How Do You Calculate the Cube Length of Packed Silicon Atoms?

  • Thread starter camrysedan92
  • Start date
In summary, a student at Colorado State University is seeking help with a practice test problem involving silicon atoms and their mass and diameter. They are specifically trying to find the length of a cube formed by 1000kg of silicon atoms. The answer is 0.75 meters, but the student is unsure how to arrive at this answer. They have been asked to show their attempts and where they are stuck in order to receive assistance.
  • #1
First off, I am glad to be a newbie to the forum. I am a freshman at Colorado State University who is undeclared with a mechanical engineering concentration. In my Chemistry 111 class, I have been practing a practice test online, but the last problem I can't get right. Can anybody show me how to do it? Don't worry about cheating or anything, it is only a practice test and not worth any points.

A silicon atom-diameter 2.7X10 to the negative 10 meters, and a mass of 4.7X10 to the negetive 23rd grams. they are packed into a cube. What is the length of the cube formed by 1000kg of silicon atoms, packed this way?

the answer is 0.75 meters, but I can't get there, is the problem.
Chemistry news on
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi camrysedan92! welcome to pf! :smile:

(try using the X2 icon just above the Reply box :wink:)
camrysedan92 said:
A silicon atom-diameter 2.7X10-10 meters, and a mass of 4.7X10-23 grams. they are packed into a cube. What is the length of the cube formed by 1000kg of silicon atoms, packed this way?

show us what you've tried, and where you're stuck, and then we'll know how to help! :wink:
  • #3
Hint: try figuring out how many silicon atoms are in 1000 kg of silicon.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Cube Length of Packed Silicon Atoms?

1. How do I convert units of measurement?

To convert units of measurement, you need to know the conversion factor between the two units. Multiply the value in the original unit by the conversion factor to get the value in the desired unit. For example, to convert kilograms to pounds, you would multiply the value in kilograms by 2.20462.

2. What is the difference between metric and imperial units?

Metric units are based on the International System of Units (SI) and are used in most countries around the world. They include units such as meters, grams, and liters. Imperial units, on the other hand, are based on historical British units of measurement and are still used in the United States and some other countries. They include units such as feet, pounds, and gallons.

3. How do I convert between metric and imperial units?

To convert between metric and imperial units, you can use conversion factors or conversion tables. You can also use online conversion calculators or conversion apps. It is important to double check your conversions to ensure accuracy.

4. Are there any common conversion mistakes to avoid?

Yes, there are a few common conversion mistakes to avoid. These include using the wrong conversion factor, forgetting to convert units of measurement, and rounding off too early in the conversion process. It is also important to pay attention to unit prefixes, such as milli- and kilo-, to ensure accurate conversions.

5. Do I need to convert units for scientific calculations?

Yes, it is important to convert units for scientific calculations to ensure accurate and meaningful results. Using the wrong units or forgetting to convert units can lead to errors in calculations and affect the validity of your data. It is also important to use consistent units throughout a calculation or experiment.
