How Do You Calculate the Force on Different Faces of an L-Shaped Water Tank?

In summary, the problem involves a filled L-shaped tank open at the top, with the task of calculating the force due to the water on two different faces. The formulas used are F=PA and P-Pi=ρgh, where P is pressure, A is surface area, Pi is initial atmospheric pressure, ρ is density, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The first part involves a horizontal face, where pressure is constant and the force is calculated using the formula F=pghd^2. The second part involves a vertical face, where pressure varies with depth and the force is calculated by evaluating pressure and integrating it from one height to another. The final formula is F_p = Pwh|^{h=3d
  • #1

Homework Statement

The L-shaped tank shown in Fig. 14-33 is filled with water and is open at the top. If d = 3.24 m, what is the force due to the water (a) on face A and (b) on face B?


Homework Equations

i know that F=PA (where P is pressure and A is surface area)
P-Pi= ρgh (where ρ is desnity and Pi is initial atmospheric pressure)

The Attempt at a Solution

Other than those formulas, i don't know what else i need. But i can't see how i have enough information to use those formulas. I don't know how i would calculate initial atmospheric pressure or desnity without them being given.
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  • #2
The problem says it's filled with water, so you should have the density of that.

As for atmospheric pressure ... look it up.
  • #3
okay so atmospheric pressure and water density i know now (didn't know that I was supposed to know those at the top of my head)...but i still don't know what to do with this problem...i know i somehow need to integrate something, but don't know what...really need guidance on this one
  • #4
Pressure varies by depth. And is constant along anyone level of water.

So P= pgh is already evaluated, and A= w*h. where 'w' = width. so if it varies along the vertical direction how would your equation for force look like?
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  • #5
okay, first tihng I'm confused with...should pressure not be p=p(atmospheric) +pgh?

i used this to get p=(1.013e5)+(1000)(9.8)(6.48)=164804
and then since p=F/A...(164804)(10.4976)=F
so F=1730046.47 N

is that not correct for part A? i would not be surprised if its wrong lol
  • #6
If the tank is fully exposed to the atmosphere, then we can say atmospheric pressure acts on both sides of all the surfaces. So any effect of it is canceled out.
  • #7 you mean, since it is putting pressure on the walls from the outside as well? so that it doesn't matter if the top is open?
  • #8
No it wouldn't matter if the top is open, as long as the pressure above the water surface is atmospheric, and the pressure outside the tank is atmospheric also.

Since pressure always acts normal to any surface, there will be no effect of the atmospheric pressure force since it is acting on both the inside and outside of the tank.

Edit: from your diagram this would appear so, especially since no extra information about an additional pressure acting on any surface is given.
  • #9
ok i see! so then, p=(1000)(9.8)(6.48)=63504...yes?

and then how would i go about part B? I'm pretty sure i need to integrate, so would i integrate F=pA=pghd^2 from d=0 to 3.24?? does tha make sense because I'm kinda guessing?...
  • #10
Since pressure varies with depth, wouldn't force vary with depth also? Since at anyone level the pressure and thus the force remains constant. Look at post #4 again.
  • #11 i would integrate pressure? so integrate pgh from h=2d to 3d?? and then whatever my answer is multiply it by the area?
  • #12
No you already evaluated it. pgh is already an integral evaluated (Specifically it is [tex]\int_0^H (\rho g) dh[/tex] Where H= final height).

So let P=pgh - which you already calculated. then all you're left with is [tex]\int_0^H (Pw) dh[/tex] , (Where w = width and dh is your differential height)
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  • #13
i'm very sorry, I'm still you said, the pressure would be different as you vary the hieght...but how did i already evaluate pgh? because for part a, the face was horizontal so it didn't vary, but for part B the face is vertical so I'm still not sure what do do for its pressure? and then in ur final formula, how did you get Pwdh??

sorry if you feel like ur spoon feeding here, I'm just so confused!
  • #14
Pressure at h = 2d is ρgh. Take a small strip length d and width dh on face B.
Force on this strip df = ρgh*d*dh. d remains constant throughout B.
So the total force = ρgd*Intg.h*dh from h = 2d to h = 3d.
  • #15
In part A pressure is constant since the surface is at one height, so your Force acting on that is [tex]\rho g (2d) d^2[/tex] In part b as we said the force is not constant along this surface! since it encompasses a depth 2d - 3d. So you have to evaluate pressure [tex]\rho g h|^{2d}_{3d}[/tex].

And since force again varies with depth because pressure is NOT the same when you change height! so let [tex]P = \rho g h|^{h=3d}_{h=2d}[/tex] (i e. pressure evaluated from height 3d to height 2d!), you now need to evaluate force in a similar fashion.

Thus we get [tex]F_p = Pwh|^{h=3d}_{h=2d}[/tex]

PS. I edited the integrals in post 12 to be clearer

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Force on Different Faces of an L-Shaped Water Tank?

1. What is the difference between force and pressure?

Force is a measure of the push or pull on an object, while pressure is the force per unit area that is exerted on a surface. In other words, force is a vector quantity that describes the strength and direction of a push or pull, while pressure is a scalar quantity that describes how much force is applied over a given area.

2. How does fluid pressure change with depth?

Fluid pressure increases with depth due to the weight of the fluid above. This is known as hydrostatic pressure and is described by the equation P = ρgh, where P is pressure, ρ is the density of the fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the depth.

3. What is Pascal's principle and how does it relate to fluids?

Pascal's principle states that when pressure is applied to a confined fluid, the pressure change is transmitted equally to all points in the fluid. This is why hydraulic systems work - the pressure applied at one point is transmitted to all other points in the fluid. This principle is also the basis for many everyday objects, such as hydraulic car brakes and jacks.

4. How does viscosity affect fluid flow?

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. In general, fluids with higher viscosity will flow more slowly than fluids with lower viscosity. This is because the molecules in high viscosity fluids are more tightly packed together, making it harder for them to move past each other. Viscosity is an important factor to consider in fluid dynamics, as it can greatly impact the speed and efficiency of fluid flow.

5. How is Bernoulli's principle applied in everyday life?

Bernoulli's principle states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases. This principle is applied in many everyday objects, such as airplane wings, where the shape of the wing causes air to move faster over the top, creating lower pressure and allowing the plane to lift. It is also applied in the design of carburetors, which use the principle to mix fuel and air for an engine.
