How Do You Calculate the Magnitude of a Resultant Vector from Multiple Forces?

In summary, the conversation is about finding the magnitude of the resultant of a series of vectors. The vectors are given in different directions and the individual is seeking help on how to approach the problem. The suggested steps are to draw a diagram and resolve each of the forces. The individual also expresses their struggle with understanding physics and asks for more specific guidance. A resource is provided for further information on resolving forces.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the magnitude of the resultant of the following series of vectors.

120N, North
190N, 60 degrees East of North
70N, 10 degrees East of South
150N, 45 degrees South of West

I have similar questions like these and not sure how to answer them, if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
Start by drawing a diagram with all the forces, draw the 4 directions and then sketch the forces.

Try resolving each of the forces.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply, but physics is totally new to me and I've been online to try to teach myself but I'm having no luck...can you be more specific.
  • #4
See here for more information about resolving forces.
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first converting all the given vectors into Cartesian coordinates. This will allow us to add them together and find the resultant vector.

To convert the given vectors into Cartesian coordinates, we can use the following equations:

- For the North and South components: N = cos(theta) * magnitude and S = -cos(theta) * magnitude
- For the East and West components: E = sin(theta) * magnitude and W = -sin(theta) * magnitude

Using these equations, we can calculate the Cartesian coordinates for each of the given vectors:

- 120N, North: (0, 120)
- 190N, 60 degrees East of North: (95*sqrt(3), 95)
- 70N, 10 degrees East of South: (7*tan(10), -70)
- 150N, 45 degrees South of West: (-150*sqrt(2)/2, -150*sqrt(2)/2)

Now, we can add these coordinates together to find the resultant vector:

R = (0 + 95*sqrt(3) - 150*sqrt(2)/2, 120 + 95 - 70 - 150*sqrt(2)/2)
= (95*sqrt(3) - 150*sqrt(2)/2, 95 - 150*sqrt(2)/2)

To find the magnitude of this resultant vector, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

|R| = sqrt((95*sqrt(3) - 150*sqrt(2)/2)^2 + (95 - 150*sqrt(2)/2)^2)
= 166.3 N

Therefore, the magnitude of the resultant is 166.3 N. I would also suggest double-checking the calculations and using appropriate units for the final answer.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Magnitude of a Resultant Vector from Multiple Forces?

What is the "magnitude of the resultant"?

The magnitude of the resultant refers to the size or strength of the overall vector or force resulting from the combination of two or more individual vectors or forces.

How is the magnitude of the resultant calculated?

The magnitude of the resultant is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square of the resultant's magnitude is equal to the sum of the squares of the individual vector magnitudes.

What does a high magnitude of the resultant indicate?

A high magnitude of the resultant indicates a strong overall force or vector resulting from the combination of individual forces or vectors. This could be due to either a large individual vector magnitude or the alignment of multiple vectors in the same direction.

Can the magnitude of the resultant be negative?

No, the magnitude of the resultant is always a positive value. Negative values may result when calculating the components of the resultant, but the magnitude itself is always positive.

How does the direction of individual vectors affect the magnitude of the resultant?

The direction of individual vectors can greatly affect the magnitude of the resultant. When two vectors are aligned in the same direction, their magnitudes are added together, resulting in a higher magnitude of the resultant. However, when two vectors are in opposite directions, their magnitudes are subtracted, resulting in a lower magnitude of the resultant.
