How Do You Calculate the Acceleration of a Mass in a Pulley System?

  • Thread starter rk2658
  • Start date
In summary: Soax=ayAdd the two equations to eliminate T1, then substitute for T2, leaving you with an equation in a, ax, and ay.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A mass M1 of 3kG is suspended from one corner by a fixed rope, 1, and from another corner by a rope, 2 which passes over a pulley and is connected to a mass M2 of 2kG, and
suppose that at time t = 0 both masses are at rest and the angles made by the
ropes are each π/4 = 45 degrees. Neglect friction in the pulley and the mass of the rope.
This situation is not stable. The blocks will start to move. Please determine the
acceleration of mass 1.

A picture of this is on this page

Homework Equations

F= ma

The Attempt at a Solution

Okay so I was able to break up to the forces for both masses.

For the mass of 3 kgs:
Fy= (T1+T2)sin(45) - 30= 3ay
Fx= (T2-T1)cos(45)= 3ax

For the mass of 2 kgs:
Fy=T1-20= 2a

Also since the accelerations of both masses must be the same I know that:
ay^2 + ax^2 =a ^2

Also I'm supposed to use the fact that since one rope is attached to a wall it doesn't move so that the distance traveled only really happens with pulley.

I don't know what to do from here, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Physics news on
  • #2
rk2658 said:
Okay so I was able to break up to the forces for both masses.

For the mass of 3 kgs:
Fy= (T1+T2)sin(45) - 30= 3ay
Fx= (T2-T1)cos(45)= 3ax

so replace these in the above equations.

For the mass of 2 kgs:
Fy=T1-20= 2a

using this result, substitute for T1 in the above pair of equations

And you are left with 2 equations in 2 unknowns. Solve for a.
  • #3
why is ax=ay= a cos(45) ?
  • #4
rk2658 said:
why is ax=ay= a cos(45) ?
Your question has caused me to look at this more closely. I'm not completely confident that I have it right, even now.

Fixed by a rope on the left, the C of G of M1 is constrained to swing in an arc about that fixed rope's anchor point. With the geometry of the diagram, M1's tangential motion currently is along a 45 deg line.

While I think you had it right when you wrote:
Also since the accelerations of both masses must be the same I know that:
ay^2 + ax^2 =a ^2
it is too general an expression, and turns out to be insufficient [for me] to solve for a. It doesn't include everything we know about ax and ay.

Subtract the two equations to eliminate T2. Then substitute for T1, leaving you with an equation in a, ax, and ay.
Fy= (T1+T2)sin(45) - 30= 3ay
Fx= (T2-T1)cos(45)= 3ax
It looks like it's almost solvable using ay2 + ax2=a2, but is difficult. But if you set horiz and vert components of a to be equal, it's easy.
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  • #5

Dear student,

Thank you for reaching out for help with your homework. Figuring out pulleys can be challenging, but with some guidance, you can solve this problem successfully.

To begin, let's consider the forces acting on each mass. For the mass of 3 kg, as you correctly identified, there are two forces: the tension in rope 1 and the tension in rope 2. These forces act in opposite directions and are balanced by the weight of the mass, mg = 30 N. As you noted, we can break these forces into their x- and y-components. In the x-direction, the forces are balanced, so we have:

(T2-T1)cos(45)= 0

Solving for T2, we get T2=T1. This means that the tensions in both ropes are equal in magnitude.

In the y-direction, the forces are not balanced, so we have:

(T1+T2)sin(45) - 30 = 3ay

Substituting T2=T1, we get:

2T1sin(45) - 30 = 3ay

We also know that the acceleration in the y-direction is equal to the acceleration in the x-direction (since the ropes are connected to the same mass), so we can rewrite this equation as:

2T1sin(45) - 30 = 3ax

Now, let's look at the forces acting on the mass of 2 kg. We have the tension in rope 1 and the weight of the mass, mg = 20 N. Again, we can break these forces into their x- and y-components. In the y-direction, the forces are balanced, so we have:

T1 - 20 = 2a

And in the x-direction, the force is balanced, so we have:

T1cos(45) = 0

Solving for T1, we get T1=0.

Now, we can use this value of T1 in our equation for the y-direction to find the acceleration of the mass of 2 kg:

0 - 20 = 2a

Solving for a, we get a = -10 m/s^2. This negative sign indicates that the mass is accelerating downward.

Finally, we can use this value of a in our equation for the x-direction to find the acceleration of the mass of 3 kg:

2T1sin(45) -

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Acceleration of a Mass in a Pulley System?

1. How do pulleys work?

Pulleys work by using a grooved wheel and a rope or cable to lift or move heavy objects. The rope is threaded through the groove of the wheel, and when one end of the rope is pulled, the object on the other end is lifted or moved.

2. What are the different types of pulleys?

There are three main types of pulleys: fixed, movable, and compound. Fixed pulleys are attached to a stationary object and change the direction of the force. Movable pulleys have one end of the rope attached to a fixed point, and the other end attached to the object being moved. Compound pulleys combine fixed and movable pulleys to create a mechanical advantage, allowing for easier lifting of heavy loads.

3. How do I calculate the mechanical advantage of a pulley system?

The mechanical advantage of a pulley system is calculated by dividing the output force (the weight being lifted) by the input force (the force applied to the rope). For example, if you use a pulley system to lift a 100-pound object with an input force of 20 pounds, the mechanical advantage would be 100/20 = 5. This means that you only have to apply 20 pounds of force to lift the 100-pound object.

4. Can I use multiple pulleys to increase the mechanical advantage?

Yes, using multiple pulleys in a compound system can increase the mechanical advantage and make it easier to lift heavy objects. The mechanical advantage is equal to the number of ropes supporting the object, so the more ropes used, the higher the mechanical advantage will be.

5. What are some real-world applications of pulleys?

Pulleys are used in many different industries, including construction, transportation, and manufacturing. Some common examples of pulleys in action include elevators, cranes, and zip lines. They are also used in everyday objects, such as blinds and window shades, to make everyday tasks easier.
