How Do You Calculate the Median of a Geometric Distribution?

In summary: Anyway, the method I gave is OK as long as the median interval shrinks to a single point; if you look at the graph of the cdf you can even see why it works: at the median M we have F(M) < 1/2 and F(M+1) > 1/2. If you imagine drawing the graph y = F(x), but with vertical line segments inserted at the jump points, then the solution of the equation 1/2 = F(x) is at the point M where the vertical segment from F(M) to F(M+1) cuts the value 1/2; that is, it is at the point M where F(M) < 1/2 and
  • #1

Homework Statement

How do you find the median of the geometric distribution?

Homework Equations

M is median if P(X>=M) >= 1/2 and P(X<=M)>=1/2.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have found this inequality using the geometric series:
(m-1)*log(1-p) >= 1/2
Physics news on
  • #2
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Max.Planck said:

Show your work; your answer is wrong, but until I see what you did I cannot see how to help you fix it.

  • #4
P(X>=M) =[tex] \sum_{k=M}^{\infty}p(1-p)^{k-1} = p(1-p)^{M-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(1-p)^k = (1-p)^{M-1}[/tex]

Now I set:

[tex] (1-p)^{M-1} >= 1/2 \implies (M-1)log(1-p) >= log(1/2) \implies M >= log(1/2)/log(1-p)+1[/tex]

Now for the other part:
P(X<=M) = 1-P(X>M) =
[tex]1-\sum_{k=M+1}^{\infty}p(1-p)^{k-1} = 1-(1-p)^M[/tex]

Now I set:

[tex] 1-(1-p)^{M} >= 1/2 \implies (M)log(1-p) <= log(1/2) \implies M <= log(1/2)/log(1-p)[/tex]

Is this correct and how do I combine these solutions?
  • #5
Max.Planck said:
P(X>=M) =[tex] \sum_{k=M}^{\infty}p(1-p)^{k-1} = p(1-p)^{M-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(1-p)^k = (1-p)^{M-1}[/tex]

Now I set:

[tex] (1-p)^{M-1} >= 1/2 \implies (M-1)log(1-p) >= log(1/2) \implies M >= log(1/2)/log(1-p)+1[/tex]

Now for the other part:
P(X<=M) = 1-P(X>M) =
[tex]1-\sum_{k=M+1}^{\infty}p(1-p)^{k-1} = 1-(1-p)^M[/tex]

Now I set:

[tex] 1-(1-p)^{M} >= 1/2 \implies (M)log(1-p) <= log(1/2) \implies M <= log(1/2)/log(1-p)[/tex]

Is this correct and how do I combine these solutions?

You have the >= and <= backwards: you need P{X >= M} <= 1/2, etc. The way I would do it is to find a continuous solution of (1-p)^(m-1) = 1/2, then take M = ceiling(m), where ceiling(w) = smallest integer >= w.

  • #6
Ray Vickson said:
You have the >= and <= backwards: you need P{X >= M} <= 1/2, etc. The way I would do it is to find a continuous solution of (1-p)^(m-1) = 1/2, then take M = ceiling(m), where ceiling(w) = smallest integer >= w.


Actually it is P(X>=M) >= 1/2 and P(X<=M) >= 1/2. See
  • #7
Max.Planck said:
Actually it is P(X>=M) >= 1/2 and P(X<=M) >= 1/2. See

If that is what the article says, it is wrong. I suggest you look in a real book.

  • #8
Ray Vickson said:
If that is what the article says, it is wrong. I suggest you look in a real book.


It also says here in my book, however, the way you described it seems to lead to the right answer...
  • #9
Fix typos
Max.Planck said:
It also says here in my book, however, the way you described it seems to lead to the right answer...

Actually, My statement may have been a bit harsh: saying "not useful" rather than "wrong" may have been better.

The point is that there is a bit of an issue defining the "median" for some discrete cases, and some sources regard entire intervals [a,b] as the median when F(a) = 1/2 (and b > a is the next point in the distribution). Other sources define the median as the solution of the optimization problem min_m E|X-m|; that would lead to a median interval in some cases. I think it is better to deal with strict inequalities: the interval [Mmin,Mmax] (Mmin <= Mmax) is a median interval if P{X < Mmin} < 1/2 and P{X > Mmax } < 1/2. Of course, if Mmin=Mmax= M we have P{X>M} < 1/2 and P{X<M} <1/2. Some books and papers would say that we must pick a particular point, so would reject the median-interval notion, but would choose a point M in [Mmin,Mmax] in some way. If you do that , it would be false to say P{X<M}<1/2 and P{X>M} < 1/2.

Anyway, the method I gave is OK as long as the median interval shrinks to a single point; if you look at the graph of the cdf you can even see why it works: at the median M we have F(M) < 1/2 and F(M+1) > 1/2. If you imagine drawing the graph y = F(x), but with vertical line segments inserted at the jump points, then the solution of the equation 1/2 = F(x) is at the point M where the vertical segment from F(M) to F(M+1) cuts the value 1/2; that is, it is at the point M where F(M) < 1/2 and F(M+1) > 1/2. You would get this same value by joining up the points (j,F(j)) by a smooth curve y = H(x) (with H(j) = F(j) for all j) and then rounding up the solution x of 1/2 = H(x).

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FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Median of a Geometric Distribution?

1. What is a median geometric distribution?

A median geometric distribution is a probability distribution that represents the number of trials needed to obtain the first success in a series of independent Bernoulli trials, where the probability of success remains constant and is denoted by p. The median is the value that divides the distribution into two equal parts, with 50% of the values falling below the median and 50% above.

2. How is a median geometric distribution different from a regular geometric distribution?

While both distributions represent the number of trials needed to obtain the first success, a median geometric distribution takes into account the probability of success, whereas a regular geometric distribution assumes a probability of success of 0.5 for all trials. This means that the median geometric distribution can have a different shape and median value depending on the value of p.

3. What is the formula for calculating the median of a geometric distribution?

The formula for calculating the median of a geometric distribution is ceil(log(0.5)/log(1-p)), where p is the probability of success. This formula assumes that p is less than 0.5, otherwise the median would be infinite.

4. How is a median geometric distribution used in real-life scenarios?

A median geometric distribution can be used to model the number of trials needed to achieve a certain outcome in various scenarios, such as the number of attempts needed to win a game, the number of attempts needed to solve a puzzle, or the number of attempts needed to successfully complete a task. It can also be used in risk analysis and quality control to estimate the probability of a certain outcome occurring within a given number of trials.

5. What are the limitations of using a median geometric distribution?

One limitation is that it assumes a constant probability of success for each trial, which may not always be the case in real-life scenarios. Additionally, it is only applicable for discrete data and cannot be used for continuous data. It also assumes that the trials are independent, which may not always be true if there are external factors that can affect the outcome of each trial.

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