How Do You Calculate the Surface Area of a Helix?

In summary: I will try to use more concise language in the future.Yes, Ruber, I got it. Thank you for the inputs.
  • #1
Hi Forum,
Just wanted to ask how to compute surface area of a helix x =cos t, y =sin t, z=t by integration
Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
I think what you described sounds more like a contour. Normally, you would find the length of that. Is there some way you can define the surface?
  • #3
yeah, you need another way to define the surface, also in this case you must specify the range of ##t##, I suppose it is finite.
  • #4
If you are looking for the contour length, that follows the simple formula:
## \int_{t_0}^{t_{final}} \sqrt{ \left( \frac{dx}{dt}\right)^2 +\left(\frac{dy}{dt}\right)^2+\left(\frac{dz}{dt}\right)^2 } \, dt##
Which for initial time = 0, and final time = t, should give you a contour length of ## L = t\sqrt{2}##
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Likes Legolaz
  • #5
Thank you Ruber.
I already figured out Area would be just = ∫∫ rdr dθ
  • #6
Legolaz said:
Thank you Ruber.
I already figured out Area would be just = ∫∫ rdr dθ
This doesn't make any sense. A helix is essentially a one-dimensional curve in three-dimensional space. A helix doesn't have "area".
  • #7
Yes it does. See figure left, where the ball slides on the surface.
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  • #8
A helix doesn't rotate, unlike what is shown in your animation. The helix in your OP, x = cos(t), y = sin(t), z = t, just sits there.
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  • #9
Stay focus on the topic about helix surface area. The rotation is just a representation of the area. Equation(x=cost, y=sint, z=t) is the ideal equation for a helix.
  • #10
There are a few things to consider here.
1) In the graphic you posted, there was a central pole with radius R1, which I assume would not contribute to the area you are interested in. The outer radius of your "ideal" equation is 1, since the plot traces the unit circle. The shape you are interested is the surface traced from (R1cos t, R1sin t , z ) to (cos t, sin t, t) as t goes from A to B.
2) You still have not described the total height you are interested.
3) If you consider the interior radius R1 to be zero, then you are tracing a unit circle every 2pi units in t. So...the area of the helix is T/2pi where T = B-A, the total interval length in T. Of course, you could scale this using the simple area of a circle formula for different radii.
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Likes Legolaz
  • #11
Yes, Ruber, I got it. Thank you for the inputs.
  • #12
Legolaz said:
Stay focus on the topic about helix surface area.
I am focussed on the topic. I understand what you're trying to find, but the problem shouldl have been stated differently, maybe something like this: "A helical screw whose edge is described by x = cos(t), y = sin(t), and z = t, rotates about its central axis. Find the area of the cylinder swept by this screw."

Additional information about the length of the screw is needed, as RUber points out.
Legolaz said:
The rotation is just a representation of the area. Equation(x=cost, y=sint, z=t) is the ideal equation for a helix.
  • #13
Yes, i apologize for the lacking info Mark44 and do understand my english, simply because its not my native tongue, it sounds rude and inappropriate sometimes though.

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Surface Area of a Helix?

1. What is the formula for calculating the surface area of a helix?

The formula for calculating the surface area of a helix is A = π x r x (r + √(h² + r²)), where A is the surface area, r is the radius of the helix, and h is the height of one complete turn of the helix.

2. How does the pitch of the helix affect its surface area?

The pitch of the helix, which is the distance between each complete turn, does not directly affect the surface area. However, a larger pitch may result in a longer helix, which would increase the surface area.

3. Can the surface area of a helix be negative?

No, the surface area of a helix cannot be negative. It is a measure of the total area of the curved surface of the helix and cannot have a negative value.

4. How is the surface area of a helix different from the surface area of a cylinder?

The surface area of a helix is different from the surface area of a cylinder because a helix has a curved surface, while a cylinder has a flat surface. The formula for calculating the surface area of a cylinder is 2πr² + 2πrh, where r is the radius and h is the height, while the formula for a helix includes the additional factor of the height of one complete turn.

5. What are some real-life applications of calculating the surface area of a helix?

The surface area of a helix is used in various fields such as engineering, architecture, and biology. It can be used to determine the amount of material needed to construct a helical structure, such as a spiral staircase or DNA molecule. It is also used in the design of helical heat exchangers and in medical imaging techniques such as helical CT scans. Additionally, calculating the surface area of a helix is important in understanding the structure and function of proteins and other biological molecules.

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