What are the key concepts in statistical physics?

The key concepts in statistical physics include entropy, temperature, and energy. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system, while temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system. Energy is the ability to do work and is conserved in physical systems.

4. What are some applications of statistical physics?

Statistical physics has many applications in different fields, such as thermodynamics, materials science, and astrophysics. It is used to understand and predict the behavior of gases, liquids, and solids, as well as the properties of complex systems such as biological systems and networks.

5. What are some common statistical physics models?

Some common statistical physics models include the Ising model, which is used to study phase transitions in magnetic materials, and the Boltzmann distribution, which describes the distribution of particles in a system at thermal equilibrium. Other models include the ideal gas model, the Van der Waals model, and the lattice gas model.
