How Do You Calculate the Compression of a Spring When a Block is Dropped on It?

In summary, the conversation revolved around two physics problems involving potential energy and force. The first problem dealt with finding the maximum compression of a spring when a block is dropped onto it, while the second problem involved calculating the greatest force on a vine during a swing. There was some discussion about the correct formula for the first problem, with the final formula being \frac{1}{2}kx^2 = mg(h+x). A minor error was also corrected in the initial equation. In the second problem, there was some disagreement about whether there was enough information to solve for the velocity at the lowest point of the swing, but ultimately it was determined that there was enough information to do so.
  • #1
This is my first post, so please forgive any mistakes I might have made. I am having a little difficulty with these 3 problems. Any push would be much apperciated. Thanks!

1. A 2.0 kg block is dropped from a height of 80 cm onto a spring of force constant k = 1960 N/m, as shown in Fig. 12-19. Find the maximum distance the spring will be compressed.
I figured that energy due to gravity must equal the energy of the spring - in other words, ky^2/2 = mgy.

2.Tarzan, who weighs 655 N, swings from a cliff at the end of a convenient vine that is 21 m long (Fig. 12-21). From the top of the cliff to the bottom of the swing, he descends by 3.2 m. The vine will break if the force on it exceeds 950 N. What is the greatest force on the vine during the swing?
I figure that greatest force will be when the force of gravity adds up with the force of the circuluar motion. However, I do not believe there is enough information to compute the velocity of the swing.
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  • #2
Hi there James and welcome to PF,

You're answer to question one is spot on, just a minor point however you stated the equation as 1/2ky2 = mgy; this is not correct because the compression of the spring will not equal the height from which the block was dropped, you're equation should be 1/2kx2 = mgy where x is the compression. As for question two, there most certainly is enough information to calculate the velocity at the lowest point, which is where the tension will be greatest. Think about potential energy.

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  • #3
Just wondering, why would it be kx^2 since the work done if the spring is stretch or compressed is = 1/2(k)(x)^2 which is the gain in kinetic energy of the block from the drop?
  • #4
al_201314 said:
Just wondering, why would it be kx^2 since the work done if the spring is stretch or compressed is = 1/2(k)(x)^2 which is the gain in kinetic energy of the block from the drop?

Ahh, sorry thank you for the correction al. I just missed the half off by accident :blushing: . I have duely recitified my error.

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  • #5
On the first one, I've tried solving for the equation 1/2ky2 = mgy, which worked out to be x = sqrt(2mgy/k). Plugged in all the numbers sqrt((2*2*9.8*.8)/1960), and I got .12649, which did not work.
  • #6
jamesm113 said:
On the first one, I've tried solving for the equation 1/2ky2 = mgy, which worked out to be x = sqrt(2mgy/k). Plugged in all the numbers sqrt((2*2*9.8*.8)/1960), and I got .12649, which did not work.

I apologise, I forgot to add on the additional potential energy loss due to the spring compressing. The formula should be;

[tex]\frac{1}{2}kx^2 = mg(h+x)[/tex]

The block will lose additional potential energy when the spring is compressed. If you expand the above expression out, you should obtain a quadratic equation in terms of x.

Apologies for the mix up. Do you undersand where the formula come from? The (h+x) is the height from which the ball was dropped plus compression of the string, which represents the total loss of potential energy.

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Related to How Do You Calculate the Compression of a Spring When a Block is Dropped on It?

1. What is potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy stored in an object or system due to its position, shape, or state.

2. How is potential energy different from kinetic energy?

Potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position, while kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy and vice versa.

3. What are the different types of potential energy?

The different types of potential energy include gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, chemical potential energy, nuclear potential energy, and electric potential energy.

4. How is potential energy related to work?

Potential energy is related to work through the work-energy theorem, which states that the change in an object's kinetic energy is equal to the net work done on the object. This means that when work is done on an object, its potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy.

5. How can potential energy be calculated?

The amount of potential energy an object has can be calculated using the formula: potential energy = mass x gravity x height. The specific formula used will depend on the type of potential energy being calculated.
