How Do You Calculate Tan A Using Slide Times t1 and t2 on a Smooth Wedge?

In summary, the wedge and particle slide down a horizontal incline for a given time. The time of sliding is inversely proportional to the mass of the wedge.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A smooth wedge, whose central cross-section is a triangle ABC, right-angled at C, rests with the face containing AB on a smooth horizontal plane. When the wedge is held fixed, a particle released from rest, takes a time t1 to slide the full length of CA. The corresponding time for CB is t2. Show that tan A = t2/t1, and find AB in terms of t1 and t2. If the mass of the wedge is n times that of the particle and the wedge is free to move, show that the time of sliding down CA becomes [tex]t_{1}\sqrt{1-\frac{t^{2}_{1}}{(n+1)(t^{2}_{1}+t^{2}_{2})}}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I take "Show than tan A = t2/t1" to mean that the distance of BC/AC is t2/t1, which is correct, right? I let angle A be theta.

So in this case, [tex]S_{BC} = \frac{g}{2}cos(\vartheta)t^{2}_{2}[/tex], while [tex]S_{AC} = \frac{g}{2}cos(90-\vartheta)t^{2}_{1}[/tex] which is also [tex]S_{AC} = \frac{g}{2}sin(\vartheta)t^{2}_{1}[/tex].

But how do I simplify it to t2/t1, without the square on both numerator and denominator?

Edit: Okay I got it, thanks for looking! :D
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  • #2
How do I solve the 2nd part?
  • #3
  • #4
hi fterh! :wink:
fterh said:
If the mass of the wedge is n times that of the particle and the wedge is free to move, show that the time of sliding down CA becomes …

hint: the centre of mass is stationary (no horizontal external forces), so the ratio of the speeds is … ? :smile:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
hi fterh! :wink:

hint: the centre of mass is stationary (no horizontal external forces), so the ratio of the speeds is … ? :smile:

inversely related to the ratio of the masses? I'm thinking, due to Newton's third law, the horizontal component of the normal force acting on the particle is equal to the horizontal force acting on the wedge in the opposite direction.

So F=ma, m_particle * a_particle = m_wedge * a_wedge, and since v=at, at any time the ratio of the speeds will be inversely related to the ratio of the masses. :D Am I right?
  • #6
hi fterh! :smile:
fterh said:
So F=ma, m_particle * a_particle = m_wedge * a_wedge, and since v=at, at any time the ratio of the speeds will be inversely related to the ratio of the masses. :D Am I right?

yes and no :smile:

there is no horizontal external force (there is a vertical external force), so only the horizontal components of velocity will be inversely related to the ratio of the masses …

you'll need to adjust the particle's horizontal component to find the particle's total speed :wink:
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
hi fterh! :smile:

yes and no :smile:

there is no horizontal external force (there is a vertical external force), so only the horizontal components of velocity will be inversely related to the ratio of the masses …

you'll need to adjust the particle's horizontal component to find the particle's total speed :wink:

What after that? :/
  • #8
then you find the particle's acceleration down the slope, and from that you find the time that the question asks for :wink:

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Tan A Using Slide Times t1 and t2 on a Smooth Wedge?

1. What are Newton's laws of motion?

Newton's laws of motion are three fundamental principles that describe the behavior of objects in motion. The first law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. The second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. The third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

2. How do Newton's laws of motion apply to everyday life?

Newton's laws of motion apply to everyday life in many ways. For example, the first law explains why objects stay in place unless a force is applied to them, such as why a book stays on a table until someone picks it up. The second law helps explain why heavier objects require more force to move them, such as pushing a car versus pushing a bicycle. The third law explains why we feel a recoil when shooting a gun or why we feel a push back when jumping off a diving board.

3. Can you give an example of each of Newton's laws of motion?

Yes, an example of the first law is a ball rolling along a flat surface. It will continue to roll at a constant speed unless a force, such as friction, slows it down. An example of the second law is a person pushing a shopping cart. The heavier the cart is, the more force is needed to move it. An example of the third law is a rocket taking off. The rocket exerts force in one direction, and the exhaust gases exert an equal force in the opposite direction, propelling the rocket upward.

4. How do Newton's laws of motion relate to each other?

Newton's laws of motion are interconnected and build upon each other. The first law is necessary for the second law to make sense, as it explains the concept of inertia. The second law is necessary for the third law to make sense, as it explains how forces act on objects. All three laws work together to explain the behavior of objects in motion.

5. What are some real-life applications of Newton's laws of motion?

Newton's laws of motion have many practical applications in everyday life. They are essential in fields such as engineering, architecture, and sports. They are also used in the design of vehicles, such as cars, airplanes, and rockets. In addition, understanding these laws helps in predicting and preventing accidents, such as car crashes, and in designing safety equipment, such as seatbelts and airbags.
