How Do You Calculate the Charges on Two Pieces After a Split?

In summary, a charged object with a total charge of 25 microcoulombs breaks into two pieces and the force of repulsion between the pieces is 1000 Newtons when they are 3cm apart. Using the equations E=F/qtest = k(qa)/r^2 and F = k(qa)(qb)/r^2, with k = 9*10^9, it is determined that the charges on the two pieces are approximately 4*10^-6 and 2.5*10^-5 coulombs. This results in a total charge of 25 microcoulombs, satisfying the principle of conservation of charge.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a charged object having 25 microcoulombs on it breaks into two pieces. if the force of repulsion between the two pieces i 1000Newtons when the pieces are 3cm apart, what is the charge on each piece? assume pieces act as a point charges

Homework Equations

E = F/qtest = k(qa)/r^2 where F is the attractive/repulsive force

F = k(qa)(qb)/r^2 where k is 9*10^9, qa is charge of one piece, qb is charge of other piece, r is the radius between pieces

The Attempt at a Solution

firstly, do i assume the parts broken into are the same size/charge as each other? i don't think so, correct?

basically i used the second eq and set F = 1000, r = 0.03m, k = 9*10^9 and solved for qa in terms of qb

i then used the first eq and subbed in F =1000, qtest = 25*10^-6 coulombs and set that equal to kqa/r^2, where i subbed in what i got from the second eq in for qa and solved for qb

i got 2.5*ac^-5 coulombs for qb, i used qb in the second eq and got a qa of 4*10^-6

i know i did something wrong because when i sum the charges of each piece, qa and qb, i get less than the entire charge value given (25 microcoulombs). i get a sum of 2.9*10^-5 coulombs

is my approach even close, help appreciated...
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  • #2
OK you starting from the right place, but I think you making this more complicated than it has to be:


The problem is that you have two variables, q_a and q_b.

HINT: Can you plug in and expression for q_b in terms of q_a in the above equation using what you know? Think conservation of charge. If so, you should then be able to solve for q_a, and thus, q_b using the expression you used previously.
  • #3
how about substituting in (25*10^-6 - q_a) in for q_b where 25*10^-6 is 25 microcoulombs?

when i subbed that in for q_b the eq you gave produced a quadratic equation in terms of q_a, i did the quadratic formula and got 225415.9 and -415.9

i'm not too sure on units because it is coulombs that is impossible... help?


actually i incorrectly calculated the quadratic eq, for q_a i got 1.99*10^-5 and 5.05*10^-6 coulombs, which one do i use for q_a? I'm guessing the second one...

well i chose correctly because when i subbed that value back in and solved for b i got 1.98*10^5
so q_a + q_b = 2.5*10^-5 =25*10^-6 = 25 microcoulombs
1.98*10^-5 + 5.05*10^-6 = 2.5*10^-5

YES correct!

Thanks so much G01
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  • #4
Anytime. Good Job! :smile:

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Charges on Two Pieces After a Split?

1. What is particle charge?

Particle charge is a fundamental property of matter that refers to the amount of electric charge carried by a particle. It can be positive, negative, or neutral.

2. How is particle charge determined?

Particle charge is typically determined through experiments that measure the interaction between particles and electric or magnetic fields. By measuring the direction and strength of the particle's movement in the field, scientists can calculate its charge.

3. What tools are used to determine particle charge?

Some of the tools used to determine particle charge include electric fields, magnetic fields, and particle accelerators. These tools allow scientists to observe and measure the movement of particles, which can then be used to calculate their charge.

4. Can particle charge change?

Yes, particle charge can change through various processes such as gaining or losing electrons or being exposed to strong electric or magnetic fields. In some cases, particles can even change their charge by colliding with other particles.

5. Why is determining particle charge important?

Determining particle charge is crucial in understanding the behavior and interactions of matter. It allows scientists to predict how particles will behave in different environments and plays a crucial role in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering.

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