How Do You Calculate the Expulsion Force in a Bellow Simulation?

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  • Thread starter Orochi663
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In summary, the conversation discusses the formulation of the thrust force in a simulation of a bellow. Factors such as the rate of change of distance between the handles, the angle from gravity, the diameter of the escape nozzle, and the viscosity of the atmospheric and containing fluids are considered. The speaker is seeking a correct solution for calculating the force by which the fluid is expelled from the bellow. The direction of the nozzle and the force of gravity are also mentioned as potential factors. The speaker mentions using a Navier-Stokes solver for fluid flow and is seeking to find the velocity of liquid particles escaping from a container. The effects of varying the thrust force on the bellow are also discussed.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
How does a bellow work especially
a. if it is not filled with air
b. If the outer atmosphere is not air but another fluid.
I am developing simulation of bellow, but as i am not a physics grad so far i have come to this formulation:
The thrust force from which it escapes when bellow handles are pushed are proportional to:

1. Rate of change of distance between the handles. that is the rate at which the volume of container decreases.
2. Angle from g. (From Downward)
3. diameter of escape nozzle.
4. viscosity of atmospheric fluid resistance. (for resistance that will be developed when the fluid is expelled out in the containing atmosphere)
5. viscosity of containing fluid.

But I know for sure that results are not accurate. Can someone please point me to the correct solution of formulation of Force by which the fluid will be expelled out of the bellow.

I will be thankful.
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  • #2
If you have information to calculate the rate at which the volume is decreasing, then you can calculate the velocity through the nozzle (by knowing its area). That is, if you assume the fluid is incompressible, you can use continuity (rate of change in stored fluid = rate of fluid leaving via nozzle).

Alternate, if you know the force on the bellows handles you could calculate the pressure exerted on the fluid (via the area of the 'paddles'); then use Bernoulli to relate this pressure to the discharge nozzle velocity.
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Likes scottdave
  • #3
hmm, thanks. So how does the force will be affected by the escape nozzle size ?
  • #4
Force applied to the fluid by the piston will equal the rate of change of momentum of the escaping fluid. Assume it starts off stationary and you have all you need to know for an estimate.
  • #5
hmm Thanks. I am just confused now on direction of bellow, i.e. if nozzle is bigger the fluid escaping will have less momentum than when the nozzle is smaller. Also if the nozzle is pointing downwards the gravity will also contribute to escaping fluid force.

So how to add direction of nozzle and force of gravity into the formulation
So far i got: Fs = ((p-P) /D ) dV/dt

where D = diameter of escaping nozzle
dV/dt = rate of change of volume. // Force applied will change volume of Bellow
p = density of fluid in bellow. // Constant
P = density of fluid in the atmosphere. // Constant

  • #6
Orochi663 said:
Thanks. I am just confused now on direction of bellow, i.e. if nozzle is bigger the fluid escaping will have less momentum than when the nozzle is smaller
You have not carefully specified what is being held constant as you vary the nozzle size.

If you are squeezing the bellows with a known force (creating a fixed pressure difference), the exhaust velocity will be independent of nozzle size.

If you are squeezing the bellows at a known rate (creating a fixed volumetric flow rate), the exhaust velocity will depend on nozzle size.

From the original post, it seems that a known force is applied. The nozzle size does not affect exhaust velocity but does affect volumetric flow rate.
  • #7
@Orochi663 , do you know how to calculate liquid flow through a hole in the side of a tank? perhaps you should work through that simpler problem first.
  • #8
@gmax137 i am using a navier stokes solver (Joe Stam's) for fluid flow in the container, I am using the thrust as Force the pressure of squeezing the bellow that is exerted on each particle with respect to distance from nozzle.
  • #9
@jbriggs444 Thanks
Well during the simulation every thing can be varied to see the affect. The constant force when applied over an actual bellow the distance the water travel varies with the diameter of nozzle and the direction of bellow and follow something like a projectile motion. Hence i am quite sure i am missing something in here. I guess if i can find out the velocity of liquid particle escaping from a container then i will be done. So i am not sure how direction will come into play i.e. i know it must be a something like a Cos(theta) between Fg and nozzle direction. But not sure.
  • #10
Can you please tell me how thrust force can affect the bellow...?
i.e. if thrust force is in large quantity so then what should we do...?
  • #11
vasim rangrej said:
Can you please tell me how thrust force can affect the bellow...?
i.e. if thrust force is in large quantity so then what should we do...?
You are asking this question in a two year old thread. It would be better in its own thread.

As I understand it, you ask what happens if we push harder on a bellows. Answer: the air comes out faster.
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Likes vanhees71 and sophiecentaur
  • #12
You got that one out of a Christmas cracker, I bet.
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Likes vanhees71

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Expulsion Force in a Bellow Simulation?

1. What is the physics behind bellow force calculation?

The physics behind bellow force calculation involves the principles of fluid mechanics and gas laws. When a bellow is compressed, the volume of gas inside decreases, causing an increase in pressure. This pressure difference creates a force that can be calculated using the equation F = PA, where F is the force, P is the pressure difference, and A is the surface area of the bellow.

2. How is the force of a bellow affected by its size and shape?

The force of a bellow is directly proportional to its size and shape. A larger bellow with a larger surface area will have a greater force, while a smaller bellow will have a smaller force. The shape of the bellow also plays a role, as a bellow with a larger diameter will have a greater force than one with a smaller diameter.

3. What other factors can affect the force calculation of a bellow?

Aside from size and shape, other factors that can affect the force calculation of a bellow include the material it is made of, the temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment, and the amount of gas or air inside the bellow. These factors can impact the pressure difference and therefore the force of the bellow.

4. How can I accurately measure the force of a bellow?

To accurately measure the force of a bellow, you will need to know the pressure difference and the surface area of the bellow. The pressure difference can be measured using a pressure gauge, and the surface area can be calculated by measuring the diameter of the bellow and using the formula A = πr², where A is the surface area and r is the radius of the bellow.

5. Can bellow force calculations be used in real-world applications?

Yes, bellow force calculations have many real-world applications. They are commonly used in pneumatic and hydraulic systems, such as air compressors and hydraulic presses. Bellow force calculations are also important in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing, where precise force measurements are necessary for the design and operation of various equipment and machinery.
